The first thousand and 380 chapters I am not easy to bully

"Wang Yue, you are so amazing, please teach us all the skills, how do you persuade customers, why are we rejected by customers every time before we speak, how do you do it."

When Wang Yue came to work early in the morning, everyone surrounded her desk, and everyone flocked to ask her about various skills.

Wang Yue just smiled, "Actually, I don't have any skills, I just try to find ways to get the results I want, and put all my mind on work. There is no second person in this world who knows what other people's lives are like." Yes, just like when I first joined the company, everyone thought I was introduced through relationships. The truth is that I found it myself, and I was not distracted at work, and I never cared what others said, because others It’s all nonsense, and instead of having time to argue with others about some nonsense, it’s better to work hard and make some achievements for others to see.”

Everyone can understand what Wang Yue means, and they also know that now that Wang Yue has made contributions to the company, he must have a lot of face in front of the leaders.

"Wang Yue, didn't we say that to motivate you to work hard before, you don't know, our department has a rule, that is, new employees have to go through a series of tests, such as being isolated by colleagues , and various similar tests, congratulations on passing the postgraduate entrance examination, congratulations on officially joining us." The department head looked at Wang Yue with a hypocritical look.

Wang Yue is also a very unconvinced person, "Congratulations to you at the same time, you have been fired from the company, and you will not be working in the company from next week." Wang Yue is about to replace the position of department head. I hate this kind of person who tends to power, and I hate this kind of aggressive, gossiping person even more, because he was like this before, causing her to be separated from her best friend, causing her life to fall into a trough, once she hated herself and I hate the current minister, but my friend Chen Xinyi's persistence has awakened her inner conscience.

"What are you talking about, what qualifications do you have, you are just a stinky girl who has only been here for a few months, but this month's performance is a little better, what is so arrogant, believe it or not, I will tell you to leave immediately. "The minister is so arrogant.

"That's right, a stinky girl, how can she compare with us, she won't know who she is after a few compliments, and dare to talk so loudly to our sister Zhang, I really don't know what the leader thinks, can you Such unqualified people are recruited into the company." The deputy director who has been following the minister also followed the minister and began to deal with Wang Yue. Where there are women, there will be quarrels. This sentence is really true.

"Not only is my performance good this month, but I have been the number one in our department for several months in a row. The quality of my work still depends on my performance, not on who has a mouth that can talk right and wrong." Wang Yue is also very interested The imposing manner made the minister's face purple with anger.

"Who are you talking about, who likes to talk back." The minister began to pull Wang Yue's hair as he spoke.

Wang Yue stepped back, picked up a glass of water on the table, and poured it at the minister. Today is the time for her to take revenge. Before, she had to listen to the minister. She was ordered by the minister every day, and sometimes she couldn’t do well. She was scolded by this woman, but she didn't have a chance to refute. Now she is not afraid, and she has leaders to support her.

"It's against you." The minister roared like a lion.

"Come on, come on, come on, Wang Yue beat someone."

Wang Yue randomly picked up a marker pen and drew a few lines on the minister's face.Everyone rushed in, and everyone smiled when they saw Minister Zhang's face.

"This scourge is bullying our minister. It's really the opposite. Report to the leader and fire this woman." The deputy minister looked at everyone and said, but no one left, they all looked at the minister and secretly smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" The minister's face turned green with anger.

The deputy minister also took a look at the minister at this time, and found that Wang Yue had drawn a pig on the minister's face, and drew a circle around the mouth, which happened to be a pig's mouth, and the deputy minister couldn't help laughing.

The minister felt that something was wrong, so he ran to the bathroom quickly, looked in the mirror, oh my god, I was laughed at to death, where should I put my old face, Wang Yue, this bitch, I want you to leave the company immediately, I want report to the leader.She washed her face and went to the department manager.

"Minister Zhang and her husband were playing with drawing pigs at home last night. Since I used a printing pen, I came here this morning in a hurry and didn't wash off the marks on my face, so let's help her and find a way. Tell everyone not to laugh at him, that's why we came up with such a way to make everyone mistakenly think that I painted it, and everyone don't laugh when they meet Mr. Zhang later, thank you everyone, let's leave. Wang Yue is really a Scheming bitch, it turned out that she had thought about all of this, and shifted all the responsibilities to Minister Zhang, and thought of a universal way to protect herself in a short period of time." Wang Yue said very calmly, everyone was succeeded by her Convinced, it is naive for everyone to discuss this Minister Zhang.Everyone left laughing.

"It's not like this. It's not what Wang Yue said. Wang Yue just painted it. She wanted to frame our minister and then wanted to take the position of minister." The deputy minister tried his best to explain to everyone, and everyone had already left the room In a small office, everyone is busy with work.

"Wang Yue, the manager asked you to go to the office" a voice suddenly came.

"Hmph, now I see what you have to argue with, just wait for the fired squid," the deputy minister said with a smug look.

"Wang Yue was not worried. When he walked into the office, he saw Minister Zhang crying and begging the manager."

"Manager, I still have parents at home and children to support. I can't live without this job. Besides, it's not my fault. You must check it out. Manager, I've been with you for so many years. You should know me well." .”

"It is precisely because I have been with you for so many years that I know you best. You don't do good things every day, you don't want to make much contribution to the company, and you think about intrigue all day long. When you first joined the company, I saw you working hard. You were promoted to minister, but you didn’t expect that you would use your power to punish new employees and not work well. Look at the people you brought out, which one was not for their own interests, and made the company restless. Really I'm so disappointed." The manager said it directly, without saving Minister Zhang any face.

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