"Yueyue, have you eaten yet?" Nie Qianqian asked involuntarily as she glanced at Wang Yue's house but couldn't see anything to eat.

Wang Yue on the bed shook her head slightly, and replied: "Not yet, here I cook some food outside by myself, but today I'm really uncomfortable, so I didn't cook anymore, Qianqian, Xinyi, are you hungry? ?”

Listening to Wang Yue's words, Nie Qianqian really couldn't understand how difficult Wang Yue's life must be these days. Nie Qianqian looked at Wang Yue's appearance, rolled up her sleeves, and asked Wang Yue's family where the rice was, thinking Make some porridge for her, Wang Yue pointed to a pot not far away, Nie Qianqian walked over and saw that there was only a handful of rice left in it, her heart was full of distress, I really don’t know if she and Chen Xinyi didn’t come today, How should Wang Yue live.

Nie Qianqian took out the only handful of rice in the jar, and carefully washed it with clean water, for fear of missing a grain of rice. Here, she really experienced the hardships of life, and would think that life was so happy.

"Yueyue, rest for a while, we'll call you again when you're better!" Nie Qianqian tucked up the quilt for Wang Yue and pulled Chen Xinyi out so as not to disturb Wang Yue's rest.

In an open space outside, a pot was hanging on a shelf supported by wood. Nie Qianqian put the washed rice in it, then added some water, and then began to prepare a fire. Nie Qianqian was not proficient in making fire. Fortunately, Chen Xinyi has the habit of cooking a big pot in her hometown all the year round, and it came in handy at this time. The water in the country began to boil slowly. Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi sat aside, and the night was a bit cold.

But sitting by the fire feels very warm, there is a clean starry sky above the head, and there are many stars on it. I don’t know such a scene in the city. The sky here is better than the starry sky where Xu Hexi took him last time. nice.

It was already pitch black not far away, and occasionally you could see a little bit of dim light. At this moment, a woman came up, and she was slightly surprised when she saw Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi, and then she had a simple smile on her face He asked intentionally, "Excuse me, is Teacher Wang feeling better?" He spoke poor Mandarin, but it was enough for Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi to understand.

"Is she asleep? Are you looking for something with her?" Nie Qianqian got up to meet her, followed by Chen Xinyi.

The woman took out a pot of chicken soup from a basket on the side, handed it to Nie Qianqian and said, "Teacher Wang committed a serious crime on the way home two days ago, and she was just saved today. I think of her alone." I must have not eaten it yet, so I made some food and brought it here, since Teacher Wang has already rested, please give her some chicken soup after she wakes up to replenish her body!"

Nie Qianqian listened carefully to the woman's words, Wang Yue was right, the folk customs here are indeed simple, this looks like a pot of ordinary chicken soup, but some people here may not be able to eat it once a year.

Nie Qianqian did not refuse, and Wang Yue really needs to mend her body now. After reaching out to take the chicken soup, she said to the woman, "Thank you, elder sister. We will pass on your kindness when Yue Yue wakes up."

Seeing that Nie Qianqian took the chicken soup, the woman smiled gratifiedly, then turned and left!Chen Xinyi looked at the chicken soup in Nie Qianqian's hand, and said lightly: "Qianqian, should we wake Yueyue up now, I think she is really too thin, she should drink more chicken soup."

"No need, let her sleep for a while? I think she must be very tired!" Nie Qianqian brought the chicken soup to the fire, and moved slightly closer to the fire, otherwise the chicken soup would have cooled down in a while.

Wang Yue slept soundly. Nie Qianqian originally wanted to wake Wang Yue up to eat something, but seeing Wang Yue's sound asleep, Nie Qianqian couldn't bear to wake her up, so she just gave up!

Wang Yue's bed was very small, so Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi could only make do with the fire in front of the door for the night. It was just dawn, and people at the bottom of the mountain had already woken up. Chen Xinyi explained to her: "Xinyi, I think there is a way to call Wang's father and Wang's mother back, so that they can rest assured that you will wait for Yueyue to wake up later, and bring these porridge and chicken soup to her." She drank it, and I will go to the market with my fellow villagers to buy some things for Yueyue in a while!"

Chen Xinyi rubbed her sleepy eyes, nodded, and had already remembered what Nie Qianqian ordered, and replied, "I see, Qianqian, you should be more careful by yourself."

After Nie Qianqian nodded, she walked down the mountain. Because of the emergency yesterday, Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi didn't have time to eat, so they came in a hurry, and now they don't feel hungry anymore.

Nie Qianqian asked people at the foot of the mountain who had electricity so that she could charge her mobile phone, but there were no wires here, so every household used kerosene lamps. A kind fellow told Nie Qianqian that there was electricity in the county town, and it happened that he If he had something to go to the market today, he asked Nie Qianqian to go with him.

Nie Qianqian thought that she just needed to buy some things for Wang Yue, so she agreed, and headed towards the county seat on a fellow tractor!

"Girl, are you a friend of Teacher Wang?" It was the eldest sister who came to deliver the chicken soup last night who spoke.

Nie Qianqian smiled slightly, nodded and replied, "Yes!"

As soon as the elder sister heard it, she told Nie Qianqian how good Wang Yue was. The conditions are really too difficult, you are all children in the city, you must not be able to bear such hardships, but we still hope every day that a teacher is willing to come over, because we don't want our children to take a look at us in the future, forever Trapped in this mountain, I can’t even see what kind of world is outside. Teacher Wang is the teacher who has persisted here the longest. She can’t help teaching the children to read and write, and tells them stories outside the mountain. Teacher Wang just came When she was young, she was just like you, she looked so white and clean, and we thought she might not be able to hold on for a week, but just like that, one week, two weeks, three weeks...all passed, Wang The teacher still insists on staying here, and Teacher Wang also gave all the things in the house to the children in need, but he is living a tight life every day!"

Nie Qianqian looked at the elder sister and finally wiped away her tears. Nie Qianqian listened very seriously. Although the conditions here were difficult, she could tell from Wang Yue's phone call that Wang Yue was here for real. Happy!

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