After Nie Qianqian returned home, she was extremely thankful that her balcony was not wet much. It doesn't matter if the clothes are wet, but if the balcony is wet, it will be troublesome. The monthly salary has been reduced by half, let's live strong.

Nie Qianqian took her clothes back, took the vegetables bought at the vegetable market two days ago out of the refrigerator, and made two simple dishes: tomato scrambled eggs and boiled shrimp.Such simple dishes can make Nie Qianqian very happy. Going to a high-end restaurant with Mo Shangqian will not only embarrass her, but I believe that Mo Shangqian will not be thick-skinned enough to sit and eat with her in peace up.

Nie Qianqian ate, bathed, and went to bed as usual.When I woke up, it was dawn. Nie Qianqian looked at it. It was 07:30 in the morning. It seemed that I couldn’t make porridge by myself today, so I had to go out to buy deep-fried dough sticks. Besides, I was very happy even if I bought deep-fried dough sticks.

Mo Shangqian came to the alley of Nie Qianqian's house like yesterday, and found that Nie Qianqian went to buy fritters again, and Mo Shangqian couldn't tell Nie Qianqian not to eat these. She was very obedient when they were together before, but now they are separated. Why are you disobedient?Mo Shangqian was very upset.

Arriving at the company on time as usual, Mo Shangqian promised Nie Qianqian his dinner all day today, saying happily in his heart.

One must know that the development of things is always unsatisfactory, and Mo Shangqian never expected that someone would intervene later!

At noon, Nie Qianqian learned from the department manager that the company and foreign partners were coming to China. After hearing the news, Nie Qianqian didn’t pay much attention, thinking that it was a big case that had nothing to do with her, so she returned to her desk as usual before continuing to work.

After two o'clock, a series of management personnel at the gate of the company held a meeting in the conference room to discuss how to receive others. The small employees didn't go out. There were too many people and they were afraid of crowding. Mo Shangqian just asked their department managers to come. , This business is very important. After everyone arrived in the conference room, Mo Shangqian hadn't come out of his office yet, but he heard Zhao Tezhu say that the other party directly asked Nie Qianqian to be in charge of receiving them.

Mo Shangqian was very surprised. The French partner was going to appoint Nie Qianqian to be in charge of reception when the French partner came for the first time?This incident was a bit strange, Mo Shangqian kept an eye on it, and then asked Special Assistant Zhao to call Nie Qianqian, her department manager and the others to the meeting room to entertain them.

Nie Qianqian was surprised when she heard the department manager call her out. She thought she had made a mistake, just like when she was in school, she was called out of the classroom by the dean in class.Nie Qianqian was a little scared, but she mustered up the courage to go out, thinking that she had made some mistakes at work, and the manager was going to call her out to teach her a lesson.

The department manager still looked very kind, "Qianqian, work hard, the partner from France has appointed you to be in charge of receiving them. If you can help the company win this business, you will be promoted soon. It's over." The department manager's tone was full of pride, and his department was about to have a new manager, of course he was proud, not to mention that the little girl Nie Qianqian was taught by herself.

The department manager patted Nie Qianqian on the shoulder, and then Nie Qianqian said in a daze, "Ah? Manager, are you sure you didn't make a mistake? I don't know him." Nie Qianqian was stunned for a long time before she realized that she didn't know anyone from France at all. , I don’t know where it came from, but if someone named me to be responsible for the reception, did I make a mistake?

"It's not wrong, it's not wrong, they just called Nie Qianqian in my department by name, not to mention you are the only one named Nie Qianqian in our company, wait a moment, I will ask Xiao Wang to bring you the information this time, and then go quickly Get ready, don't make others wait too long." After speaking, the department manager left, and he also had to receive people in the conference room, so he couldn't stay longer.

Nie Qianqian is completely stunned here, Frenchman?I really don't know myself.Nie Qianqian had no choice but to walk into the office, took out her mobile phone and saw a message from her friend Chen Xinyi.

Chen Xinyi: Ahhhh, Qianqian! ! !When did you meet the French?I don't even know, hum!You still haven't told me!

Nie Qianqian was helpless, she didn't know her either.

Nie Qianqian: I don’t know each other either, so don’t get excited. I guess someone made a mistake. I’ll go and look at the partner’s information first. I don’t know who it is. Maybe they misheard something in the middle of what they conveyed. Not necessarily.Be good~ I'll read the materials first, and I'll talk to you when I'm free in the evening.

Chen Xinyi: Well, then you must tell me immediately!Otherwise I'm mentally unbalanced.The baby has a big temper.

Nie Qianqian replied with an OK, then put away her phone and returned to her seat.Now I am waiting for the manager to get her the information. With so many people this time, Nie Qianqian estimated that she would have to see six points in the cooperation information, not to mention the information of the other high-level personnel this time. If you let yourself come to receive them, you must do what you like, so that the company can successfully win the cooperation.

Nie Qianqian waited for about 3 minutes, and soon the manager asked Xiao Wang to come to her seat with a thick stack of documents, "Qianqian, look, you have so many documents, I feel sorry for you, come on." Nie Qianqian Before turning around, I heard Xiao Wang say this. After turning around, I found that these materials are too exaggerated. They are as thick as a thumb!
Nie Qianqian quickly thanked, "Thank you Xiao Wang, thank you, I don't know when I'll see so many..." Xiao Wang could only express regret, then patted Nie Qianqian on the shoulder and left.

Nie Qianqian took a picture of these materials and cursed in her heart: Terrible capital society!

Then sit down and flip through a page for a quick browse.It took Nie Qianqian two hours to quickly read through the content of this contract, and she probably understood what it was. Then Nie Qianqian opened the file of personnel information and saw Mike!Nie Qianqian did not expect that the other party's high-level personnel turned out to be Mike. Nie Qianqian was very surprised, but in line with professionalism, she quickly read through these materials.

Nie Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief. If it was Mike, it would be normal to ask her to receive her by name as soon as she came here. After meeting last time, she knew what kind of character Mike was. Perverts are finished.In fact, Nie Qianqian's brain is really big, and she tried her best to think about it. Even if Mo Shangqian asked her to receive her, she would not let her be put in a dangerous place, and would definitely protect her safety.

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