After Chen Xinyi walked out of Nie Qianqian's ward, she looked at Wang Yue who was leaning against the door, walked up to her, reached out and held her trembling hand, and comforted her: "Yue Yue, Qianqian is fine, don't worry When the words fell, the string that Wang Yue had been tense broke instantly, and tears welled up in her eyes. She hugged Chen Xinyi tightly, crying like a child.

Chen Xinyi patted Wang Yue's back lightly to comfort her. She was taken aback by this sudden incident just now. It is conceivable that Wang Yue was even more frightened. Fortunately, Nie Qianqian's life was not in danger. Otherwise, Wang Yue would definitely forgive herself. If Mo Shangqian knew the truth, he would not let Wang Yue go. Fortunately, Nie Qianqian is fine now.

"Is your car accident related to Wang Yue?" I don't know why Mo Shangqian had this idea when he saw Wang Yue just now, thinking that Nie Qianqian's car accident must have something to do with Wang Yue?

"No, it was just an accident?" Nie Qianqian didn't want Mo Shangqian to worry, and she didn't want Mo Shangqian to blame Wang Yue for this incident. Yue can suffer less harm, fate is too unfair to her.

"Really?" Mo Shangqian didn't believe it, and asked confidently.

"I'm tired, I want to sleep for a while, go get busy, Xinyi is taking care of me, am I okay?" Nie Qianqian is indeed a little tired, but more because she doesn't want to discuss this matter with Mo Shangqian to prevent Mo Shangqian from deepening his misunderstanding of Wang Yue.

Mo Shangqian saw that Nie Qianqian seemed to be really tired, so he didn't talk to her about it anymore. He reached out to cover her with the quilt, and said, "I'll be here with you tonight, you should have a good rest first!" No matter how big the matter is, it is not as important as Nie Qianqian's coming.

"I'm really fine, go back and rest! You're looking at me here, but I can't fall asleep?" Isn't it even more strange to be able to fall asleep being stared at by such a handsome guy?

Mo Shangqian couldn't laugh or cry because of Nie Qianqian's thoughtfulness, so he finally nodded and said, "Okay, then you should have a good rest. If you feel uncomfortable, you must see a doctor, you know?"

Nie Qianqian nodded and signaled Mo Shangqian to leave quickly. Mo Shangqian stood up, kissed Nie Qianqian lightly on the forehead, and walked out slowly. Nie Qianqian looked at the back of Mo Shangqian leaving, and then she was a little relieved. She breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't know that Mo Shangqian had been guarding the door that night, for fear that Nie Qianqian would make any mistakes.

Chen Xinyi walked in with Wang Yue. She thought that Wang Yue should have a lot to say to Nie Qianqian now. When Wang Yue saw Nie Qianqian, tears fell down again. What happened just now is still vivid in her mind.

"Qianqian, why are you so stupid?" Wang Yue sat down beside Nie Qianqian and looked at her with distressed eyes. If something really happened to Nie Qianqian because she saved herself, then how could Wang Yue's conscience in this life be so good? What about Ann?
Nie Qianqian on the hospital bed stretched out her hand to grab Wang Yue, looked at her and said, "Yueyue, we are friends, best friends, I don't want anything to happen to you?"

Faced with such a friend who risked his life to save himself, how could Wang Yue have the heart to refuse again?She held Nie Qianqian's hand tightly, nodded heavily, and said in disbelief, "We are best friends, we will always be, I'm sorry Qianqian, I have always known that you are not that kind of person , but because of my own jealousy, I turn a blind eye to the dedication of you and Xinyi, always sneer at you, and reject your kindness over and over again, is it my fault?" At this time, Wang Yue really faced own heart.

It has always been because of that ridiculous jealousy that she can ignore the most important friend to her. After facing the warmth and coldness of the world, she gradually understands who is sincerely good to her and who is in love with her. Using her, her life indeed has a lot of helplessness, but only with these two friends, she wants to be willful once.

"Then let's make up?" Nie Qianqian looked at Wang Yue with a hint of temptation and caution in her tone.

Wang Yue held Nie Qianqian tightly and nodded heavily. She wanted to continue to be friends with Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi, and didn't care about anyone's eyes. He wanted to keep this friend who was sincere to him except his parents in the world.

When Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi heard that Wang Yue agreed to reconcile, they couldn't help crying with joy, and the three of them hugged together and cried bitterly.

Mo Shangqian outside the door could hear the conversation in the room clearly. He didn't know how much sincerity and how much falsehood Wang Yue said, but as long as Nie Qianqian was happy, why wouldn't he be a little confused, but if Wang Yue If Yue does anything to hurt Nie Qianqian, he will definitely not stand by like this, as long as anyone who threatens Nie Qianqian, he will not let her go.

It seems that everything has changed for the better. Since Nie Qianqian and Wang Yue reconciled that night, her condition has also recovered quickly. The doctor told her to take a good rest. If she feels uncomfortable, she must come to the hospital for follow-up. After expressing his understanding repeatedly, Mo Shangqian agreed to let her be discharged from the hospital.

On the day they were discharged from the hospital, Wang Yue, Chen Xinyi, and Special Assistant Zhao prepared food early at home. Mo Shangqian drove to the hospital to pick up Nie Qianqian, but Xu Hexi, who was the latest to get the news, came to the hospital one step earlier than Mo Shangqian. After packing up, Nie Qianqian couldn't help but hugged her, and said worriedly, "Qianqian, are you trying to scare me to death?"

Nie Qianqian couldn't help but shake slightly when Xu Hexi got the news so late, she broke free from Xu Hexi's embrace, and said with a slight smile, "I'm fine now?" She said and turned around to prove it to Xu Hexi.

"You really scared me to death. I've been looking for you for the past few days, but I haven't seen you. I asked Chen Xinyi and she hesitated. I didn't expect such a big thing to happen to you." Chen Xinyi didn't say anything. What happened to Nie Qianqian told Xu Hexi that it was completely ordered by Mo Shangqian, and Xu Hexi originally went to find Nie Qianqian today, but heard the conversation between Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue. Later, Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue had no choice but to tell him that Nie Qianqian was hospitalized in a car accident matter.

Fortunately, Nie Qianqian was fine. When Xu Hexi heard the news, the three souls had already frightened the seven souls. Now that he saw what happened to Nie Qianqian, he could finally feel relieved.

"Xu Hexi, is your news still so good?" When Mo Shangqian walked to Nie Qianqian's ward, he saw Xu Hexi, opened the door heavily, saw Xu Hexi holding Nie Qianqian's hand tightly, and said coldly.

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