"Nothing?" Zhao Tezhu said slowly, his eyes were always looking ahead, his face was still expressionless, as if he didn't care about Chen Xinyi's affairs at all.

"Oh!" Chen Xinyi nodded slowly, but there was a sense of loss that could not be hidden in her eyes.

Then the two fell into embarrassment again, and neither of them spoke.

Nie Qianqian still got out of the car one road away from the company, and Chen Xinyi got out of the car after seeing this. Nie Qianqian didn't want people to know her relationship with Mo Shangqian, and she also didn't want people to misunderstand her and Zhao Te Although she still hopes that others can misunderstand her, she has a sense of anger.

Chen Xinyi ignored Zhao Tezhu who was behind her, and caught up with Nie Qianqian, holding her arm behind her, and the two happily walked into the office building.

When Nie Qianqian walked into the building, she was surrounded by the same people as always, the same people, and her eyes gradually changed. Nie Qianqian always felt that since she joined Shangqian Company, she had been pasted with the words 'She is Mo Shang'. modest people' stickers.Now that I don't let Mo Shangqian announce the relationship between the two of them, it would be too hypocritical to cover up.

"Xinyi, remember to keep the matter between me and Mo Shangqian secret." Nie Qianqian couldn't help telling Chen Xinyi again.

"I know, I know." Chen Xinyi nodded, acting like you thought I had a big mouth, and then said goodbye to Nie Qianqian and walked towards the personnel department.

Nie Qianqian looked at Chen Xinyi's back, wondering if she could trust her?But after thinking about it again, she could only choose to believe her. Although Chen Xinyi usually gossips, she will definitely not speak out about things that others cannot tell.

"Qianqian, you are back, is France fun? I have never been there before? Are the men there handsome?" When she came to the secretary's room, Mai Mai saw Nie Qianqian hurriedly grabbed her and asked a lot of questions .

"Um, well. There are indeed many handsome men in France." Nie Qianqian answered the question that Nie Qianqian was most concerned about when picking up wheat. .”

Why is Mo Shangqian here?Nie Qianqian couldn't help but slander in her heart, the office of the president and the secretary's office is not on the same floor, so Mo Shangqian must have come here to look for her, and Nie Qianqian can't care about anything else.He hurriedly avoided Mo Shangqian's gaze, as if he hadn't seen him.

Mo Shangqian walked past Nie Qianqian and Mai Mai coldly. Seeing Nie Qianqian's attitude towards Mo Shangqian, Mai Mai couldn't help asking curiously, "What's the matter with you and Mr. Mo? Mr. Mo's face was ugly just now. And what did you do just now?" An atmosphere of gossip surrounded Nie Qianqian and Mo Shangqian, and Xiao Mai was like a police dog, smelling that strange smell.

"What can I do? I'm leaving first." Nie Qianqian hurriedly changed the subject and left the secretary's room. She even forgot what she wanted to do in the secretary's office. Go to the president's office.

When Mo Shangqian came back, Nie Qianqian was sorting out the documents. When she turned her head, she found that Mo Shangqian was standing behind her at some point. She was startled, and patted her frightened little heart that was thumping wildly. Said: "Mr. Mo, do you know that scaring people can scare people to death?"

"Call me Shangqian." Mo Shangqian reached out and hugged Nie Qianqian into his arms, and a sexy voice came from the top of Nie Qianqian's head to his ears.

"But, I'm in the company now. I'm your assistant here." Nie Qianqian lay obediently in Mo Shangqian's arms, and Mo Shangqian's heartbeat could be heard in her ears.

"I don't care, you are my girlfriend now, not my assistant." Mo Shangqian said stubbornly, still not letting go of Nie Qianqian.

Nie Qianqian said helplessly: "Okay, when there are only two of us, I will call you Shangqian, but if there are outsiders, I must call you Mr. Mo, okay?" Nie Qianqian felt that she never agreed to Mo Shangqian. After the request of dating, Mo Shangqian became more and more like a child.

It seems that what others said is right, there is a child in every man's heart, Mo Shangqian seems to be an unapproachable character, but when he really meets someone he likes, he is as childish as a child.

"Okay." Mo Shangqian nodded in satisfaction, slowly loosened the arms that bound Nie Qianqian, looked into Nie Qianqian's beautiful eyes, and said, "I miss you so much."

"Didn't we just meet yesterday?" Nie Qianqian said helplessly.

"But I still miss you very much. Every moment, every minute, every second, I have your shadow in my mind. Qianqian, can you move in and live with me?" Mo Shangqian told his love without hiding anything Si Lian, that makes people very helpless.

"No." Nie Qianqian secretly decided that she would definitely not leave her mother's side before she got married. That would allow her mother to live alone earlier, and she must spend more time with her as a daughter.

Mo Shangqian thought that Nie Qianqian must be thinking wrong, and quickly explained: "I just hope that the first person I see when I wake up every morning is you, I can see you before going to bed, and I can see you when I want to see you. "

"Mo Shangqian, I can't satisfy you with this request. I can't be selfish and leave my mother at home alone. I hope you can support me in this regard." Nie Qianqian raised her head to meet Mo Shangqian's eyes, eyes full of tears. It is earnest and expectant.

Mo Shangqian smiled helplessly and nodded.He didn't want to force Nie Qianqian on some things. He hoped that in their relationship, the two of them had an equal relationship, or that he was more inclined to tolerate her. This was his promise to Nie Qianqian.

"I want to eat steamed fish tonight." Mo Shangqian looked at Nie Qianqian and said.

"No." Nie Qianqian refused repeatedly.

"Why?" Mo Shangqian, who was repeatedly rejected by Nie Qianqian, said pretending to be angry.

"Xinyi asked me to have dinner with Zhou Xiaoyang at night, so I can't accompany you." Nie Qianqian felt a little sorry for her repeated rejection of Mo Shangqian.

"Where did you make an appointment?" Mo Shangqian pretended to be unintentional and asked, and Nie Qianqian replied without thinking: "The old place restaurant, the one that I, Xinyi and Yueyue often go to?"

"Oh, yes, I see. Poor me, I can only have dinner with Special Assistant Zhao tonight." Mo Shangqian showed a disappointed expression, but the corner of his mouth was sly.

It's a pity that Nie Qianqian, who was embraced by Mo Shangqian again, didn't notice...

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