"So, Xu Hexi, what do you want to ask the old man about the company this time?" The old man asked Xu Hexi with a smile on his face.

Xu Hexi scratched his head and said falteringly, "I want to contribute to the company. It just so happens that Monko is coming to our company to visit the situation, so I want me to negotiate with Monko as a representative."

After hearing this, the old man fell silent.It turned out to be this matter, but I am really pleased that Xu Hexi can think about the company.

Seeing that the old man bowed his head and said nothing, Xu Hexi was afraid that the old man would not give it to him, so he immediately added, "There must be a lot of people in the company who are capable of this task than me, but I just want to see if I can rely on me Do your best to complete this task.”

The old man looked at the young and victorious Xu Hexi in front of him, and suddenly his expression was in a trance, as if he saw himself many years ago.

At that time, I was still very handsome, and I was a desirable male god in school.Every day there will be a lot of delicious food and love letters in my drawer.

And at that time, I had already finished self-studying the contents of the book.Therefore, the old man wanted to start a company of his own, use the latest technology to improve the level of production technology, understand the latest information, and apply it to his own products.

The road to entrepreneurship is always so bumpy, and no one can reach the other side of victory in a smooth sailing.And at that time, the old man, relying on details, er, strong willpower, managed to create a company of his own.

The old man ran to the pond alone every day, staring at the fish in the lotus pond in a daze.And sometimes sitting alone on the lawn, lazily basking in the sun.Although on the surface, the old man is very leisurely, but his mind is full of matters related to the company.

The company began to develop slowly, and in the end, there were quite a lot of customers.When the old man was about to go out to talk with customers, the old man asked one of his subordinates to manage the company's duties while he was away.

But the good times didn't last long. When he went out to talk with customers, his subordinates ran away with all the company's bills.The company that the old man worked so hard to build disappeared all of a sudden, all because of this hateful subordinate.

However, the old man had no choice but to start all over again and build his own company from scratch.But the original company cost him too much energy and money, so he doesn't have much money on hand now, but the old man refuses to give up.

So, he came to a company that was recruiting employees, sent his resume again and again, but still didn't choose him.Finally, during an inspection by the general manager, he found out that the old man was talented, so he was hired.

However, just at this time, the company had a big customer to solve.The old man really wanted to give it a try, so he volunteered to find the general manager and said, "Manager, if it's a big customer, leave it to me to solve it. I will definitely do a good job and complete this task."

The general manager believed him and gave him the assignment.The old man was very happy and tried his best to do the task well.

After a long time, the task was completed, and the general manager was very proud of the old man when he saw that the old man had completed the task so well.

I don't know how long the old man has been in this company. I only know that the old man has gained a lot from this company.People trust each other, and colleagues help each other.

The old man walked to the manager's office and said, "I'm going to resign as the manager and I'm going to build my own company." The general manager felt very sorry to hear that, so he asked the old man to stay, "Let's stay a little longer and accumulate some experience. At that time, if you still want to establish your own company, it will be better and easier." After hearing this, the old man no longer asked for a departure day, but stayed in the company to continue working according to the general manager's words.

The old man earnestly completes the tasks conveyed above every day.Don't dare to delay for a moment, it's not that you don't dare, it's that you don't want to.He hopes to get a better version of himself, hoping to be the best in everything.

But I don't know how long it took for the old man to come to the general manager's office again, ready to resign and leave. "Manager, I, think, resign. Sure enough, I still want to live to build my own company earlier."

After the general manager heard this, he didn't say much, and he didn't know how long he was silent.In the end, the general manager didn't want to keep the old man anymore. "Well, this is the letter of resignation. Pack up your things after you take it, and let's go." The general manager said without turning his head.

However, if he hadn't resigned, the old man would have to leave the company with the general manager's expectations.

Through years of working in the general manager's company, the knowledge and interpersonal communication skills gained have made the process of the old man's establishment of the company no longer as bumpy as before.Everything seems to have been drafted, and all that needs to be done now is to apply the formula directly.The same is true for the old man, he is more about setting the tone, and embellishing some beautiful decorations.

Everything seemed to be back to the time when the old man's company's economy was not in trouble, everything was so harmonious and peaceful.The old man is busy in the company every day, and now the old man has understood some truths, so he should not trust others too much.

Every day, the old man wakes up earlier than chickens and goes to bed later than pigs, and can't get enough sleep every day, but fortunately, all of this is rewarded.The company is slowly established, the customer flow is gradually increasing, and the number of repeat customers is gradually increasing.

Gradually, the company developed better and better, and the old man also started to work in the company with ease, all thanks to the general manager, otherwise, the old man would not know where he would be sweeping the streets.

Every time I think of this, the old man is very moved.I don't know what happened to the general manager, I don't know how his company is doing well, and I don't know if he still remembers the old man.

The old man looked at Xu Hexi in front of him, full of pride.But I still can't let it go, after all, monko company is a big company that makes colleagues very envious and wants to cooperate with them.

The old man was very afraid that Xu Hexi would screw up the conversation.But on the other hand, I hope Xu Hexi can grow because of this.

Suddenly, the old man seemed to see Xu Hexi many years later, and even saw what happened around him after death.

Many years later, because of the opportunity given by the old man, he has grown up and has a certain management ability.Therefore, after the old man left, Xu Hexi could manage things easily.The company operates normally every day.

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