Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 1264 Nie Qianqian Was Kidnapped 3

Nie Qianqian panicked when she heard them say that, but Nie Qianqian didn't show that she was very scared on the surface, but pretended to be indifferent.

Nie Qianqian calmed down and looked around vaguely. This van seems to be not very good. You can see the outside from the inside, and you can also see the inside from the outside.

Nie Qianqian secretly looked out from the inside. Nie Qianqian saw dry grass beside the road. This road was also a dirt road, and there was no car passing by on the road.

Nie Qianqian saw that in this sparsely populated place, there was nothing she could do. She could only take one step at a time, deal with them first, and delay as long as she could.

Nie Qianqian said: "Are you really not afraid?" Zhuang Hanjia began to say, "That is, what are we afraid of, anyway, we have the mastermind behind the scenes to help us, even if you are raped, the person who told us to kidnap you will not What would she say, if she didn't really want to make you feel bad, she wouldn't ask us to kidnap you."

Strong man B felt that what he said made sense and echoed, "That's right, hahahaha." Nie Qianqian was a little scared when she heard it. If they were really not afraid, then she would be doomed.

Along the way, the van kept going, bumping all the way, not knowing where to go.Nie Qianqian has been thinking of a solution in her heart, and hopes that Chen Xinyi can find her as soon as possible.

On Chen Xinyi's side, they came across a fork in the road and didn't know which way to go. What if they went wrong?Mo Shangqian wandered between these two intersections.

At this time, a couple of tractors happened to come, so Chen Xinyi thought of a way, and said, "Mo Shangqian, I'm going up the road, so you can go down the road." Mo Shangqian wanted to talk, and Chen Xinyi called someone who was riding a tractor Stopping, Chen Xinyi saw that the uncle was quite honest, and asked the uncle: "Uncle, which way are you going?"

The uncle is from a rural area. When he saw a pretty girl, he smiled and replied, "I'm going up the road. Is there something wrong with the girl?" Chen Xinyi smiled and said, "There is something wrong with our car. Can you take me up the road? I have to find a friend of mine." Afraid that the uncle would refuse, Chen Xinyi said again, "Don't worry, I will pay for your gas."

The uncle said: "Okay then, little girl, seeing that you are honest, I will give you a ride for free." Mo Shangqian frowned a little worried, what if that person is a bad person.

Chen Xinyi looked at Mo Shangqian and knew that he was worried that he would meet a bad guy, so she said, "It's okay, you see, Uncle is so nice and honest, how could he be a bad guy?"

Mo Shangqian didn't speak, and Chen Xinyi said again: "Oh, the most important thing is to find Qianqian now. What if we arrive late and something happens to Qianqian?"

Mo Shangqian had no choice but to do this, and Chen Xinyi got on the uncle's tractor and went up the road.Mo Shangqian watched the backs of them leaving and quickly got into the car and walked down the road.

Nie Qianqian's van had already stopped to rest in a large field, Nie Qianqian thought to herself, it's over, those two sweats will definitely do something to her.

Sure enough, the two Zhuanghan came over after drinking water under the car. Zhuanghan A said, "Damn it, this road is full of potholes. It's really difficult to walk. Why did we take this road in the first place?"

Strong Han B also said: "There are few people in this place, so I have to go this way. I feel wronged." Strong Han A sighed: "Fortunately, there is a beautiful woman with us, otherwise we really can't bear it."

After speaking, the two strong men opened the car door and got Nie Qianqian out. Anyway, there was no one here, and there were rice fields all around. The strong man A threw Nie Qianqian hard, and Nie Qianqian fell to the field.

Zhuang Hanjia smiled and said: "Look, look, this skin is tender and supple, this face is really delicate and delicate, this small cherry mouth, just looking at it makes people really take a bite, tsk tsk tsk."

Nie Qianqian backed away in fear, and yelled at the two people who were approaching her: "What are you doing, aren't you afraid of me yelling?" The brawny man looked at Nie Qianqian's pitiful appearance sitting on the field, and said with a seductive smile: "Hahaha, call it, no one here will come to save you. It's useless for you to break your throat."

"Don't worry, the uncle will make you feel good later, and then you won't resist like now. Hahahaha." After speaking, the strong man A slowly approached Nie Qianqian, and the strong man B followed suit. come over.

Nie Qianqian yelled: "Don't come here, tell the truth, I have AIDS, are you sure you want to do this? At the end of the day, we will die together!" Hearing this, the strong man B stopped in his tracks.

"This...she doesn't really have AIDS, does she?" Brawny man B grabbed the sleeve of brawny man A and said, brawny man A also stopped, waved his hand away from brawny man B and said, "Hmph, something that is afraid of death , take a good look at this girl."

"She is dressed so formally, like those dirty wild girls outside? And even if she has AIDS, she doesn't look poor, why can't she be treated? Will she be allowed to go to work?" The brawny man A explained .

Strong man B roughly understood and said: "You are right, she must have scared us. We are not afraid." Nie Qianqian heard the conversation between strong man A and B, and found that they were so shrewd and not easy to deceive.

Nie Qianqian said to them confidently: "Hehe, if you don't believe me, just come and try it. Whoever is afraid, anyway, you will get AIDS by then, don't blame me for not telling you, just come if you have the ability!"

Strong men A and B were a little taken aback when they heard Nie Qianqian yelling at them so confidently.The two looked at each other, not knowing whether to continue or not.

Suddenly, Nie Qianqian saw a figure not far away.Nie Qianqian thought that the opportunity had come, so she shouted: "Help! Someone! Someone is kidnapping!" The strong man who was still in a daze suddenly heard Nie Qianqian's shout and was frightened.

Immediately reacted, ran over and covered Nie Qianqian's mouth, Nie Qianqian's mouth was covered and made a sound of "wuwuwuwu", the strong man B covered Nie Qianqian's mouth and shouted to Nie Qianqian: "Stop screaming, call me again to make you look good !"

The figure in the distance obviously heard Nie Qianqian's call, and quickly approached here.Brawny man A found someone coming this way, and quickly said to brawny man B: "Why are you still standing here, someone is coming, let's go!"

Strong man B came to his senses, picked up Nie Qianqian, turned around and ran towards the van.Nie Qianqian desperately resisted.The strong man A and B quickly got into the van and left without a trace.

People from a distance came over and found no one there, and thought it strange, why did they not see anyone when they heard voices?Forget it, let's go home!

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