Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 463 Did You Admit The Wrong Person?

Chapter 463 Did you recognize the wrong person?

"Zhao Tezhu, go and have a look. Secretary Chen and Zheng are fighting with someone in the Sanhao meeting room?" Mo Shangqian and Zhao Tezhu were on their way to meeting room No. [-], when Annie from the secretary's room ran to them Said hurriedly in front of him.

Annie is the secretary of the company that has been working for four years. Today she came back from the outside and saw Chen Xinyi and Mai Mai in a hurry, thinking that something happened to the president's office. After following up, she saw the two of them in the third meeting room (Actually, it's just Annie's misreading!) Fearing that Mai Mai and Chen Xinyi would suffer, she hurried to find Chen Xinyi's boyfriend Zhao Tezhu, but didn't expect the president to be there.

"What?" Zhao Tezhu asked suspiciously.Then he looked at Mo Shangqian and said, "Isn't the CEO No. [-] meeting room someone from Xingchen?"

Mo Shangqian didn't say anything, and walked towards meeting room No. [-], followed by Zhao Tezhu, but he didn't understand why Chen Xinyi fought with Xingchen's people?

When Mo Shangqian and Zhao Tezhu arrived, Chen Xinyi was facing away from them, shrugging her shoulders, as if she was crying. Zhao Tezhu hurried up, seeing Chen Xinyi's face full of tears, thinking she was What a loss, she looked at the person in front of her with a stern look in her eyes, and was about to ask questions, but was deeply stunned, the words she was about to say were choked in her throat.

"Miss Nie?" Special assistant Zhao's voice startled Mo Shangqian who was standing at the door and kept out of the matter. Chen Xinyi turned to look at Mo Shangqian and said, "President, Qianqian is back, really back !"

The moment Chen Xinyi turned around, Mo Shangqian and Nie Qianqian looked at each other for more than five years, 1892 days, 45408 hours, 2724480 minutes, 163468800 seconds.Mo Shangqian didn't know how he got through it, and Nie Qianqian was standing in front of him alive at this moment.

But Nie Qianqian's world is completely opposite to Mo Shangqian's world. For the first time, Nie Qianqian saw the man in front of her clearly. She always heard that Alan said he was handsome. She always thought that Alan must be exaggerating again, but now it seems that he is not. Not so.

Mo Shangqian walked towards Nie Qianqian step by step, and Zhao Tezhu supported Chen Xinyi to retreat automatically. In the past five years, they had personally witnessed how Mo Shangqian survived, when everyone thought that Nie Qianqian was really dead At that time, only Mo Shangqian did not believe it.

"Qianqian, you're back!" Mo Shangqian's voice was choked with sobs, and his eyes were red. This was the first time Nie Qianqian saw a man with such an expression in front of her, and he was so handsome. man.

Nie Qianqian was about to extend her hand to greet President Mo in a friendly way, but she was suddenly embraced by him tightly, and the hug became tighter and tighter, making Nie Qianqian almost unable to breathe. She patted Mo Shangqian hard shoulder, but he didn't notice it at all, he just said in her ear over and over again: "Qianqian, you are back, you are finally back!"

Just when Nie Qianqian felt that she was about to be strangled to death by this handsome President Mo, Alan and Catherine stretched out their hands to pull him away. Only then did Nie Qianqian breathe the fresh air again, and couldn't help taking several mouthfuls. After all, Mr. Mo thought of himself as some 'Secretary Nie' when he came here! '

Nie Qianqian felt that if they misunderstood like this, her life might be in danger, so she still felt that she should explain it to them.

"Well, I think everyone must have misunderstood. I do have a bit of a public face, but I am not the 'Secretary Nie' you call me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Ouyang Qianqian, the designer of Xingchen Design Company. Director." Nie Qianqian introduced herself seriously to several people.

"Ouyang Qianqian? How is that possible?" Mo Shangqian couldn't believe it. The person in front of him had the same appearance as Nie Qianqian, and even his voice was so similar. How could she not be Nie Qianqian?

Seeing that they still didn't believe it, Nie Qianqian took out her ID card from her bag and handed it to Mo Shangqian, saying, "This is my ID card, I'm really not the 'Miss Nie' you mentioned. I think you must have identified the wrong person!"

Nie Qianqian felt that what she said was so clear that these people should not be mistaken again, but their eyes clearly showed disbelief.

"Dinglingling..." Nie Qianqian's mobile phone rang, and it turned out to be Xu Hexi's call. Nie Qianqian looked at everyone and said apologetically, "Sorry, I'll answer the call first!" Several people walked to the door.

"Where are you?" After the call was connected, Xu Hexi's slightly tired voice came.

When Nie Qianqian heard that it was Xu Hexi's voice, she panicked, and hurriedly said, "Me, Alan, Catherine, and I are shopping outside? Did I buy a lot of things?"

"I'll wait for you at the hotel, come back soon!" Xu Hexi said, ignoring Nie Qianqian's lie.

"Hotel? What hotel?" Listening to Xu Hexi's tone of voice, Nie Qianqian felt that he seemed to know something, but before Xu Hexi said it, she would not admit it to death.

"Wellington Hotel, inside your room 1808 inside your room!" Xu Hexi said again, with a hint of helplessness and deep worry in his voice.

"What? Are you waiting for me at 1808?" Nie Qianqian thought that this time it was really over, but how did Xu Hexi know that she was in city a?

"Okay, I'll go back right away!" Nie Qianqian compromised.

"Be careful on the road!" Xu Hexi hung up the phone after explaining. He was sitting on the sofa in Nie Qianqian's hotel room, with red wine in a decanter next to him, but his face was full of sorrow.

When Nie Qianqian returned to the meeting room, she walked up to Mo Shangqian and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, President Mo, I have a very urgent matter and I have to rush back to deal with it. Is it okay for my assistant to report to you about the design?"

Mo Shangqian looked at Nie Qianqian quietly, her eyes were full of alienation, perhaps as she said, she really didn't know herself anymore, "Since you have something to do today, let's make an appointment next time!" Mo Shangqian didn't believe that the woman in front of him just looked a little like Nie Qianqian. He had to figure out why Nie Qianqian didn't recognize her appearance in her clothes.

"Okay, thank you, President Mo!" Nie Qianqian said with a small face, then winked at Alan and Catherine, and the two followed Nie Qianqian out of the meeting room holding the documents.

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