Here Nie Qianqian is admiring the beautiful scenery on the streets of France, while Chen Xinyi in City A over there is bored. The crowd who were bustling with people a while ago, now they all go home and go on business trips, only her is left Poor one.

Nie Qianqian went to France, Wang Yue was busy with her marriage, and Chen Xinyi went home to eat and sleep alone after get off work, she was really bored.

"Oh my God, please give me a man." Chen Xinyi couldn't help but sighed, and the colleagues who were still busy at the side couldn't help but look at her as if they saw an alien.

"Xinyi, are you so short of men? Where's Special Assistant Zhao?" Xiao Qi, a colleague sitting next to Chen Xinyi, couldn't help asking curiously, seeing her look of resentment.

"Zhao Special Assistant? Who is Zhao Special Assistant? I don't know." Chen Xinyi asked knowingly. If possible, she really wanted to erase Zhao Chuan from her mind and life. When Nie Qianqian was with everyone, Fortunately, I don't think about Zhao Chuan all the time, but Nie Qianqian left, and I go home and go to work every day by myself. When her head is empty, Zhao Tezhu always wanders back and forth in her mind. What happened to them Bit by bit is like playing a movie.

"Chen Xinyi, aren't you free?" The manager of the personnel department heard what Chen Xinyi said just now, and couldn't help shouting angrily.

Chen Xinyi was about to turn her head around to scold him, but when she saw Tezhu Zhao standing next to the manager, she hurriedly turned her head and fumbled for the documents at hand with her head down, pretending to be very busy. The root scriptures are wrong. In the past, she was regarded as a "relative of the emperor" and didn't even say a word of cruelty. Today, she yelled at him publicly. It turned out that it was because of Zhao Tezhu. Assistant heard.

The pain of broken love, the empty mind, can only be filled by work, Chen Xinyi is busy working without listening all day long, the time passes quickly, colleagues in the office are off work one after another, Chen Xinyi's world has returned to peace , She became more and more afraid of such a feeling.

Taking out her mobile phone, she sent a text message to Nie Qianqian who was far away in France, "Qianqian, when are you coming back? I miss you so much?" In fact, she was very afraid of being alone.

Chen Xinyi decided not to let such emotions affect her, otherwise, when Nie Qianqian came back, she would probably die of depression. Today she was going to carnival, to let go, and to be crazy.

The bar street is the busiest place at night. Chen Xinyi came home from get off work and changed her clothes. She wore a cropped sweater on her upper body, a pair of jeans on her lower body, and a pair of white shoes that are popular this year. , then walked towards the bar street.

Loud music, unrestrained people, this is a place where people who face the pressure of a day's life will choose to relax. Chen Xinyi chose a bar called Yuanyuan, walked in, and when she looked at the name on the door plate, Chen Xinyi couldn't bear it. Laughing at herself, Nie Qianqian said that she may not have a fate with Zhao Tezhu, so she hopes to find her fate here today.

In the dim bar, men and women dance wildly on the dance floor. Maybe only in this way can they forget the unhappiness of life and think of those people or things that they don't want to think of.

Chen Xinyi went to the bar and ordered a glass of cocktail, sat there and drank it, her eyes caught the overall environment of the bar not bad, and the person sitting on the sofa not far away turned out to be Special Assistant Zhao, who was sitting next to him and wanted to stick it on His ex-girlfriend on him.

Chen Xinyi smiled self-deprecatingly, originally she came here to find fate, but here she met the man who had no fate with her.

Zhao Tezhu was still wearing formal clothes. He pushed away the ex-girlfriend who kept saying that he regretted it impatiently, but his eyes saw Chen Xinyi who was sitting at the bar not far away. Of course Chen Xinyi also saw herself. It's a pity that soon her eyes turned to the other side, as if she didn't see him.

Originally, I wanted to forget Zhao Tezhu, but he was right in front of me, and his ex-girlfriend was sitting beside him, so ah, God is so naughty, he always likes to drive with them like this Such a joke.

Chen Xinyi didn't know if Zhao Tezhu had seen her, but she could only pretend not to see him.The cocktail had bottomed out, and Chen Xinyi thought why today's wine had no taste at all, so she asked the waiter to bring her another two dozen beers.

"Beauty, alone?" Chen Xinyi didn't even raise her head, the most common pick-up phrase in bars, and said mockingly: "Brother, your starting line of pick-up is too old-fashioned, so which girl would fall in love with you. "

"Tch, crazy." The man who was standing next to her said something disdainful, and then walked away slowly.

"Boss, give me another drink, no, ten more glasses." Not far away from Chen Xinyi was a fair-looking boy, who was already slightly drunk and looked very bad.

Chen Xinyi developed a slight interest in him, walked slowly to sit beside him, handed him a bottle of beer in front of him, and said, "Here."

The boy looked up at Chen Xinyi, smiled, stretched out his hand to take the wine, and drank it all in one gulp. Chen Xinyi had the feeling that a thousand cups are too small for a bosom friend, just like this, in a noisy bar, having a drink with a strange man, Two glasses, three glasses, one bottle, two bottles, three bottles of drinking.

"I, let me tell you, my girl, my girlfriend actually said that she couldn't let go of her ex-boyfriend in her heart, so she still, or should she go back to find him?" The boy was already drunk Yes, he stuttered when he spoke.

"You're still a girl, where's your girlfriend? As for me, I just confessed my love, and I was rejected." Chen Xinyi said bitterly, never expecting that there is another person in this world who has the same situation as her, And we met by such a coincidence.

The boy narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Chen Xinyi, who had a double image in front of him, and said: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect you to suffer as much as me. No, you are more pitiful than me. Come, drink this cup, my friend, My confidant." He raised his glass again and drank a bottle of beer in one gulp.

When Chen Xinyi saw that this person was so forthright, how could she be stingy?He raised the wine bottle in his hand and shouted "Long live." Then he drank the wine in his hand.

"Come on, we are so pitiful, it is fate to meet each other, can we exchange cell phone numbers?"

Speaking of which, Chen Xinyi tremblingly took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and the boy also picked up the mobile phone on the table, and the two exchanged numbers.

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