Chapter 4 Injured
Nie Qianqian has already figured out the matter from their conversation, and she couldn't help feeling her hands and feet were cold and sweaty. She tried her best to control herself to calm down, and now she has no time to think about who has such a deep hatred against her, so that these kidnappers I still want to defile myself. If I really let this succeed, then what face would I have to live in this world with such a broken body.

Nie Qianqian thought, before these people attack, she must save herself, the men's voices came from outside, "Xiao Si, you are looking at that girl now, brothers and sisters, go and enjoy it, and wait until you come back." Enjoy, when we are not around, you can't do it alone, do you hear me?" The one who spoke should be the person they called the boss.And the little four he was talking about was obviously a doormat. He couldn't hear the little four's voice, so he nodded in agreement, but in the end he only heard the sound of the boss pushing the door open with a few younger brothers.

Afterwards, the surroundings were quiet, and after a while there was a snoring sound from outside. Presumably, Xiaosi didn't regard him as such a difficult person to watch. This was undoubtedly a good opportunity for him, a good opportunity to escape.

If those people came back, I would never have the chance to escape again. Now I can't help but regret that I didn't practice taekwondo with Chen Xinyi at that time. If I didn't go out and knock the little four to the ground now, then I can walk out with my head held high. up.

The hands and feet were tied with ropes by those people, but those people should think that she was a weak woman, and they didn't take herself seriously, and they were not tied very tightly. Nie Qianqian quickly untied the ropes on her hands and feet, and took a look The surrounding situation, only the high window on that side can go out, but I can't reach it at all. Fortunately, there is an old ladder not far away. Although there are several pieces of wood missing in the middle, there should be no problem in escaping. .

It seems that those kidnappers really didn't take themselves seriously, and they didn't check their rooms carefully. If there was any tool that might allow him to escape, dear Nie Qian carefully moved the ladder over, although it was still a long way off. A little bit, but now the success rate of escaping with it is already half as high!

Nie Qianqian climbed up the ladder as carefully as possible. For the few logs in the middle, Nie Qianqian used the rope tied to her hands and feet as a substitute, which made it much better. Standing at the top of the ladder, there is still a person's height away from the window. , Nie Qianqian kicked her feet hard to grab the edge of the window, and finally she could reach it. With the help of the wall, Nie Qianqian was about to turn over, but the ladder fell down with a 'plop'.

Xiaosi, who was sleeping, woke up suddenly, and hurried in to see that Nie Qianqian was sitting on the window at this time, and said angrily: "Little girl, come down for me!"

Nie Qianqian is also afraid, but now that the matter has been more than half successful, how can she be obedient, and now that she has seen the other party's face clearly, if she fails to escape this time, she may even die if she loses her innocence.

Talking about Xiao Si, he set up the ladder and prepared to climb up. Seeing this, Nie Qianqian looked at the other side which was still high from the ground, and there was a piece of weeds underneath. Now she couldn't think about it so much, Nie Qianqian jumped without hesitation. Going down, her foot seemed to be sprained when she landed, and she stood up quickly. On the other side of the wall, those people seemed to come back, only the sound of rustling, and the voice of those people calling her to stop.

Nie Qianqian didn't dare to think too much, so she had to stand up, ignoring the pain from her feet, and ran towards through the grass. At this time, the will to survive made her forget the pain. If she failed to escape this time, she I really can't imagine what kind of life I would live if I was captured by them.

The voices of those men came from behind, getting closer and closer, but she didn't dare to look back, so she could only run forward desperately, hoping that Mo Shangqian would appear in front of her .

The robbers behind her were getting closer and closer to her, the road was in front of her eyes, Nie Qianqian looked at the high slope, those people were already close at hand, she was betting for the last time, she closed her eyes and rolled down, after a while, There was a piercing sound of brakes in her ears. She seemed to be loaded by something. The foot that was sprained before lost consciousness in an instant. When she was in a daze, she seemed to see Mo Shangqian looking worriedly towards him. Come by yourself.

On the other hand, Nie Qianqian has been there for two days, and Mo Shangqian has already called the police. He searched all the places where Nie Qianqian might go, but he still couldn't find Nie Qianqian. Chen Xinyi gradually became worried and began to wash her face with tears every day. Zhao Tezhu had no choice but to stay by her side.

Mo Shangqian has not slept for two consecutive days, looking for Nie Qianqian like crazy every day, but there is no trace.

Because Nie Qianqian's community is an old city, those cameras have long been used as decorations. On the day Nie Qianqian disappeared, no one saw it at all, so it is even more difficult to investigate all this. If it is for money, Mo Shangqian should know now. Received a call asking for a ransom, but there was no call. This was what worried Mo Shangqian the most.

Nie Qianqian woke up once in a daze, she seemed to be lying on the operating table, surrounded by doctors in white coats, and then passed out again, just like this, she didn't even know how long she slept in a daze, and woke up again At that time, the outside sun was shining into the house through the window, which looked very warm.

Nie Qianqian's head was dizzy, and she wanted to move, but she found that one foot seemed to have lost consciousness, and looked up slightly, which foot was hanging in a plaster cast?
There was no one around her, Nie Qianqian didn't know if she was saved, so who saved her, she seemed to see Mo Shangqian before she fell into a coma, could it be Mo Shangqian?

"Excuse me, is anyone there?" Nie Qianqian's voice was extremely hoarse, as weak as a mosquito snorting, and the voice was so small that she couldn't even hear her, let alone someone else?
Helpless, Nie Qianqian had no choice but to lie down quietly. Even though she had thousands of doubts in her heart, she could only obediently wait for others to appear. The fact that she was kidnapped was like a dream, and it was a nightmare. Now Just think about who has such a deep hatred against him.

Zhou Luoli?Nie Qianqian also thought about it, but although Zhou Luoli is not as she appears on the surface, she shouldn't be so vicious, right?After all, kidnapping is a crime.

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