Just after dawn, Special Assistant Zhao got up to make breakfast. Nie Qianqian also got up early to make arrangements for Wang Yue. Mo Shangqian also got up early, but looking at his two big dark circles, Nie Qianqian was really suspicious. Did he sleep in the past two days? Mo Shangqian has always been picky about food, clothing, housing and transportation. Now let him sleep on a pile of straw with no tiles on his head and a big living person sleeping next to him. I'm afraid life is not easy.

Wang Yue also got up early in the morning, and everyone said that people are in good spirits on happy occasions. Mo Shangqian's sponsorship is a great joy for Wang Yue. These children have always been something she can't let go of. Now that they can give them a good condition to study, How could Wang Yue be unhappy?The complexion that looked pale yesterday turned out to be a lot ruddy now, it seems that this good mood is a good medicine blindly.

After breakfast, the children hadn't come yet, and the car to pick up Mo Shangqian and the others had already arrived. Nie Qian reluctantly said goodbye to Wang Yue, and repeatedly asked her to take good care of herself, but Wang Yue nodded in response. , there was always a slight smile on his face, but no one thought that after this meeting, the goodbye would be a few years later, when everything had changed.

Chen Xinyi lay on the window in shock, looking at the cliff outside, she didn't know whether to be afraid or to praise the driver's skills.

As soon as Nie Qianqian got into the car, she leaned on Mo Shangqian's shoulder and fell into a deep sleep. Mo Shangqian held Nie Qianqian with one hand, for fear that Chen Xinyi's excitement would wake Nie Qianqian up. She seemed very tired. Wang Yue is indeed running back and forth, and the daily rest time is only a short three or four hours.

Now that everything is properly arranged, Nie Qianqian naturally fell asleep after relaxing. When Nie Qianqian woke up, she found herself in the house of Mo Shangqian's villa.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, thinking it was a dream, shouldn't she be in the car going back?Why was he lying on Mo Shangqian's bed, as if he was still lying in someone's arms, turned his head and saw that Mo Shangqian was sleeping beside him, the sun shines on Mo Shangqian's face through the curtains, The fluff on his face can be clearly seen, the eyelashes are so long that one can't help but want to touch them, and the skin can't even see a single pore. Nie Qianqian is puzzled and really doesn't know how Mo Shangqian usually maintains his skin of?
She stretched out her hand and walked gently on Mo Shangqian's face. The eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips are combined together to form such a beautiful face. Nie Qianqian's fingers finally landed on Mo Shangqian's lips Stopped, and when he was about to leave, Mo Shangqian reached out and grabbed Nie Qianqian's hand, his eyes slightly opened, with a slight smile, without the slightest indifference of the past.

"Are you awake?" The voice of Mo Shangqian who just woke up sounded sexier than before, causing Nie Qianqian to be distracted for a while, and she just nodded slightly, which was considered to be a response.

"Sleeping for a while, I'll cook for you later!" Mo Shangqian stretched out his hand and hugged Nie Qianqian into his arms, looking like he hadn't slept well yet.

Nie Qianqian was busy coveting Mo Shangqian's beauty just now and didn't realize it for a while, but then she realized it and then she remembered, hurriedly pushed Mo Shangqian, looked up at him and asked suspiciously: "How did I come back? I remember I Isn't it on the car out of the village?"

Mo Shangqian looked at Nie Qianqian who had just reacted, and said with a hint of doting on his face: "You fell asleep in the car, I thought you were just sleepy at first, but later I saw that you were sleeping more and more deeply I just found out that you have a fever. I asked them to drive back directly. I bought you some fever-reducing stickers on the way. Fortunately, the temperature was not high. You fell asleep all the way. I thought you would go back and no one took care of you. brought you back directly?" Mo Shangqian patiently explained to Nie Qianqian.

Only then did Nie Qianqian understand that it was no wonder that she felt soft all over her body. It turned out that she had a fever.As he said that, he couldn't help but burrowed into Mo Shangqian's arms, demanding the warmth from his body. The smile on Mo Shangqian's face became wider, and he hugged Nie Qianqian tightly again, and the two fell asleep again!
When Nie Qianqian woke up again, Mo Shangqian was no longer around her. She got up and approved a coat that Mo Shangqian had put on the chair, opened the door and walked out. There was no sign of Mo Shangqian in the living room. Nie Qianqian took a step forward. He walked downstairs step by step, but heard voices coming from the kitchen.

Nie Qianqian walked towards the kitchen. Mo Shangqian was wearing an apron and cutting vegetables. Looking up, she saw Nie Qianqian standing by the door, looking at him wearing her coat, and said with a smile on her face: "Wake up!" ?”

The words sounded familiar, and Nie Qianqian didn't think much about it, so she nodded obediently and asked, "What are you doing?"

Mo Shangqian said: "I cooked some porridge for you. Your health is just getting better. You are not suitable for eating too meaty things. There is also a vegetable salad. Don't you like it?"

Nie Qianqian nodded slightly, ignored Mo Shangqian, and walked towards the sofa. She was a little dazed just after waking up, and the days at Wang Yue's place were like a dream.

After a while, Mo Shangqian came out with a bowl of vegetable salad. Seeing Nie Qianqian sitting on the sofa in a daze, he walked up and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Nie Qianqian looked up at him, and suddenly asked: "Shang Qian, did we just come back from Yueyue?"

Hearing this, Mo Shangqian reached out and hooked Nie Qianqian's nose, and said with a smile, "What? Are you sleepy?"

Nie Qianqian nodded slightly, looked at Mo Shangqian's luxurious villa, and thought about the dilapidated classroom of the children, feeling a little sad in her heart, looked at Mo Shangqian and asked: "Shangqian, the children's teaching building, When can it be built!"

Mo Shangqian knew what Nie Qianqian was thinking?He replied: "Tomorrow I will ask Special Assistant Zhao to handle it, and we can start in two days, Qianqian, don't worry, those children will be fine!" Mo Shangqian stretched out his hand to hug Nie Qianqian into his arms, and stretched out his hand to pat Nie Qianqian. Patted her on the back.

Nie Qianqian felt at ease when she leaned against Mo Shangqian's arms. She didn't know whether it was because of getting up, or because of her weak body. At this time, Nie Qianqian was extremely fragile and a little sentimental.

"Okay, come over and have some porridge. You have lost a lot of weight these days!" Mo Shangqian reached out and took Nie Qianqian to the dining table, opened the chair for her to sit down, and then brought out a bowl of boiled rice from the kitchen. Good jujube porridge looks very good.

Nie Qianqian also took care of herself, and after eating three bowls in a row, she put down the bowl contentedly, her mood improved a lot, and a smile could be seen on her face...

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