Nie Qianqian saw the door of Special Assistant Zhao's office and approached him.Nie Qianqian was very surprised, why did Special Assistant Zhao stand at the door of the office by himself, and didn't go in.

Approaching Special Assistant Zhao, Nie Qianqian saw that Special Assistant Zhao was looking at the office very seriously. At this time, only Chen Xinyi was in the office, that is to say, Special Assistant Zhao was looking at Chen Xinyi.Thinking of this, Nie Qianqian felt warm in her heart, and wanted to congratulate the two of them.

Nie Qianqian could tell that Special Assistant Zhao liked Chen Xinyi. Under Chen Xinyi's crazy pursuit, any boy could escape Chen Xinyi's clutches. It's just that Special Assistant Zhao is a bit shy, and it may be because of Special Assistant Zhao's shyness. Chen Xinyi likes him so much.

Nie Qianqian walked up behind Special Assistant Zhao. Nie Qianqian's footsteps were very quiet because Special Assistant Zhao was watching Chen Xinyi very intently.Nie Qianqian stood behind Zhao Tezhu for a long time, but Zhao Tezhu didn't notice.

Nie Qianqian patted Tezhu Zhao's shoulder. Suddenly, Tezhu Zhao's body trembled, obviously frightened.Zhao Tezhu turned around suddenly and saw Nie Qianqian standing behind him.At the beginning, the expression on his face was very stiff, but after a while, a faint smile appeared on Zhao Tezhu's face.

"It's you, Nie Qianqian. It's so late, what are you doing here?" Special Assistant Zhao spoke first, breaking the embarrassment between the two of them.

"I should be the one asking you this question. What are you doing at the door of the office so late? What are you looking at so seriously?" Nie Qianqian, who pretended not to know, looked into the office.

"No." Special assistant Zhao's tone was a little nervous.Seeing Special Assistant Zhao like this, Nie Qianqian smiled, and said to Special Assistant Zhao, "Why don't you go in? Stand by the door."

Zhao Tezhu scratched his head, a little embarrassed, and didn't say anything.Then, Nie Qianqian said to Special Assistant Zhao, "I seem to see Chen Xinyi inside, what? Do you want to find him?"

Special assistant Zhao nodded lightly, and said to Nie Qianqian, "Yes, I have something to do with her." Finally, special assistant Zhao said that he was here to find Chen Xinyi.

After listening to Special Assistant Zhao's words, Nie Qianqian showed a faint smile. In fact, Nie Qianqian was already happy for Chen Xinyi.Seeing Special Assistant Zhao's shy appearance, Nie Qianqian said to Special Assistant Zhao, "Then I'll go in with you?"

Zhao Tezhu waved his hand and said to Nie Qianqian, "No, no, it's nothing serious." After speaking, Zhao Tezhu wanted to leave, but at this time, Nie Qianqian didn't let Zhao Tezhu go so easily.

"Wait, didn't you say you had something to do with Chen Xinyi? Why do you want to leave now?" Nie Qianqian said to Special Assistant Zhao with a serious tone, as if criticizing Special Assistant Zhao for his timidity.

Special Assistant Zhao panicked seeing Nie Qianqian like this. He originally wanted to be outside the office to see Chen Xinyi's serious work.Now that she was caught by Nie Qianqian, she didn't even let herself go.

Special Assistant Zhao scratched his head, a little embarrassed, and Special Assistant Zhao said to Nie Qianqian, "I had something to do with Chen Xinyi, but I saw him working so hard and being so busy, so I didn't feel embarrassed to go in and disturb him."

Hearing this, Nie Qianqian changed her mind about Tezhu Zhao. She didn't expect Tezhu Zhao to be such a careful boy, and it's hard to find him now.Seeing Tezhu Zhao like this, Nie Qianqian said to Tezhu Zhao, "Why not? Let me call her out for you?"

Hearing that Chen Xinyi was coming out, Special Assistant Zhao was a little nervous and at a loss.Stuttering, she said to Nie Qianqian, " need, let her be busy. I...I'll tell her next time."

Seeing Special Assistant Zhao's nervous appearance, Nie Qianqian felt inexplicably that Special Assistant Zhao was a bit funny, he was really a shy boy, no wonder Chen Xinyi liked him so much.

Zhao Tezhu nodded to Nie Qianqian, and said, "That Nie Qianqian, can I go now?" Seeing Zhao Tezhu's silly appearance, Nie Qianqian said to Zhao Tezhu, "No, you still Can't go."

Special assistant Zhao frowned, and said to Nie Qianqian, "What's wrong?" Special assistant Zhao was a little puzzled, since the matter was settled, why didn't Nie Qianqian let herself leave.

Nie Qianqian took a step forward, and said to Special Assistant Zhao, "Let me ask you, what are you looking for with Chen Xinyi. Although I may not be qualified to take care of it, maybe I can know?"

Hearing what Nie Qianqian said, Special Assistant Zhao became even more nervous, and didn't know where to start.Special Assistant Zhao frowned suddenly, looked at Nie Qianqian, and said to Nie Qianqian, "Actually, I came to Chen Xinyi to ask her out."

When Nie Qianqian heard Zhao Tezhu's words, she felt a little excited. She didn't expect that Zhao Tezhu came to find Chen Xinyi and wanted to ask Chen Xinyi out. This made Nie Qianqian very happy for Chen Xinyi.A smile appeared on Nie Qianqian's face, and she said to Special Assistant Zhao, "That's right. Boys, of course you have to take the initiative."

Special Assistant Zhao was a little embarrassed, and said to Nie Qianqian, "But... I'm afraid Chen Xinyi will refuse." After speaking, Special Assistant Zhao scratched his head again, after all, he was still a little worried.

Nie Qianqian smiled, and said to Special Assistant Zhao, "How do you know if you don't try?" After speaking, Nie Qianqian patted Special Assistant Zhao on the shoulder and thought to herself, "How could Chen Xinyi refuse, she is so stupid. "

Nie Qianqian thought for a while and continued, "Since you want to find Chen Xinyi and don't want to disturb Chen Xinyi, then I have a way." After speaking, Nie Qianqian glanced at Special Assistant Zhao.

Special assistant Zhao showed a little happiness in his eyes, and said to Nie Qianqian, "There is nothing I can do. I will look for her next time." Nie Qianqian immediately refuted Special assistant Zhao, and said to Special assistant Zhao, "No, no, You wait here, and I will help you." After speaking, Nie Qianqian showed a happy smile.

"You help me? Is this bad?" Special assistant Zhao was a little puzzled by Nie Qianqian's words, and then said to Nie Qianqian, "I don't know what she thinks if Chen Xinyi knows about it."

Nie Qianqian patted Zhao Tezhu on the shoulder, and said to him, "It's okay, don't worry." Nie Qianqian thought for a while, and said to Zhao Tezhu, "I won't hurt you, don't worry." Nie Qianqian was happy She thought, "Chen Xinyi and Zhao Tezhu seem to be about to have a good thing."

The night was getting darker and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road.The lights of the skyscrapers gradually went out, the moon was still hanging in the sky, and the whole city became silent.

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