Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 185 Don't Worry, I Have Everything

"Chen Xinyi, put away your tears. I am not one of those men who admire you. Your tears will not get the slightest effect from me." Wang Yue still had a smile on his face, but the words made her People seem to be in an ice cellar.

"Yue Yue, why did the relationship between us become like this?" Nie Qianqian looked at Wang Yue's sneer at her and Chen Xinyi, her eyes were full of puzzlement and heartache.

Who knows, Wang Yue burst into laughter when she heard the words, as if what Nie Qianqian said just now was an extremely funny joke.

Wang Yue reached out to wipe away the tears that had already burst out of laughter, covered her belly, and finally stopped laughing for a while, then looked at Nie Qianqian with a cold face and said, "Why? Does Qianqian still need to ask? Why can you easily get the love you want, but what about me? Do you deserve to meet a scumbag? Why? Why do you say this? I am not as good as you, but you tell me? "

Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi looked at Wang Yue in shock. They never thought that in Wang Yue's heart, they had been looking at them like this. They are best friends. They were once such close friends. When did they start? Is there nothing but jealousy left between them?
"Yueyue, you will definitely find a man who really loves you." Nie Qianqian also felt very heartbroken seeing Wang Yue like this.

"Hehe, Nie Qianqian, how long are you going to deceive yourself and others? How can I meet someone who truly loves me when I am a broken flower? This is just a lie that you comfort me. Everything is a lie. That silly girl. Now I can see clearly, see through the filth of this world, only you, only you seem to be living in the same way as before." Wang Yue has already started to become hysterical, and other people in the hotel can't help but Stealing inquiring gazes in their direction.

Chen Xinyi on the side took Wang Yue's hand and comforted her: "Yueyue, let's go back to the past, isn't the relationship between the three of us the best?" At the end, Chen Xinyi's tears fell again.

But Wang Yue ruthlessly shook off Chen Xinyi's hand, and said with a smile: "Xinyi, we can't go back anymore, we are no longer the ignorant and carefree girl we were when we were young!"

Nie Qianqian looked at Wang Yue, and of course she understood that they really couldn't go back, even though they still didn't want to believe it, they didn't want to admit it, but they had to believe it, they had all changed.

"Okay, eat slowly, the person who picks me up is here." Wang Yue wiped away tears, stood up, and returned to her previous elegant appearance. A sports car was listening across the road, and Nie Qianqian looked through the window See Zhou Qian, Zhou Qu's second son who is formally sitting inside.

Wang Yue walked out of the restaurant and walked towards the sports car. Zhou Qian walked out of the car slowly, hugging Wang Yue and kissing her.

Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi looked at the scene they didn't want to believe in disbelief. Wang Yue, who was obviously very close to them, seemed to be far away from them at the moment.

"How could they do that?" Chen Xinyi couldn't believe what she saw and asked Nie Qianqian as she watched the sports car drive away.

Nie Qianqian didn't know how to explain to Chen Xinyi what happened in front of her, not to mention that her heart was in a mess now. The last time she saw Wang Yue and Zhou Shen in the mall, Nie Qianqian never told Chen Xinyi why Wang Yue would do it again today. With Zhou Qian, Nie Qianqian really didn't understand that the two of them made such intimate behaviors on the road so recklessly, wouldn't they be afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi?
When Mo Shangqian returned home, the magazine that Nie Qianqian was sitting on the sofa was knocked down. Mo Shangqian walked up to Nie Qianqian slowly, kissed her forehead lightly, and said, "What's wrong?" ?”

"It's okay!" Nie Qianqian put down the magazine in her hand, looked at Mo Shangqian and smiled.

"Don't worry about the company's affairs. I will find out the truth soon." Mo Shangqian comforted him thinking that Nie Qianqian was worried about the leak of the company's confidential documents.

"Well, I know!" Nie Qianqian smiled and stretched out her hand to hook Mo Shangqian's neck. Seeing him staring straight at him, in fact, all she had been thinking about was what happened between Wang Yue and the company this afternoon. She wasn't worried. What she hadn't done would be revealed sooner or later.

"Did something happen today?" Looking at Nie Qianqian's still frowning brows, Mo Shangqian couldn't help asking.

Nie Qianqian just shook her head slightly, she didn't want Mo Shangqian to know about Wang Yue, Wang Yue was her friend, best friend like Chen Xinyi, she believed that Wang Yue was just blinded by some things, and one day sooner or later , she will definitely change back to the way she was before.

At night, only the sound of cicadas could be heard outside, Mo Shangqian was processing documents in the study, Nie Qianqian was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine, and the sound of news came from the mobile phone.

Nie Qianqian turned on her phone and looked. It was sent by Chen Xinyi. When she clicked on it, it turned out that the daily magazine reported many intimate pictures between Wang Yue, Zhou Shen and Zhou Qian.

"Qianqian, are you telling me that this is not true?" A message came from Chen Xinyi on the phone.

Nie Qianqian looked at the pictures on her mobile phone, including some pictures of Wang Yue and Zhou Shen who met Wang Yue and Zhou Shen in the mall last time.

Nie Qianqian looked at the message sent by Chen Xinyi on the screen of her mobile phone. She didn't know how to reply. She really didn't know or understand the relationship between Wang Yue, Zhou Shen and Zhou Qian.

"Qianqian, do you think she is still the Yueyue we know?" Chen Xinyi's message came again from the phone.

Nie Qianqian looked at the message for a long time and did not reply. She also wanted to know the question Chen Xinyi asked, but who could tell her?

Mo Shangqian didn't know when he was standing behind Nie Qianqian. He glanced at Nie Qianqian's phone and said, "Zhou Qu won't last a few days?"

Mo Shangqian's words shocked Nie Qianqian, and she vaguely remembered the first time she saw Zhou Qu in her mind. Such a high-spirited man was about to pass away in just a few months.

Nie Qianqian didn't know if all this had something to do with Wang Yue, she didn't dare to ask, and she didn't know who to ask.How could Zhou Qu not know about the matter between Wang Yue and Zhou Shen and Zhou Qian.

Nie Qianqian didn't understand, did Wang Yue really have no affection for Zhou Qu?Zhou Qu was dying, but Wang Yue was still kissing Zhou Qian on the street this afternoon. Should Nie Qianqian feel heartbroken or hateful for her like this?

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