Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 1271 Don't Be Afraid, I've Been Always

When Nie Qianqian heard the shout, she saw the two strong men looking at her in a panic, looking at her seriously.

There was hatred in those eyes, and Nie Qianqian thought that she had no grievances with them, why did they treat such a soft woman like herself, suddenly a sentence flashed in her mind: It was not for money .

For money, they can do anything, even some things that go against morality.

"What are you doing, let me tell you, but don't try to escape, if you escape from here, you will definitely die." The strong man said dangerously.

Seeing that the strong man wanted to come towards her, wanted to catch her and prevent herself from escaping, and was still saying those threatening words, Nie Qianqian felt that if they didn't jump down now, if they were caught by this strong man, they would He will definitely keep watching himself closely, and there is no way for him to escape.

"I will definitely not follow you." Nie Qianqian said stubbornly.

She thought that when she encountered such a thing, she would definitely be very scared, but when the real danger came, she was much calmer than she expected before. Maybe it was because she had no choice. Apart from facing it bravely and compromising, there is no other choice, but if you want to survive, you can only face it with strength.

All this is forced by life.

It seems that life is indeed a good thing, it can make a person braver, but you should not say it blatantly, or it will be proud of life.

"You'd better behave yourself, or I'll be rude to you." The strong man continued.

Nie Qianqian didn't listen to what they said. Her heart was hardened and she knew that she must be brave, so she opened the trunk completely and jumped down.

The moment she jumped down, many voices came from her ears, including the whistling wind, the roar of the strong man, and in this voice, she also heard the voice from the heart, which was Mo Shang Qian's voice is so clear and pleasant, the words are:
"Don't be afraid, I'm always here."

The power of this love is so great that it can make Nie Qianqian feel no fear at such a time.


Seeing that Nie Qianqian actually jumped down, the strong man felt a little flustered, what would happen if something happened when he jumped down, at this moment they heard a sound coming from behind, and then the sound of a sudden brake.

They quickly stopped their car without getting out of the car. Through the rearview mirror, they saw Nie Qianqian lying on the ground, and a car behind her stopped in front of her. They knew that something happened to Nie Qianqian, and the car behind must have hit her. They watched Nie Qianqian fall to the ground with blood gushing out, and they felt that Nie Qianqian would definitely not survive.

It happened so suddenly.

Nie Qianqian fell to the ground. When she jumped on the ground, because of gravity, she felt a sound coming from her legs. Such a clear sound hurt her bone marrow. How could she forget such pain? ?Maybe you will never forget it for a lifetime?

She remembered when her parents quarreled when she was a child, she threw those cups on the ground and turned them into pieces one by one. She just stood motionless by the side, looking at the pieces on the ground, some of which were broken by gravity. It bounced off the ground and landed on her leg, as if it was about to pierce into her skin. It hurt so much. She felt that these fragments were like the devil's mouth, with sharp teeth, trying to tear her apart. The skin sucked all the blood in her body dry.

It's just that she was still standing there at that time, and she didn't even know that her leg was bleeding. Maybe the pain was numb at that time.

She kept her eyes open all the time, not daring to blink, afraid that the moment she opened her eyes and blinked, those disobedient tears would rush out of her eye sockets, she always knew the tears in her body Very disobedient, if given the slightest chance, he would definitely find a way to escape.

After her parents left, she slowly squatted down and picked up those pieces one by one, those shocking pieces, even those pieces scratched her hand, she didn't know, it didn't hurt at all, but She knew that she was obviously in pain, but she just couldn't cry out, as if she had reached a stage of despair.

Today, the moment she jumped on the ground, she also felt this feeling, but she was completely wrong, things were completely different from what she thought, and it was not over yet, and worse things were coming
She saw a car coming towards her from behind.

She seemed to have seen the proud life and told herself that it had won, and what she wanted was to give herself this kind of surprise. She could only smile wryly, but she couldn't say a word. She could only silently read in her heart: "Life, you win."

She watched the car approaching her quickly like this, she had no way at all, no way to escape, especially in such a tense situation, she wished that she could escape, and when she saw the car coming, she If you can't run away, you should quickly escape to the ground, so that you won't be injured.

In the end, the car hit Nie Qianqian without warning.

Nie Qianqian felt a great impact from her body, as if she was going to knock herself down, she felt the blood in her chest was boiling fast, screaming wantonly, as if calling herself very Pain, and then she was rushed to the ground by the huge impact, and moved a long distance.

She fell heavily on the ground and made a dull sound. She could feel her heart shaking, as if she was complaining to herself, why she made such a big fuss, it couldn't work well up.

Nie Qianqian only felt that her eyes were blurred. She felt that her eyelids were slowly becoming heavy. She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't open them at all. She felt dizzy and heavy in her head. It seems that there are countless bees buzzing non-stop. Is this my own brain singing to myself?
She wanted to get up. Although she had this strong consciousness in her mind, she struggled for a long time and tried to stand up. Unfortunately, her body seemed to lose consciousness, and she seemed unable to move. What was in her mind It is completely the opposite of the actual action above.

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