Soon, it was the day of the banquet.The banquet was held in a banquet hall in the open air.The scenery next to the hotel is also pleasant and picturesque. I have to say that Xu He is quite picky and extravagant in this regard.

Fortunately, this place is big, otherwise, just judging by the group of women running towards Shang Moqian, within a few minutes, this place would be demolished by them.

Among these banquet personnel, most of them are women, and then there are those reporters who want to find news, and then there are those who want to go to Mo Qian's company and want to cooperate with Mo Qian's company.No matter if they are journalists, celebrities, or business people, they are all dominated by women, and their purpose is very obvious, they want to make people trick them.Who is Shang Moqian? How could he be fooled by such trivial tricks?So when Shang Moqian came to this hotel, he chose to ignore these people who tried their best to extract benefits from Shang Moqian, and went directly to the backstage through the side door of the house.

Therefore, it led to the birth of such a scene.

"Hey? Where's my family, Mo Qian?" The female lead is wearing revealing clothes, a mermaid skirt, which outlines her relatively perfect figure very well, and she is matched with that exquisite makeup, but if you ignore her appearance, she is still beautiful.

"Hey, hello! What is your Mo Qian?!" Hearing what the first girl said, the second girl was unwilling again. She crossed her hands and put them on her chest, stepping on the pair of hats that were more than ten centimeters high, facing towards her. Walk in the direction of female one.

When everyone saw it, they stopped discussing. The two women looked like they were going to fight!If you don't watch the show, think they are stupid? !
"Hey! What? Do you have an opinion?" Hearing this, the girl raised her eyebrows, making trouble? !Miss Ben will accompany you to the end!
"Yeah! I just have an opinion! With your appearance, if my family Qianqian likes you... Heh! Then I will definitely raise money to treat his eyes!" arrive.

"You!" I have to admit that the second girl is indeed better-looking than the first girl, and her figure is obviously much better than the first girl.The second girl has a pair of red phoenix eyes, a delicate bridge of nose, and standard M-shaped lips. With that oval face, she is indeed much better-looking than the first girl's small eyes.

But anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the entire face of the female second is obviously man-made.Because, her nose is obviously a little crooked, but the second girl doesn't know it.

"Hey! So what? Then my natural face is better than this cosmetic face full of silicone!" The first girl's lips curled up coldly, and she stretched out her hand to gently push the second girl.

The second girl's shoes are very high. Being pushed by the first girl, the whole person's center of gravity is unstable, her foot twists, and she falls straight back, "Ah!"

"Pfft! Hahahaha!" The skirt worn by the female second who was pushed down was lifted up. Coincidentally, the bottom/pants of the female second was exposed.Black lace/silk trim.

In addition, the second female has a good figure, and compared with the first female, her clothes are not revealing, only more revealing, so the other men present stare straight at the second female with straight eyes.

The second girl was so embarrassed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and slip in, but her feet were twisted again, her shoes were too high, and she couldn't even stand up. If she wanted to leave, how easy was it?

"Yo yo yo! Beauty, we know you want to seduce our brothers, but don't be so obvious! Right? Hahahahahaha!" As he said that, the man gestured with his hands, and the second woman burst into tears. red.If it wasn't for the injured foot, it is estimated that the violent temper of the second female student might really slap the pair of high heels on the man's face.But things are not as good as others, the second girl hurriedly tidied up her skirt, and saw the first girl walking over.

When the second girl saw the first girl, she took a step back unconsciously, because she was sitting on the ground and couldn't move, she could only use her hands and feet, but as soon as she moved her feet, the second girl sucked in the pain and looked at the swollen feet. Bao, a raging fire ignited in the heart of the second woman.

Seeing the first woman walking towards her, the second woman saw the right moment, stretched out her hand, grabbed the ankle of the first woman, and pulled it hard. Due to the inertia of the first woman, the whole person fell back and sat on the ground with her buttocks. People are all dumbfounded. She was just thinking, looking at the embarrassment of the second female, she wanted to humiliate her, but, who can tell her what happened?The current female lead is in a state of "Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here?".

"Hahaha!" Looking at the scene, everyone burst into laughter, but Shang Moqian didn't see his true face, but it was a good show.

The result, of course, was that two women, each with a lame foot, sat on the ground and began to fight.

"..." During the fight, there were a group of onlookers watching the show and seeing their nudity, but no one was willing to go up to persuade the fight.

In the end, it was the manager who came forward, called security, and left the two women on the street to fend for themselves.

This matter came to an end, and the banquet is about to begin. It is very old-fashioned, and the host will introduce the things that need to be introduced at the banquet.

"Gentlemen and ladies, good evening, everyone. The banquet held here today is a celebration banquet. I know you don't want to hear what I have to say from a person with no looks or height. Then, please Mr. Xu Hexu Say a few words." Saying so, the host took the lead in applauding.

But the applause was sparse, they only wanted Shang Moqian!What about Shang Moqian? !
Xu He was not embarrassed, so he just took the microphone and said, "Welcome everyone to the celebration banquet held in November for the successful cooperation between Moqian Company and NS Company. First of all, this cooperation is successful, and there must be no way to leave Our great hero is also the one you most want to see, President Shang Moqian! Let us applaud to welcome President Shang to the stage!" This time, no matter men or women, they wished to slap their palms to pieces. The applause was deafening. Four words to describe.

"Hush! Quiet, quiet!" Xu He looked at the "audience" in the audience who welcomed Shang Moqian so warmly, and immediately gave up the microphone to Shang Moqian, "In this case, I, Xu, will take the initiative to give up my seat and give up my seat." Give it to Shang Moqian, President Shang, tell me, okay?!"

"Okay! Get down!" Xu He touched his nose and handed the microphone to Shang Moqian. He believed that if Shang Moqian was not allowed to speak at this time, those people in the audience would definitely grab their wine glasses and throw them at him. Hit him.

"Hello everyone, I'm Shang Moqian. This time, the successful cooperation between Moqian Company and NS Company is not only due to me alone, it is the result of the joint efforts of our entire company..." Shang Mo Modesty is Shang Moqian, and he will never drag his feet when speaking, and go straight to the point.

Then, Shang Moqian spent more than ten minutes to end this topic.

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