Time is something you can't see or touch. If you don't pay attention to time, it will slip away from you quietly.Three years passed in a flash, and the NX International Design Company of Nie Qianqian and Xu Hexi has also developed rapidly.

This house has a very Chinese-style design, a sandalwood desk, and sandalwood chairs.The edge is a hollow window of sandalwood, and all the designs are surrounded by the wooden structure, which reflects the profoundness of Chinese culture.At this time, a woman was sitting on the chair.

Her hair was scrupulously combed, and she wore gold-rimmed eyes.At this time, write and draw on the table.That's right, the one sitting on the table is Nie Qianqian.Three years have passed, and time seems to have left no marks on her face.But as time passed, Nie Qianqian's temperament changed dramatically, and she became more mature.

NX International Design Company has achieved tremendous development, and a large part of the reason is also due to the changes of Nie Qianqian.During these three years, NX International Design Company has fully emerged.And it has gained great popularity internationally.

It is also the same thing that made NX International Design Company famous. Fan Binbin, a well-known first-line movie star in country C, put on a flower fairy suit specially designed by NX International Design Company when he went to the Cannes Film Festival.This set of clothes not only integrates the establishment concept of country C, but also caters to the dreamy design of foreign countries.

The flower fairy suit showed off its style at the Cannes Film Festival. Originally, Fan Binbin would not just find a small company to make such a ostentatious dress.However, due to a chance meeting with Nie Qianqian while playing in the flower field, Fan Binbin and Nie Qianqian chatted very well, and Fan Binbin hoped that Nie Qianqian would design this dress.

It was also this kind of coincidence that made such a big opportunity fall to NX International Design Company, but Nie Qianqian lived up to expectations and designed this suit.It also completely catered to her meeting with Fan Binbin.

Originally, Fan Binbin planned to introduce her designer grandly, but Nie Qianqian didn't want to be exposed, so she attributed all the credit to her company.What's more, Nie Qianqian never showed up in the company, and the company didn't know that there was such a person as Nie Qianqian.Just know one great guy.

At the beginning, everyone was still inquiring about this mysterious woman who designed the flower fairy suit, but all kinds of insinuations failed to find out her real information.Gradually, everyone gave up investigating Nie Qianqian, only knowing that she was a very mysterious designer.However, after all, people are still afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, and various gossips have also spread.

What do you say that this designer is already a tortoise and crane, hidden in the mountains and forests.It's only when I'm in a good mood that I come out to design.Or it means that the designer is too young, and he is afraid that the child will become like Hu Zhongyong in ancient times.So it was protected, and news like this spread quickly.The only thing that is known is that one of the founders of this company is Xu Hexi.

Nie Qianqian finds these things funny every time she hears them, and admires the brains of people nowadays.She just doesn't want to be in the spotlight, she still wants to be a normal person.As long as everyone likes what she designs.Moreover, if she is exposed.Her life will become full of entertainment all day long, and she will not be free at all.

Xu Hexi also very much agrees with Nie Qianqian's decision, after all, if Nie Qianqian appears in the eyes of the world.I'm afraid that Mo Shangqian will kill him soon, and what Zhou Liluo and him did will be made public.

"Qianqian, there are many big names coming to cooperate today." Xu Hexi walked into Nie Qianqian's studio carrying a lot of documents.Since Nie Qianqian did not want to disclose her identity, the insiders of the company did not know her identity.Although Xu Hexi, the founder, is a shareholder, he is also a broker.

Nie Qianqian paid for her gold-rimmed glasses, but raised her head. "Wow. There are too many of them. Where can I choose them?" Nie Qianqian looked helplessly at the pile of documents.

"My aunt, I have passed 70.00% of this, so I dare to bring it to you. These are first-line brands such as GUCCI, D&G, and CHANEL. How dare I take other brands that are not in the mainstream. If it is not for your design We won't be so busy with 'Flower Fairy'." Xu Hexi put down the pile of documents and wiped his sweat.

Nie Qianqian smiled awkwardly, but immediately responded dissatisfied. "Hmph! If I hadn't designed 'Flower Fairy', we don't know when our little company will be successful."

When Nie Qianqian and Xu Hexi first started their business, although Xu Hexi had money, it was of little use.Because few people would use a little-known small company, Xu Hexi was unwilling to ask his family for help.Because this is his own business.Although, Xu Hexi is not short of money.But when the two of them first started their business, it was really hard, and they could only take on some small jobs.If Nie Qianqian hadn't met Fan Binbin by chance, she wouldn't know when their company would become famous after designing "Flower Fairy".

"Yes, yes, you are the most powerful, and Qianqian is the most powerful. After all, I am just an investor." Xu Hexi clasped his hands together, expressing his surrender.

"Investor? Don't be too funny. You're just a broker, hahaha." Nie Qianqian tapped Xu Hexi's head with the pen in her hand and smiled slightly.

"Ah! I was knocked out, Boss Nie! Please treat me to dinner." Xu Hexi put his hands on his head and pretended to cover his head, ready to touch Nie Qianqian.

"Ah! My hand hurts so much. Are you an iron head!" Nie Qianqian fought back not to be outdone.

Xu Hexi and Nie Qianqian stared like this for a while, and then immediately started laughing.

"Do you know, it's been so long. There are still people who are trying to find out who you are, and they are really tireless." Xu Hexi went to the chair next to him and sat down on it.He took out his phone and started to read the news.

"Ah? It's been so long, why are people still spying on me? But to be honest, your secrecy measures are really good, and you haven't found out who I am so far." Nie Qianqian continued to pick up the pen in her hand and started to work. .

"That's right, you don't look at who I am." Xu Hexi crossed his legs, stretched out a hand and made a V letter.I have the best expression on my face in the world.

"Qianqian, let's go eat. I found a new restaurant, this is a Chinese-style restaurant. You will definitely like it." After finishing speaking, he looked at Nie Qianqian who was working.

"Well, it's ok. Let's go after I finish this draft. I'm tired of eating French food every time. How can there be delicious home-cooked food." Nie Qianqian originally wanted to refuse, but when she thought that she hadn't been late for a long time My hometown food makes my mouth water.


Suddenly, Xu Hexi's mobile phone received a message. Xu Hexi just opened the message and then frowned.

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