The shoulders of the manager of the marketing department trembled slightly.

Regarding the dangerous words that Mo Shangqian said, he really felt that he was going to be overwhelmed, and he didn't know when this would be a head.

But he knew that Mo Shangqian could only ask these questions. If he didn't get the evidence, he still had a chance to survive, so he wouldn't feel afraid. You shouldn't be so scared.

At this time, Special Assistant Zhao on the other side was nervously searching for evidence.

He looked at the time and found that the bidding meeting had already started. He had to hurry up now and not miss the best time.He sneaked into the marketing manager's office secretly.At this time, there was no one in his office, because the manager of the marketing department was at the site of the bidding meeting, so how could he be here.

He went straight to the desk of the marketing manager, searching for any important clues, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. Could it be?Zhao Tezhu couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, but he didn't give up, because today, he had to find out the clues no matter what, and now was the most critical time, and he absolutely couldn't relax.

Suddenly, his movements stopped. In the drawer, he found a suspicious document. He held the document in his hand in doubt. When he opened it, he was completely stunned. Dare to imagine that the marketing manager can do such a thing.This document was secretly signed by the marketing department with other companies. It contains the most confidential information within the company, but it is the most precious. It is also crucial to the company. It can be said that it determines the life and death of a company.

No wonder I haven't found it after searching for so long. The manager of the marketing department must put it in a good place for such an important thing. Zhao Tezhu thought that if he mastered such an important thing, he would be like the manager of the marketing department.

But the difference between him and the manager of the marketing department is that he will never do such unscrupulous things. He really can't do such a thing, and he is unwilling to do it. that belief.

He watched the time pass by like this minute by minute, and now every minute and every second is precious, he can no longer waste time here, he has to go to the venue quickly, give this evidence to Mo Shangqian, and get there At that time, everything will come to light, and no matter what the manager of the marketing department says at that time, it will be useless.

He hurriedly took the document and drove the car towards the direction of the venue. He drove very fast. When he passed a field of fallen leaves, those fallen leaves felt a huge momentum, and they all jumped up one by one on the ground. It kept spinning, and it could be seen how fast this man was driving.

His eyes are also staring at the front tightly, with a firm gaze.

Soon, he arrived at the meeting place, his heart was beating nervously all the time, he didn't want to ruin a good thing for himself.

When he walked into the venue, the manager of the marketing department was talking: "Mr. Mo, I don't know what I did wrong. You said that I have never done anything about colluding with other companies or betraying our company." I wouldn't do something like that."

Looking at the serious look of the marketing manager, people who don't know may think that what he said is true.

Zhao Tezhu quickly took the document, rushed to Mo Shangqian's place, and whispered something in his ear. Of course, the manager of the marketing department also saw such a scene, and he was even more scared , I don't know what special assistant Zhao said to Mo Shangqian, he swallowed his saliva nervously.

Everyone was also talking about it, and they didn't know what it was that Zhao Tezhu suddenly ran in at this time.They didn't know how it happened so well. They just wanted to participate in this bidding meeting, thinking that this bidding meeting would be the same as the previous ones, but they didn't expect such a thing to happen.

After Zhao Tezhu finished speaking, he stepped aside.Nie Qianqian also saw such a scene nearby, she knew that special assistant Zhao must have found some important clues, that's why she came here so quickly.

"Didn't you say that you have never done those things to sell the company? Then how do you explain this?" Mo Shangqian said while forcefully throwing the documents in his hand in front of the marketing manager.

The manager of the marketing department didn't know what was going on. He held the document in his hands with trembling hands. He didn't need to look inside, but just looked outside. He already knew everything. When he opened the document with fear , he heard his own heartbreaking voice in an instant, it was so clear, and it lingered in his mind for a long time.

He knew that all his crimes had been exposed this time, and paper could not contain fire after all.

His lips began to twitch non-stop, and his face also began to move non-stop, he knew that no matter what he said, it would be sophistry after all.

"What else do you want to say now?" Mo Shangqian asked after seeing the marketing manager's expression.

The marketing manager could only droop his head, unable to answer, and didn't know how to answer.

"It's better for you to tell all the things you have done now. I think it's better for you to take the initiative to say it. It would be bad for me to say it." Mo Shangqian continued, his His tone was still the same as before, there was no change at all, and there was no surprised expression on his face.

The manager of the marketing department who had no choice, knew that he could only take the initiative to tell the bad things he had done before, the things that betrayed the company, so he just said it, and when he said it, he felt that his heart was shaking. bleeding.

How could such a thing happen in the middle of it? I have prepared all of this before, and I feel that there will be no more mistakes, but now everything has been destroyed, and there is no longer a moment of turning around. He knew that all the efforts he had made before had been wasted in vain.He could only silently grieve with this regret.

Everyone was surprised when the manager of the marketing department told about the bad things he had done before, and everyone had surprised expressions on their faces. They never thought that the manager of the marketing department could do such a thing. , Looking at the manager of the marketing department himself, it is absolutely unimaginable.

It's true that people can't just look at the surface.

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