I don't know how long it took, but the ambulance finally stopped.The car became quiet because of the sudden stop of the motor, which made Nie Qianqian want to sleep peacefully.

"Let's go, hurry up and see if you are injured." The nurse said to Nie Qianqian gently, and opened the car door for Nie Qianqian by the way. "Oh, that's right. Don't worry about your little boyfriend. We will arrange a doctor to operate on him as soon as possible, so you can go and see if there is anything wrong with you. If you don't want him to be fine, you still collapsed .”

Nie Qianqian wanted to watch Mo Shangqian be sent to the hospital, but after being told by the nurse, she was too embarrassed to wait for Mo Shangqian to enter the hospital first to check his body and check the situation.Hey, Mo Shangqian, you must be well.After the mother-in-law and mother got out of the ambulance, they looked back at Mo Shangqian reluctantly.

Nie Qianqian hadn't been to the hospital for a long time, and when she first entered the hospital, she smelled a smell of medicine, which made Nie Qianqian want to escape from this place quickly.Following the signs, Nie Qianqian managed to reach the outpatient department.

"The next one, Nie Qianqian." The doctor's assistant walked out of the outpatient department very imposingly, calling for the next patient.Huh, it's finally my time, I'm a little hungry after waiting.Nie Qianqian stood up, patted her butt, and glanced at the assistant quietly from the corner of her eye.

Mom too, the figure of this assistant is really drool-worthy.He was wearing a loose white coat, and a stethoscope hung around his neck.The uneven body is vaguely depicted by this white coat.

Look at his cheeks again, the delicate and white milk-like skin makes one can't help but want to step forward and touch it.The mouth that was painted with aunt's red lipstick opened and closed to face Nie Qianqian, what he said Nie Qianqian has no idea at all.

"Hey, are you still listening? What's wrong with you?" The assistant looked at Nie Qianqian who was in a daze.What's going on, why is Nie Qianqian suddenly in a daze, she was fine just now.Suddenly, Nie Qianqian sneezed, and found that everyone was looking at him in a daze, and felt a little flustered in her heart by being looked at by everyone like this.

However, at this time, Nie Qianqian didn't find any problem, and her cheeks turned red immediately.Ah, what should I do, I suddenly found a lot of people looking at me, am I going to become a fairy, ahaha.Thinking of this, Nie Qianqian couldn't help laughing a few times, making everyone present look at him curiously again.

"Uh, if there's nothing serious, I'll ask the assistant to go out and call another patient." The doctor finally stopped being a little impatient with Nie Qianqian's behavior of her mother-in-law, and said to Nie Qianqian with a bad temper on his face.

"Yes, yes." Nie Qianqian hurriedly ran to the opposite side of the doctor, and told the doctor about her situation in detail. "Oh, that's right. Then I'll ask my assistant to clean it up and bandage the wound later. You're fine now, you just need to pay more attention to rest." The doctor wrote on the computer seriously without looking up Watching Nie Qianqian's situation.

Huh, it's a good thing that you don't have to stay here for a long time, and you can finally leave this place full of medicinal smells.

The assistant really couldn't bear Nie Qianqian's worried expression and his trembling body.So, he said loudly: "Don't move, it shouldn't hurt that much." The patients who were attracted to the doctor couldn't help but look at Nie Qianqian.

The assistant didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly became a little rough.With two brush strokes, she cut a hole in Nie Qianqian's clothes with scissors, and then applied the medicine on Nie Qianqian's body bit by bit.

Nie Qianqian originally wanted to turn her head away, not to watch this somewhat tragic scene.However, as soon as he turned his head away, he saw a big cut in his arm in the mirror, and the situation inside could be seen clearly.Nie Qianqian looked at the bloody arm and just wanted to find a place where there were no people to vomit.

I don't know how long it took, but Nie Qianqian's arm was finally cleaned up, even though Nie Qianqian's arm is still a bit embarrassing. "Okay, now you don't have any major problems." The assistant looked at the list of medicines in his hand intently, ticking off one by one. "Well, okay, thank you doctor."

Nie Qianqian couldn't wait to see Mo Shangqian, and ran to the reception area as soon as she left the outpatient department.She hasn't been to the hospital for a long time, so Nie Qianqian has been looking for a front desk service area for a long time.

At this time, suddenly a very cute boy ran towards Nie Qianqian and asked in a voice so sweet that it melted into sugar: "Sister, what are you looking for?" Nie Qianqian originally thought Petting the head of this little Zhengtai, but hearing what he said, I really wanted to reach out and rub his little face.

"Well, I want to go to the front desk service area, do you know where it is?" Nie Qianqian squatted down and looked at Xiao Zhengtai.

"Let's go, I'll take you there." As soon as the words finished, Xiao Zhengtai took Nie Qianqian's finger with her chubby little hand, and led Nie Qianqian around.Finally, they stopped in front of a simple and huge counter. "Okay, here it is. Young lady, you can go to them for help." Nie Qianqian looked at this young lady and couldn't stop.Chao Xiaozheng nodded and then asked the front desk for information about Mo Shangqian.

"Mo Shangqian, right? He was sent in just now. He bled profusely and was seriously injured. You are his family member. He is in room 324. Be careful not to disturb the rest of the patients in other beds." Nie Qianqian told Nie Qianqian while listening to the front desk seriously. about Mo Shangqian.

324, 324, 324, ah, I found it.Before Nie Qianqian entered the ward, she was stopped by a doctor. "You want to see Mo Shangqian, right? I think it's necessary to tell his friends about this matter. He lost a lot of blood, so he doesn't know what's going on in the next second, and what's more, don't give Mo Shangqian something to eat Messy stuff."

Nie Qianqian managed to reach Mo Shangqian's ward, but was warned not to irritate the patient.Although, in her heart, Nie Qianqian really wanted to go in and have a look at Mo Shangqian, and now she can still walk in and ask for a puppy.But no, Mo Shangqian was seriously injured.

In the end, Nie Qianqian was still obedient and did not enter the ward. Instead, she just peeked at the door secretly. At this moment, Mo Shangqian was resting peacefully with her eyes closed like a child.

Through the glass window, Nie Qianqian left through the glass door gently and reluctantly, and said to Mo Shangqian through the glass door very disturbedly: "Take care. I hope nothing happens."

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