Chapter 491 Xu Hexi is Angry!

The one-week deadline Xu Hexi gave has already passed, and Nie Qianqian has never figured out how to tell Xu Hexi that she and Mo Shangqian have signed a contract, and there are additional terms.

"Boss, it's not an option for you to hide it like this. Mr. Xu will know about the contract sooner or later. You might as well die early, let alone Mr. Xu won't do anything to you?" Allen sat on the ground On the blanket, she propped her chin with one hand and said to Nie Qianqian.

Nie Qianqian gave Ai Lun a blank look. She naturally understood this truth, but ever since she came back from having dinner with Mo Shangqian that day, Xu Hexi seemed to be in a bad mood and didn't talk to herself very much. When Xu Hexi talked about this matter, seeing his gloomy face, he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Boss, the interior decoration of Shangqian Group's QQ building is about to start. Mr. Xu will know sooner or later. The one-week deadline Mr. Xu gave you has already passed. I think you should tell him earlier, otherwise When he learns about this from others, he will definitely be even angrier." Sitting opposite Nie Qianqian, Catherine also suggested.

Nie Qianqian glanced at the two of them, and finally decided, "Well, I also think it's better to tell Xiaoxi about this matter earlier, and I'll go now!" Nie Qianqian left under the uneasy eyes of Allen and Catherine room for the two of them.

It is only one step away from Catherine's room to Nie Qianqian's room. Nie Qianqian, who was still swearing in front of Irene and Catherine, was about to be punctured by a balloon after she came out of their room. It was leaked that when she reached her room, Nie Qianqian already wanted to retreat a bit.

Nie Qianqian walked up and down the door of her room, never daring to open the door. In just ten minutes, she thought of countless reasons to explain to Xu Hexi, but she always felt that something was wrong.

Xu Hexi originally wanted to go to Alan's room to find Nie Qianqian, but when he opened the door, he saw Nie Qianqian's clothes were in a panic, walking up and down the door, muttering something, and he didn't even notice when he was standing at the door .

"Qianqian, are you here?" Xu Hexi leaned against the door frame, crossed his hands on his chest, and asked with a doting smile on his face.

The sudden voice of Xu Hexi made Nie Qianqian slightly startled, then she stopped and looked at Xu Hexi, and immediately walked up to Xu Hexi with a smile on her face and said uneasy: "Well, Xiaoxi, there is something I want to tell you, but I want you to promise me first, you must, must not be angry, okay?" In any case, Nie Qianqian thinks it is better to get Xu Hexi's guarantee first.

Xu Hexi looked at Nie Qianqian, and said thoughtfully: "It depends on what it is?" He didn't know what it was, but looking at Nie Qianqian's appearance, it should be something that has troubled her for a long time.

Nie Qianqian looked at Xu Hexi, as if there were two villains fighting in her heart, one said: "Look, Xiaoxi will definitely be angry, so don't talk about it!"

The other said: If you don't say it now, he will know sooner or later, it's better to say it now!
Seeing Nie Qianqian staring at him, Xu Hexi walked up to Nie Qianqian, stretched out his hand to look at her and said, "Okay, I'm not angry, can you talk now?"

Nie Qianqian was very happy to see Xu Hexi say this, but neither of them saw someone secretly taking pictures of this scene with a camera not far away.

Nie Qianqian pulled Xu Hexi back to the room. They couldn't just stand in the corridor and talk about this matter. Xu Hexi let Nie Qianqian pull her and walked towards the sofa. Then Nie Qianqian pressed Xu Hexi on the sofa. Then he half squatted in front of him, held his hand tightly and said, "Xiaoxi, actually I never told you that when I met Mr. Mo that day, the contract for the design project had already been signed!"

When Xu Hexi heard this, he couldn't help being very happy. He pulled Nie Qianqian to sit beside him, held Nie Qianqian's hand a little excitedly, and asked, "Really? That's good, we can prepare to go back to Italy now." Already!"

Nie Qianqian looked at Xu Hexi's happy face, and she didn't dare to say what she said next, but if she didn't say it now, Xu Hexi might take her back to Italy tomorrow. Nie Qianqian was heartbroken, and then said: "But, President Mo has an additional condition, that is, I will supervise the project until the renovation of the building is completed!" Nie Qianqian's voice became smaller and smaller, she didn't dare to look into Xu Hexi's eyes, but felt that the hand holding her was getting looser and looser. Until you let go of your hand.

Xu Hexi looked at Nie Qianqian, and couldn't believe what he heard just now. He knew that Mo Shangqian planned all of this, but Xu Hexi didn't know why Nie Qianqian signed the contract.

"Did you sign the contract?" Xu Hexi's voice came from the top of Nie Qianqian's head. It was cold and without any warmth. Nie Qianqian's heart couldn't help but tighten. Xu Hexi had never talked to herself in such a tone in the past five years. It seems that this Really angry for the first time.

Nie Qianqian nodded slightly, but still didn't dare to look at Xu Hexi's appearance. Xu Hexi gently lifted Nie Qianqian's chin and looked into her eyes. Nie Qianqian was forced to meet Xu Hexi's eyes. She looked at Xu Hexi's angry face, and The coldness in her eyes made her slightly taken aback, such Xu Hexi made her feel very strange.

"Qianqian, do you know how long this project will take? When is our wedding date?" Xu Hexi looked at Nie Qianqian with a questioning tone in his voice.

Although Nie Qianqian didn't want to make Xu Hexi sad, many things were unavoidable. She met Xu Hexi's eyes and explained: "I know, I know everything, but Xiaoxi, you also know that the Shangqian Group case means a lot to me. What? Mo Shangqian said that if I don't agree to the additional terms, I won't agree to our Xingchen case, you know how much I care about this case, I'm sorry, Xiaoxi, I know this is very unfair to you, I I swear, when this case is over, I will make it up to you, really!" Nie Qianqian raised her fingers as if to swear, but Xu Hexi still looked at her in pain.

"It turns out that I'm not as good as a case in your heart!" Xu Hexi let go of Nie Qianqian powerlessly, stood up, opened the door and left the room. Looking at Xu Hexi's determined back, Nie Qianqian knew that she had really gone too far this time. He got up and chased after him, but Xu Hexi was nowhere to be seen...

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