Mo Shangqian, who couldn't sleep, began to suspect that what happened back then was done by Zhou Luoli and Xu Hexi, in order to separate him from Nie Qianqian.Because Xu Hexi had also seen Nie Qianqian's body back then, and Xu Hexi also attended the funeral he held for Nie Qianqian. Xu Hexi knew that Nie Qianqian was not dead, so he was still pretending to cry beside Nie Qianqian's coffin.

But Xu Hexi left the country immediately after attending the funeral.At first, I thought that Xu Hexi wanted to leave the sad place.I am afraid that what happened back then has something to do with Xu Hexi.At that time, the Qingtian Group of Zhou Luoli's family went bankrupt. She didn't have such a great ability to forge Nie Qianqian's body. It was right and wrong. It was the Xu family that caused the bankruptcy of the Qingtian Group back then. How could Zhou Luoli form an alliance with the enemy? But what is the truth? Woolen cloth?

Mo Shangqian is puzzled, but regardless of the facts, Xu Hexi's malicious intentions are true. He likes Nie Qianqian, and he took Nie Qianqian away on purpose to separate them, but Nie Qianqian is bound to win... ...Xu Hexi, just wait for the move!
At the same time, Xu Hexi was also lying on the bed and couldn't sleep. He was suppressing himself. His illness hadn't flared up for a long time, but when he saw Mo Shangqian again and saw that he hadn't forgotten Nie Qianqian, he was afraid that Nie Qianqian would be killed by Mo Shangqian. When Qian found out, he could only send her to the branch office for inspection.

Long before, Xu Hexi had received the news that Nie Qianqian had arrived safely, but why was it almost 40 minutes later than the scheduled time? Nie Qianqian was always punctual and would never be late. Is there any problem?Could it be related to Mo Shangqian?Usually Nie Qianqian would call herself, but she didn't call him today.

I had spent so much energy at the beginning, but now Nie Qianqian only belongs to him, Xu Hexi. Although there is another person in my heart, Nie Qianqian still treats me differently.But now when that person really appeared again, Nie Qianqian's attitude towards her changed, everything changed
If Mo Shangqian found Nie Qianqian and explained what happened back then.With Nie Qianqian's intelligence, she must understand that she had her hands and feet in this matter, so will Qianqian still stay by her side?Will she ever forgive herself?At that time, I can only watch Mo Shangqian and Nie Qianqian live happily together, and I can only watch from the sidelines?
No, Nie Qianqian can only be hers, Xu Hexi's, and Mo Shangqian can't take her away.If Nie Qianqian chooses Mo Shangqian, what should she do?Thinking of this, Xu Hexi's eyes immediately became gloomy. Nie Qianqian must be her own, even if she ruined Nie Qianqian in the end... yes, ruined her, ruined Nie Qianqian, and kept her by her side. She was the only one left, and she couldn't accept the loss anymore.

Thinking of this, regardless of whether it was late at night or whether it would disturb the people, he immediately called the assistant and asked him to find out why Nie Qianqian was late, what happened, and whether there was any delay?
Early the next morning, Mo Shangqian used the reason of the cooperative company to call the people in the branch company and asked to inspect the work with Nie Qianqian, because Mo Shangqian knew that Nie Qianqian would not refuse if this was the only way, and he would definitely achieve it. As for the target, Mo Shangqian has lived with Nie Qianqian for a long time and knows Nie Qianqian very well.Nie Qianqian doesn't like mixing personal issues with her work, so she will definitely agree.

Nie Qianqian finally fell asleep, and someone from the branch opened the phone. Fortunately, Nie Qianqian didn't wake up, or else... the people from the branch said that Mo Shangqian and Mo always wanted to inspect the construction of the branch with herself. Inspection work, so I want to ask her if I can?
Nie Qianqian squeezed her brows, Mo Shangqian would really make herself sad, it seems that the two need to have a good talk, the past is over, although she still has him in her heart, it is scary for a woman to be rational, she can I don't want to be a third party and spoil other people's feelings.

However, this cooperation project was very fancy to Xu Hexi, and he didn't like to confuse personal feelings with work, so after thinking about it, he felt that it was nothing, so he agreed.

At first, everything went very smoothly. Nie Qianqian and Mo Shangqian had looked at the branch office and there was only one place left, which was the building under construction by the branch office. Originally, Nie Qianqian was planning to go back, but Mo Shangqian wanted to see it, so she let Nie Qianqian Accompanied to go together, Nie Qianqian had no choice but to go with Mo Shangqian.

In fact, Mo Shangqian didn't want to go to such a dirty place, but he inspected with Nie Qianqian all morning, except for business, Nie Qianqian didn't say a word to him.Originally, Nie Qianqian didn't talk about it, so he could say it, but he was surrounded by a group of people from the branch company, and accompanied them to inspect.

Mo Shangqian couldn't tell his past with Nie Qianqian in front of so many people, nor could he explain it.He could only keep silent all the way, but now that Nie Qianqian was going back, he could only take Nie Qianqian to inspect the construction site of the building.Fortunately, none of those people came with them, or else his plan would have been ruined.

At this moment, Mo Shangqian was still thinking about how to tell Nie Qianqian the truth, but at this moment Xu Hexi was already furious.Seeing what he found, he originally thought that Nie Qianqian was late because the plane was late, but when he found out that the airline had Mo Shangqian's shares, Xu Hexi knew that the moment he was afraid of had finally arrived.

The person from the branch just called and said that at the moment Mo Shangqian and Nie Qianqian were alone together, Xu Hexi became even more irritable, and he could hardly restrain himself.Xu Hexi angrily knocked everything to the ground, no, he must not sit still, he wants to find Nie Qianqian, as for the company, without Nie Qianqian, nothing is important to him, it is all the same gloomy.

"Help me book a plane ticket to the branch office right away, the fastest way." He wants to stop Mo Shangqian before everything happens, and prevent him from telling Nie Qianqian everything, and Nie Qianqian is still his own.

"Qianqian, I have something to say." Mo Shangqian and Nie Qianqian walked to the balcony on the third floor, and Mo Shangqian suddenly stopped Nie Qianqian.Now is the best time, he can't miss it.

But Nie Qianqian ignored him and walked on by herself. Mo Shangqian grabbed Nie Qianqian's hand.Nie Qianqian turned her head and stared straight at Mo Shangqian, "What are you talking about, are you and Zhou Luoli unable to help yourself?"

At this time, there was a sudden sound, "Ka Ka Ka", and the building collapsed unexpectedly.Now Mo Shangqian and Nie Qianqian in the building could not be spared and were crushed downstairs, but when the building collapsed, Mo Shangqian hugged Nie Qianqian tightly, protected her in his arms, and took all the damage.

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