Chapter 442 Catherine's Anger
After Alan and Catherine frantically swept around the shopping malls in City A, they were both carrying large and small packages, but they still looked dissatisfied. The salespersons looked at them with great enthusiasm.

"Alan, let's call BOSS, I'm a little worried that she's alone." Allen was trying on clothes in the fitting room, and Catherine said sitting on the sofa in front of the fitting room.

Allen is really big-hearted. At this time, people who are shopping are almost forgetting who Nie Qianqian is. She replied: "Catherine, you care too much about the boss. What can happen to her with Mr. Zhou here?"

Catherine still looked worried, and took out her mobile phone to call Nie Qianqian. Nie Qianqian on the other end of the phone was about to fall asleep in the lobby downstairs of Zhou Ziheng's company. I have to say that the sofa here is really real. Yes, it feels like sitting on cotton.

"Hey, Catherine, what's the matter?" Nie Qianqian said with a smile.

"Boss, have you met Mr. Zhou?" Catherine asked worriedly.

It was Catherine's question that made Nie Qianqian realize that she was still left here?Not to mention the person who met Zhou Ziheng, he couldn't even go up to the second floor, "Not yet? I didn't make an appointment with Ziheng, and those people wouldn't let me go up. Am I thinking of giving him a surprise? Wait downstairs for him to come down."

"What? You've been waiting downstairs for Zhou Ziheng to come down!" Catherine looked very excited and called Zhou Ziheng's name directly. Alan heard Catherine screaming in the fitting room, and couldn't help poking her head out. The forehead pair on the body is only half worn.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for two hours. I think he should be coming down soon." Speaking of this, Nie Qianqian couldn't help but yelled again, thinking to herself that if Zhou Ziheng didn't come down again, she would also come down. I don't want to give him any surprises, so I should call directly, but my heart is always a little unwilling, I have been waiting for two hours, and I still want to wait forever.

Over there, Catherine hung up Nie Qianqian's phone without saying anything, making Nie Qianqian confused, but she didn't think much about it.

"Alan, let's go to Yuanmao!" Catherine was very annoyed when she heard that Nie Qianqian had been waiting for Zhou Ziheng in the lobby for two hours. After rejecting the door, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

"Ah? Did something happen to the BOSS?" Allen asked curiously, looking at Catherine's angry look.

Catherine looked at Alan's protruding head, and almost showered her half-naked when she stepped forward. Fortunately, Alan retracted in time and quickly changed back into her clothes.

Catherine didn't wait for Allen at all, and walked out quickly. Allen quickly followed up with her things, and asked, "Did something happen to BOSS?"

Allen's question drew out the anger in Catherine's heart, "Our boss is waiting for Zhou Ziheng in the lobby. I want to see how big Zhou Ziheng is."

Hearing this, Allen looked at Catherine, and couldn't help mourning for Zhou Ziheng for a few seconds. This Catherine has always been Nie Qianqian's little fan girl, and now that she is so angry, Catherine will definitely not let it go.

When Catherine and Allen arrived, the aura caused everyone to look at them, especially Catherine. She looked so sacred and inviolable that she looked like a strong woman.

Nie Qianqian was sitting on the sofa in the corner, looking drowsy, and didn't see the two of them at all. After Catherine and Alan stood in the lobby and looked around, Alan saw Nie Qianqian first, and said to Catherine: " BOSS?" Then he raised his foot and walked up.

Alan walked up to Nie Qianqian, shook him with his hand, and said, "BOSS?" Nie Qianqian opened her eyes slightly, only to see the two people standing in front of her, and asked suspiciously: "Alan, Catherine, why are you here?" ?”

Catherine stood in front of Nie Qianqian, looked at her, felt distressed and angry, and walked towards the service desk. The way the two beauties looked at Catherine before was obviously different from the way they treated Nie Qianqian before. worlds apart.

Indeed, if Catherine and Nie Qianqian were standing together, everyone would think that Catherine was the boss, while Nie Qianqian was just an assistant at best.

"Tell Zhou Ziheng to come down and see me!" Catherine's attitude was very bad. Normally she would not be like this, but today these people made Nie Qianqian wait here for two or three hours in vain. Control efforts to control the range.

The two beauties looked at each other, looked at Catherine and were afraid of some important person, and they didn't dare to offend them. They tried their best to maintain a polite smile on their faces and asked, "Excuse me, do you have an appointment with Mr. Zhou?"

"Appointment? When do I need to make an appointment to see Zhou Ziheng? You told him that Catherine is here, and I think he will roll down as quickly as possible." This is Nie Qianqian and Alan also walked up, listening Catherine's words, the two shut up obediently, because they knew that Catherine was really angry.

I think that when I saw Catherine angry for the first time, it was three months after Catherine came to the company. That day Nie Qianqian took Alan and Catherine out to discuss business, and the other boss looked lewd. It should be Catherine's responsibility, but Nie Qianqian also heard about the boss's style of work, and was very worried, so she took Alan and Catherine to go together.

Who knew that the boss would definitely take advantage of a beautiful woman like Catherine, but the solution turned out to be the opposite. The boss liked Nie Qianqian very much, and he wanted to reach out to Nie Qianqian as he spoke. Fortunately, Catherine was sitting on Nie Qianqian. Beside him, he was stopped when he saw this.

Originally, I thought that the boss would not be so presumptuous after seeing so many people, but unfortunately, this man who is obsessed with lust and thinks on the lower body will never be that simple.

He looked at Nie Qianqian and said without any concealment: "If you can sleep with me today, this list will be yours?"

As soon as Nie Qianqian and Ai Lun had time to react, Catherine poured a glass of red wine over the head of the boss. The boss was someone who had been insulted in this way. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he was ready to slap Catherine. Well, Catherine was not to be outdone, she subdued the boss in the blink of an eye, and finally the boss signed the contract crying.

After this incident, Nie Qianqian and Allen understood that no one can offend Catherine...

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