The next day, Nie Qianqian woke up to the sound of melodious music. The sound came from downstairs. Nie Qianqian got up and walked out wearing slippers. Mo Shangqian was making breakfast in the kitchen, looking very happy.A beautiful symphony was playing in the living room. Nie Qianqian walked down the stairs slowly. In the familiar morning, Mo Shangqian seemed to be another person.

Usually he rarely sees him listening to music, but today he is humming along with the music in the kitchen?As soon as Mo Shangqian turned around, he saw Nie Qianqian, who was standing not far behind him, staring at him with scrutiny. "Morning!" Mo Shangqian put the breakfast on the dining table, walked up to Nie Qianqian and kissed him, saying.

"Morning!" Nie Qianqian replied lightly.What did you want to say to Mo Shangqian?There was a hasty doorbell ringing at the door.

Nie Qianqian pushed Mo Shangqian over and walked over. Chen Xinyi and Zhou Xiaoyang appeared on the screen at the door. Why are they here so early in the morning?Nie Qianqian felt a little strange and reached out to open the door.

Chen Xinyi walked in quickly, and Zhou Xiaoyang followed behind Chen Xinyi with a hint of doting helplessness on her face. When Chen Xinyi saw Nie Qianqian, she hurriedly said, "Qianqian, why can't you get through on your phone?"

cell phone?Nie Qianqian was at a loss, and then remembered that last night she was angry with Mo Shangqian, but let the battery charge, and replied a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I forgot to charge it last night, what's the matter?"

Chen Xinyi looked overwhelmed by lightning, and gave Nie Qianqian a supercilious look helplessly, but because of the sudden appearance of Mo Shangqian behind Nie Qianqian, she choked back.

"Zhou Qu passed away?" Chen Xinyi hurriedly said to Nie Qianqian: "We'd better go there now. Now the whole Zhou family is deadlocked because of the inheritance issue. The media reports are always updated. I feel that Yueyue needs me now." Is it?"

"Zhou Qu passed away?" Nie Qianqian couldn't believe what she heard. Although Mo Shangqian told her last time that Zhou Qu's time was short, she didn't expect everything to happen so quickly.

"Does Yueyue need us?" Nie Qianqian hesitated. She didn't know if her appearance now would anger Wang Yue even more and complicate the whole incident. Would Wang Yue think that the appearance of her and Chen Xinyi was just a thought? Go see her jokes.

"Zhou Qu lied to Yue Yue. He didn't leave half of his property to Yue Yue at all. Zhou Shen and Zhou Qian didn't get any share. The lawyer has already announced the doctor's order. All the real estate and companies under Zhou Qu's name will be converted into cash. , Donated to charity." Chen Xinyi's face showed a trace of distress, all of Wang Yue's efforts will be in vain.

"What?" Nie Qianqian looked at Chen Xinyi in disbelief. Zhou Qu actually left nothing of his inheritance to his two sons and his wife. How much heart should he have to make such a decision.

"Wait for me? I'll go change clothes." No matter what, Nie Qianqian decided to visit Wang Yue. After all, she needs a friend who can talk to her. Even if that person is not her, she still wants to be with Wang Yue. around.

Seeing Nie Qianqian running upstairs, Mo Shangqian looked at Chen Xinyi, and said coldly: "You should know that Wang Yue is to blame for all this, no wonder others." Mo Shangqian didn't want Nie Qianqian to get involved in Wang Yue's affairs , There was some instinctive resistance deep in my heart.

Chen Xinyi herself understands that what happened today was Wang Yue's own fault, but so what, Wang Yue is her and Nie Qianqian's best friend, how could they bear to watch Wang Yue being pushed to the cusp of being condemned by everyone alone? ?
Soon Nie Qianqian changed her clothes and came down, and said to Mo Shangqian, "I'll go back as soon as I go, and I won't accompany you to eat breakfast." Then she followed Chen Xinyi and walked towards the door, but her hand was caught by Mo Shangqian. Qian stopped, Mo Shangqian didn't know when he had already packed it up, and the breakfast was already put in the insulated box, and said to Nie Qianqian, "I'll go with you."

"No need!" Nie Qianqian kindly rejected Mo Shangqian's request. After all, appearing there as Mo Shangqian would cause quite a stir.

"I'll accompany you!" Mo Shangqian held Nie Qianqian's hand tightly, stubbornly insisting on his opinion.

Seeing his serious look, Nie Qianqian nodded in agreement.

"Eat your breakfast." In the car, Mo Shangqian handed the breakfast prepared in advance to Nie Qianqian in an insulated box. Nie Qianqian smiled and took it. Nie Qianqian was very touched by Mo Shangqian's thoughtfulness.

Zhou Xiaoyang drove behind Mo Shangqian's car. An hour later, several people showed up at Zhou's mansion. Sure enough, a large number of reporters had been rejected at the door, and the security guards seemed overwhelmed.

The appearance of Mo Shangqian, Nie Qianqian, Zhou Xiaoyang and Chen Xinyi immediately caused an uproar. The reporters rushed over and surrounded their cars, basically asking about Zhou Qu's arrangements for his inheritance. What do you think.

"Waiting for me here?" Mo Shangqian took off his seat belt and said to Nie Qianqian who was sitting in the co-pilot.This is also the reason why he insisted on coming here. With a small body like Nie Qianqian, she might be trampled to death by the reporters if she appeared.

Nie Qianqian obediently sat in the co-pilot, Mo Shangqian walked around the car, walked to the co-pilot's seat, opened the door for Nie Qianqian, the security guards tried their best to organize, but some reporters rushed up, Mo Shangqian desperately Nie Qianqian was in his arms to protect her from harm. Mo Shangqian did not decide to answer the reporter's question.

Mo Shangqian protected Nie Qianqian and finally walked into Zhou's house, and Chen Xinyi also walked in under the escort of Zhou Xiaoyang. The decoration of Zhou's house was very luxurious, but now the whole living room was filled with great resentment.

In the living room, Zhou Shen and Zhou Qian were making a phone call. Looking at their fierce words, they were probably questioning the lawyer about the will.

But Wang Yue showed an extremely calm look, sitting on the sofa in the living room, smoking a cigarette, and when she saw Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi, there was a hint of sarcasm on her face.

Nie Qianqian looked at Wang Yue's appearance, thinking that her previous prediction was correct, Wang Yue really just thought that they were here to see her joke, and her eyes explained it well.

"Why, are you here to see how down and out I am today?" Wang Yue put the half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray beside him and wiped it out, with a wry smile on his face.

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