Chapter 416 Encounter with Allen
Nie Qianqian nodded slightly. This should be the only kindness she can repay Xu Hexi for her companionship and help over the years, so that she would not be afraid and helpless in the days when she has no memory.

Seeing that Nie Qianqian agreed, Xu Hexi was very happy. His new wish for many years was fulfilled, and Nie Qianqian finally married him as he wished.

"Okay, I will definitely take care of things here as soon as possible, and go to your favorite place for the wedding and honeymoon, okay?" Xu Hexi's face was filled with uncontrollable excitement. Compared with him, Nie Qianqian's reaction was mediocre.

"Okay!" Nie Qianqian nodded slightly and responded, and then looked at the watch in her hand, she was about to be late, so she couldn't help urging: "Let's go to the company first, I should be late!"

Only then did Xu Hexi realize that he was so excited that he even forgot the time, so he nodded quickly, restarted the car and drove towards Nie Qianqian's company.

Xu Hexi's car stopped at Nie Qianqian's company, and then looked at Nie Qianqian's anxious look, and said, "Be careful, don't fall?"

Nie Qianqian nodded slightly, and quickly ran away. When she entered the company, her secretary Alan walked towards her. Alan handed a document to Nie Qianqian and said ambiguously: "Boss, I just saw it. Boss sent you here?"

Nie Qianqian nodded helplessly, took the document in Allen's hand, and flipped through it while walking. People passing by her greeted her one by one, and Nie Qianqian just nodded slightly in response.

Nie Qianqian's company name is Xingchen Design Company. The company is not very large. There are only a dozen employees, but all of them are elites. Most of them are recruited by Nie Qianqian. However, the company is not taken seriously, and some are unable to present their works well because of too many restrictions in large companies. These people are always very loyal to Nie Qianqian. Now many of them are also well-known, and there are many The company poached them for big money, but they went to work after their 'Bole' Nie Qianqian without hesitation.

"Ailun, if you put your gossip skills to work, I think I will be much more relaxed!" Along the way, Nie Qianqian walked directly into her office, sat down on the office chair, and said to Alan .

Allen stuck out his tongue slightly, shrugged his shoulders, and replied: "BOSS, I have worked very hard, but you said that recently, I will work harder in the future!"

Nie Qianqian was teased by Alan and let her go out. Looking at Alan's back, she suddenly remembered the scene when she first saw her three years ago.

Alan is Chinese and studying in Italy. When Nie Qianqian met her for the first time, she was having dinner with Xu Hexi in a high-end restaurant, and Alan was a waiter there at the time, because the Italian guests at the other table beside her were skeptical. Allen's hands and feet made Allen very angry at that time, and he stopped the Italian sharply.

But as the saying goes, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake. Although the Italian gave up at that time, he didn't want to pass by the alley of the hotel after Nie Qianqian and Xu Hexi left, and found that several men headed by the previous Italian were forcibly Pulling Allen, she was about to take off her clothes.

Seeing such a scene, Nie Qianqian naturally wanted to save the beauty. Fortunately, Xu Hexi was by her side at the time. Otherwise, with her small stature, how could she be the opponent of those Italians.

After saving Ai Lun, Nie Qianqian realized that Ai Lun was Chinese just like them. Ai Lun said with tears on her face that she would definitely repay her kindness. At the job fair, Nie Qianqian saw her again.

Because it was a newly established company, many people were not optimistic about it, so Alan was the only interview assistant at that time. Nie Qianqian had no choice but to choose her. Alan has also proved that Nie Qianqian's original choice in the past three years was not wrong. .

Time flies, three years have passed since the establishment of the company, and Nie Qianqian's memory only exists for these five years. She once thought about retrieving her memory, but in the end she found nothing. In the end, she also felt that it was better to let nature take its course .

During the whole morning, Nie Qianqian was busy with meetings. Xu Hexi sent several messages to herself, but she didn't have time to read them. This time they are going to compete for a project of a multinational company. If this cooperation is successful, their Her company will increase its reputation internationally, so she is very cautious, and she must refer to all projects to ensure nothing goes wrong.

After a morning meeting, Nie Qianqian was already slumped on the sofa when she returned to the office. The employees of the company who saw the project this time seemed even more excited than her. Nie Qianqian was a little helpless. Should you be sad?
There was a light knock on the door, and then Allen pushed the door away, put a lunch box in front of Nie Qianqian, walked up and said, "Boss Mr. Xu asked you to call him back when you have time!"

Only then did Nie Qianqian remember that Xu Hexi had sent her several messages this morning, she nodded slightly, took out her phone from her pocket, and opened it.

"Qianqian, today I will ask someone to prepare a wedding company and wedding photos. If you have any company you are satisfied with, how about we choose them?"

"Qianqian, I'm really happy that you agreed to my marriage proposal. I have always dreamed of marrying you all these years, and now you have agreed, but why do I feel that everything is not so real."

"Qianqian, I love you!"

"Qianqian, if you regret it now, I can wait a little longer."

One, two, three, Nie Qianqian can feel how happy Xu Hexi must be from these few words, but compared to Xu Hexi's excitement, why does she feel flat.

Nie Qianqian dialed Xu Hexi's number, and Xu Hexi answered the phone quickly. Nie Qianqian didn't understand why every time she called Xu Hexi, he seemed to be very idle and would always answer her very quickly. Telephone.

But Nie Qianqian doesn't know, it's not that Xu Hexi is very idle, but Nie Qianqian's number has a special ringtone on Xu Hexi's mobile phone, every time she calls, no matter what Xu Hexi is doing, she will answer Nie Qianqian's call immediately.

At this time, Xu Hexi was holding a board meeting. A phone call from Nie Qianqian made him put the members of the board of directors aside. Looking at the angry directors, Xu Hexi didn't care. The faces of the directors were in stark contrast.

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