After meeting Wang Yue on the Internet, Nie Qianqian spent another month in Mo Shangqian's villa, but the phone was still not found, and Mo Shangqian never agreed to buy her a new phone.

During this month, Mo Shangqian seldom went to the company, and always stayed by Nie Qianqian's side. The two of them lived a cycle of life every day. During this month, Nie Qianqian felt as if she was living in isolation life.

A week after Chen Xinyi was taken away by Zhou Xiaoyang, she started to go to work. This matter was told by Chen Xinyi who came here three days after going to work. At that time, Chen Xinyi looked like she wanted Nie Qianqian to take her in, but was ruthlessly rejected by Mo Shangqian up.

Chen Xinyi told Nie Qianqian that the news about her and Zhou Xiaoyang has gradually faded, but the relationship between Nie Qianqian and Mo Shangqian has become more and more noisy. Chen Xinyi also told Nie Qianqian that Gu Nian came to her to find out where Nie Qianqian is now.Of course, given how much Chen Xinyi hated Gu Nian, she naturally didn't tell him.

One month later, under Nie Qianqian's strong request, Mo Shangqian finally agreed that she would work in the company. Of course, Mo Shangqian's willingness to agree so readily was naturally conditional. His condition was that Nie Qianqian must live in Mo Shangqian's villa. Of course, it is a town house that is a little closer to work.

Nie Qianqian was compelled by Mo Shangqian's lust, and finally had to compromise. Chen Xinyi hoped that Nie Qianqian could come back to work, but after hearing the news that Nie Qianqian still wanted to live with Mo Shangqian, she lost her mind, because if Nie Qianqian still lived in Mo Shangqian Qian’s house, then she has no excuse to move out from Zhou Xiaoyang’s house, Chen Xinyi felt a headache every day thinking about Zhou Xiaoyang’s pitiful look waiting for her to answer the proposal, but it’s a pity that Nai and Mo Shangqian That dangerous look is also worth giving up.

Nie Qianqian and Mo Shangqian packed up their clothes one day in advance and took them back to the villa in the urban area. Under Nie Qianqian's strong request, Mo Shangqian finally agreed to sleep in a separate room with her.

However, when Nie Qianqian woke up the next morning, when Nie Qianqian opened her eyes, Mo Shangqian was lying lazily beside her, with one hand under Nie Qianqian's neck and the other hand resting on Nie Qianqian's neck. waist, hug her tightly.

When Mo Shangqian woke up, Nie Qianqian was staring at him with curious big eyes, and saw Mo Shangqian pressed a kiss on Nie Qianqian's forehead, and then said with a smile, "Morning! "

Nie Qianqian pushed Mo Shangqian over and asked, "How did you come in?" Nie Qianqian clearly remembered that the door was locked before going to bed last night, but why did Mo Shangqian appear here?
Mo Shangqian stretched out his hand and pulled Nie Qianqian back into his arms, and said in a hoarse voice, as if he hadn't woken up yet: "Sleep with me." After speaking, Nie Qianqian was hugged tightly in his arms.

Nie Qianqian broke away from his embrace a little annoyed, and asked, "Get out!" Although she and Mo Shangqian already had the same relationship as in the incident, the distance that should be kept still needs to be maintained.

Mo Shangqian slowly opened his eyes, seeing Nie Qianqian's angry look, he had no choice but to walk out with an innocent face, Nie Qianqian looked at Mo Shangqian's back, felt angry and funny, covered her head and continued to sleep in her sleep .

When he woke up again and went downstairs, Mo Shangqian was busy in the kitchen. Nie Qianqian walked down slowly, walked to Mo Shangqian, picked up the milk on the table, took a sip, and asked curiously: "Auntie What? Why are you making breakfast?"

Mo Shangqian reached out and took the milk in Nie Qianqian's hand, handed her a prepared sandwich, and said, "Drinking milk on an empty stomach is not good, eat something!" He said and pulled Nie Qianqian to the dining table.

Nie Qianqian looked at Mo Shangqian in a daze for another moment. She didn't know when the three meals a day became Mo Shangqian's business, and she didn't know when she started to like Mo Shangqian's change .

"When we go to work, my aunt will come to clean. Usually, it's just you and me in this house." Mo Shangqian said calmly while eating the sandwich in front of him gracefully.He just didn't want anyone to disturb his alone time with Nie Qianqian.

Nie Qianqian sat across from Mo Shangqian and watched him eating a sandwich, and couldn't help but wonder how could there be a person who was so good-looking even when eating.

"What? What's on my face?" Mo Shangqian liked the way Nie Qianqian looked at him, but he couldn't help but amused him.

Staring at a man with such naked eyes, and being discovered by the other party, Nie Qianqian's little face blushed involuntarily, she lowered her head slowly, and continued eating the sandwich.

Seeing Nie Qianqian's shy look, Mo Shangqian raised his mouth slightly, and handed her a gift box from the side. Nie Qianqian took the box from Mo Shangqian and opened it to see that it was a mobile phone.

"Give it to me?" Nie Qianqian got the mobile phone again after more than a month, and Nie Qianqian suddenly felt that life without a mobile phone seemed to be pretty good.

Mo Shangqian nodded, Nie Qianqian's original mobile phone had been taken away by him long ago, and if he gave it to her now, it would be self-reporting, and with a new mobile phone, Xu Hexi's number might not be found like this.It's also good to kill two birds with one stone.

The mobile phone that Mo Shangqian gave is naturally the most popular style now. Nie Qianqian opened the mobile phone and looked at it. There was only Mo Shangqian's number in the address book. Nie Qianqian asked, "Is it still my old card?"

"No, I got a new card for you." Mo Shangqian still looked calm, showing no strange emotions at all.

"Ah! Well, when I go to work later, I will ask Chen Xinyi to transmit the number to me. The friends of the two of us are basically the same." Although Nie Qianqian was a little disappointed, after all, that mobile phone number was used by herself. It's been a long time, but after all, Mo Shangqian gave me the mobile phone, so I can't say much, it would be too impolite.

Only then did Mo Shangqian realize that it was really a missed move and Chen Xinyi was a 'big trouble'. But the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to pursue those matters. What's more, Xu Hexi will be back soon, and some things are still there. It's better to confess to Nie Qianqian earlier, maybe she will tell her herself, and she may choose to forgive herself after knowing the truth.

But he couldn't help being afraid, afraid that after Nie Qianqian knew about it, she would ignore him and hate him. Decisions, he could face them calmly, but he was afraid of this issue, and chose to avoid it again and again...

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