When he returned to the company, Mo Shangqian went to work in the office.

Zhou Li saw Nie Qianqian sitting in a corner at a glance. She looked at her with eyes full of deep resentment.

This Nie Qianqian was still working at first, but she felt something was wrong, and she couldn't tell what was wrong, so she raised her head to take a look, and unexpectedly met Zhou Liluo's eyes.

Those were a pair of eyes full of murderous intent. Every time Nie Qianqian thought of it, she felt a chill all over her body. It was as cold as winter, and she couldn't help shivering. She didn't want to see such a look. He simply lowered his head and stopped looking.

There is nothing wrong with this saying. As long as you can't see it, you won't think about these things, and your heart will be much quieter.Zhou Liluo saw that Nie Qianqian looked at herself as if she was looking at the air. She felt really uncomfortable in her heart, and felt very uncomfortable, as if there was a fire burning in her heart.

She thought that with her status, others would give her half a point. What is there to be proud of about Nie Qianqian? Dare to treat her like this, is she getting impatient?I must teach her a good lesson to give her a memory.

What method should I use?This is the question that Zhou Liluo will think about next.She suddenly thought of an idea, and a smile of unknown meaning hung on the corner of her mouth.She took her graceful steps and approached Nie Qianqian step by step. At this time, Nie Qianqian was still concentrating on her work, completely unaware of Zhou Liluo's thoughts.

Nie Qianqian heard the sound of high heels coming from her side, raised her head, and looked directly into Zhou Liluo's eyes, which was really scary.

She knew that Zhou Liluo would not come here for no reason, she must have come here to ask for something, or to have some orders.

No, before Nie Qianqian opened her mouth to ask, Zhou Liluo spoke first by herself: "Pour me a cup of coffee."

Zhou Liluo's tone of voice was full of arrogance, as if Nie Qianqian should take it for granted to do these things for herself. Although Nie Qianqian felt very uncomfortable in her heart, she has been in the workplace for so many years, and she knows that the most important thing is to hold back It doesn't matter if you are doing something right or not, as long as someone else's position is higher than yours, then you are doing something wrong.

This is the reality, and people have to face these realities.

After Zhou Liluo finished speaking, she left arrogantly.Nie Qianqian had no choice but to stand up and walk into the tea room, ready to make coffee for Zhou Liluo.Although she was very unwilling in her heart, she knew that she had to do it.

After a while, Nie Qianqian made the coffee. She had already had a deep understanding of this. When she first joined the company, she always helped others to do something, and making coffee is too small. thing.

She walked up to Zhou Liluo with the coffee like this, and Zhou Liluo's expression had not changed from the beginning to the end, and she still looked at her with arrogant eyes, which Nie Qianqian had already gotten used to.

"Your coffee." Nie Qianqian carefully brought the coffee to Zhou Liluo. She held it well, but the coffee still spilled on Zhou Liluo's clothes. Nie Qianqian knew that Zhou Liluo was responsible for all of this. On purpose, she deliberately spilled the coffee.

"You did it on purpose!" Before Nie Qianqian could react, she saw Zhou Liluo who was sitting opposite her suddenly standing in front of her like crazy, and said loudly.

"I, I." Nie Qianqian panicked for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"I think you did it on purpose. I just wanted you to make me some coffee. You wouldn't treat me like this and spill the coffee on me on purpose." Zhou Liluo said angrily, while She took the tissue next to her and wiped her clothes, but she still had a disgusted look on her face.

Nie Qianqian just felt that she was suffering in her heart and couldn't express it. That feeling was like eating bitter melon, and she couldn't express it yet.It's not like she hasn't experienced this kind of experience before. There will always be such and such misunderstood things in life, and she can only bear this pain silently alone.Sometimes the more you talk, the more confused you will be, and others will think you did it on purpose.

"Why are you like this? Do you have the quality? I just asked you to pour me a cup of coffee. How could you do this?" Zhou Liluo still didn't give up, she was still chattering.

"I'll pay." Nie Qianqian felt that she could no longer argue with Zhou Liluo in this company. This is not her home, but this is a public place. If such a thing happens, she will not only lose her face, It will also disturb everyone's work.

"Do you know how expensive my dress is? Can you afford it? I'm afraid it won't be enough for a few months' salary?" Zhou Liluo snorted coldly, and continued to speak in a mocking tone.

Nie Qianqian looked at Zhou Liluo's expression now, like a devil out of control, completely lost her mind, Nie Qianqian thought how could she meet Zhou Liluo, she knew that if there was no Mo Shangqian between them , the relationship naturally wouldn't be so stiff, but after having Mo Shangqian, the love-hate entanglement between several people began like this.

Nie Qianqian thinks that Zhou Liluo is also a woman who has completely lost her direction in love. For love, Zhou Liluo dares to do anything, but is this really okay?If possible, Nie Qianqian would like to tell Zhou Liluo that in love, one should not only love the other party, but more importantly, love oneself. Don't love someone without dignity. That kind of love is really too humble.You can only love others if you love yourself well.

It's just that many women lose their way in love, don't know where they should go, forget what they really want, and even one day they will become not themselves, only thinking about being for the other party, I always do a lot of things for the other party, but I am afraid that I am not good enough and the other party will not be satisfied. This kind of love is really exhausting. The two parties are not on an equal position, and it is very difficult to walk.

The foundation of love is not only to have a deep relationship, but also to have a very equal position, so that this kind of love can go a long way and taste the sweet feeling.

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