Nie Qianqian was still lying on the ground.

Everything in this world is running fast, and she is the only one who stays where she is. It's not that she doesn't want to go, she just can't go. Sometimes she feels helpless, but what can she do.

She didn't know why, she felt that happiness had come to her, but in the end she played such a tragic song for herself, how miserable her situation was in Gaoge, she couldn't think of it at this moment. What could be worse than this.

Are you going to die?This idea kept popping up in her mind. Perhaps only at this moment did she truly realize how happy it is to be alive. She would not believe it before, and she would not believe it now. Some things only Only when you experience it yourself will you know how it feels.

She has seen many dying souls in the hospital. They are all fighting against the god of death, and the biggest devil lives in them.

That's the disease, and sometimes it's a deadly disease in them.

They must have fought at the beginning, why they treated themselves like this, why they were so unfair, let themselves come into this world, but let themselves experience these things again, but when they calmed down, they knew that this matter could not be changed, no matter what they did To struggle, no matter how much I cry, no matter how sad, things are already there, and I have no plan to go back.

They also began to realize that their happy day is also a day, and their sad day is also a day, why not live every day happily.

After countless ideological struggles, a small number of people choose to survive. Surviving is the biggest motivation for them. They are like dying souls, struggling every day.

Nie Qianqian once saw a woman with a bald head, which may be due to a serious illness. After a series of chemotherapy, her hair had fallen out. She saw the woman looking at herself in front of the mirror. Nie Qianqian thought that the woman saw herself for the first time You must feel very sad, do you think that person in the mirror is really yourself?How can I be so strange, I feel a sense of strangeness to myself, that is probably the greatest sorrow.

Nie Qianqian felt a little embarrassed looking at such a scene, thinking that the woman must want to cry when she saw herself in the mirror, but she couldn't help being very surprised when she saw the scene afterwards.

I saw the woman showing a big smile to herself in the mirror. Nie Qianqian thought it was the most beautiful smile in the world, without any pretense, just the most natural taste, and the obsession to live .

Nie Qianqian thought that there are people who are in a worse situation than herself, but that person will still face life with strength. As for herself, shouldn't she face life more positively and optimistically.

After the driver who caused the accident slammed on the brakes, he couldn't stop sweating on his forehead. He kept exhaling, as if he wanted to exhale all the tension and fear in his heart. In this case, It seems that I can relax a little in my heart, as if I will not be nervous.

He was really frightened by the scene just now, he himself was still driving in the car, as usual, but she suddenly saw a person jumping out of the car in front, looking at the well-dressed man, It should be a woman, this happened too suddenly.

The driver didn't react at all, and his speed couldn't stop in a short time. This was driven by inertia, and then such a tragic side happened.

The driver was frightened to death a long time ago. Could this be a fatality?Then he must bear a lot of responsibility, so what should he do? When he thinks about what happens to him in the future, what should his family do.

Just before the accident, he had just talked with his family on the phone, talking to his significant other about what he had encountered today, and when he couldn't see his significant other, he always missed him very much, but in his heart He was very relieved, because he knew that after a busy day at work, he would go home as usual, like every night, and then return to that warm nest.

People who say goodbye in the morning and still see each other in the evening are always so happy.

He also heard the voice of his own child, which was so sweet and immature. He felt warm in his heart. The person who made the voice was the continuation of his life. He felt that nature was really amazing. , Continued from generation to generation, perhaps this is the true meaning of life.

You will leave this world one day, but you have to leave something behind, or you will always feel that you are staying in this world for nothing, so you will leave your own children, as if your life has some hope in the younger generation, you will Put all your hopes on the next generation, as if you have a spiritual support.

The man quickly withdrew his thoughts. Although the thoughts were long, they were actually very short. He felt as long as a century.

He knew that the situation was urgent, and he wanted to save the woman who fell on the ground as soon as possible. He was not the kind of person who ran away after an accident, because he knew how the word responsibility was written, and they always taught people how to deal with it. Be a responsible person.

He quickly got out of his car, because he was too anxious to walk, so the moment he got out of the car, he almost stepped on the air and almost fell down. He was very scared and ran to the woman's side quickly.

He saw that the person lying on the ground was very short of breath, unable to move while lying on the ground, his shoulders were constantly shaking, if it was someone else, seeing such a tragic scene would also be frightening, let alone him Still an ordinary person.

Can you not be afraid to see such a picture?

"Are you okay?" He quickly squatted down and asked beside Nie Qianqian, asking many times.

Nie Qianqian just felt confused, she vaguely heard a voice coming from her ear, she seemed very anxious, but she just couldn't hear the content, and had no idea what the content of the words was.

How much she wishes that she is still lying in bed dreaming, dreaming a dream that shouldn't be dreamed, and when she wakes up immediately, everything will be different, she can still see the person she likes, and she can still tell the people around her , Even if I have a dream that shouldn't be dreamed, it will be fine after a while, thinking about my friend and him.

She was really scared, afraid that what she had today was a very long dream, and she fell asleep by herself.

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