Perhaps secret love is such a self-deceiving thing, Xu Hexi often laughs at himself that he is not young, and still plays this kind of secret love tricks that only high school students play, but he can't control himself.

A person's love can make people numb, lose their minds, and become wise, but it can only make people's lonely heart really warm, because Xu Hexi knows that his heart is getting colder and colder , It's getting more and more uncomfortable, I can't say it's a feeling, but it feels really bad.

"Tsk tsk, no wonder you are so active in buying me a plane ticket. The feeling is that you want to leave me early and have an affair in a foreign country." When Nie Qianqian heard Xu Hexi say that she had more fun without her, the woman told her directly. The smiling and sincere male voice was not as sincere as imagined. Xu Hexi was definitely not as good as he said in Turkey alone.

If you think about it in another way, you will know that if Nie Qianqian is left behind in a foreign country, then she will definitely be angry, scolding that person in her heart, scolding him for being heartless and so on.

Maybe on the surface I smiled and said it's okay, but in my heart I really have a relationship, and I feel annoyed and lonely.Yes, loneliness, a person's journey seems to be free, but in fact it will still be lonely.

But Nie Qianqian didn't want to expose Xu Hexi's good-natured lies. He said that he had fun, maybe it was simply to have fun, but it might also be to make the person who abandoned him not feel guilty, so, anyway, Nie Qianqian this time It's all in debt to Xu Hexi.

As the story continues, Nie Qianqian owes Xu Hexi more and more favors, unknowingly.She couldn't pay him back, but he wouldn't let her pay it back.It seemed like everything was balanced again.

"An encounter? Hahahaha, Nie Qianqian, I didn't expect you to know how to speak words. After you remind me like this, it seems that I'm going to see if there is such an opportunity." Xu Hexi still replied with a smile, Nie Qianqian seemed to be talking over the phone. I can see his sunny, a little tricky smile.

Next, the two chatted about some random topics, teasing each other, sometimes aggressive, sometimes laughing.There is no logic, no fixed topic, just say what comes to mind.

Xu Hexi enjoyed talking with Nie Qianqian very much, and the gloom growing up in her heart was also dispelled by her laughter on the phone and became clearer.

"Xu Hexi, to be honest, thank you." Mingming was joking just now, and the two of them were chatting like friends, Nie Qianqian suddenly thanked Xu Hexi solemnly like this, but neither of them seemed to find this abrupt, as if it was It's a matter of course, and it's natural to have a great dialogue.

"Well, you're welcome." Xu Hexi came back with a smile, his expression seemed gentle, but he always felt that there was a different expression hidden under this beautiful skin, which Nie Qianqian couldn't see through the phone, no one could see it, or Xu Hexi himself Can't see through himself.Inexplicably, he just wanted to answer her like this, just like the answer printed in a textbook, straight-forward.

The air suddenly became quiet like this. Both parties did not hang up the phone, but they both agreed not to speak.

"Oh, by the way, when will you come back? When you come back, I will treat you to dinner as an apology for leaving you behind." Nie Qianqian broke the silence and said with a smile.

"Just want me to forgive you after a while?" Xu Hexi played tricks, like a child begging for candy, as if he disliked that the candy was not enough, or not sweet enough.

"Well, what do you want, I promise you, okay?" Nie Qianqian thought for a while, and then said to Xu Hexi on the other end of the phone.She didn't know that she had just dug a hole for herself, and if Xu Hexi said a word, she would probably jump into the hole.Her life and death depend on Xu Hexi.

"Then you make a promise with your body." Xu Hexi said seriously, but regretted it when she said it, for fear that Nie Qianqian would see the flaw, and then her friends would not have to do it.So he added: "Hahahahaha, how about it, I'm so handsome, do you want to give up that kid Mo Shangqian and come into my arms?"

"Forget it, it's more reliable to treat you to dinner, and make a promise with your body. You have three thousand beauties in the harem, and one more than me. I'm afraid that you will be poor." Nie Qianqian said with a smile, she had no idea what Xu Hexi just said. The body promise was a sincere request, and he thought it was just a joke.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you to invite me to dinner." Xu Hexi smiled wryly, and said in his usual playful tone.

"Well, then you have fun in Turkey, I continue to work, for nothing~"


After hanging up the phone, Xu Hexi stood in his original posture for a while, and then he realized that the corners of his mouth were raised, and he laughed alone in the hotel room.

The smile was a little bitter, a little relieved.

On the other side, Nie Qianqian, who hung up the phone, murmured something into the phone in a voice so thin that she could barely hear it.

"Thank you, Xu Hexi."

What Nie Qianqian said was this sentence, although Xu Hexi couldn't understand it, and the sound was so small that she could hardly hear it, but it was sincere.

She remembered how other people treated her well, and Xu Hexi was the one who treated her best among those "others" who treated her well.He always appeared in time when she needed help, like a big brother, protecting her and not burdening her.He will always consider her thoughts when speaking, unlike Mo Shangqian who is sometimes enthusiastic and sometimes indifferent to her.

She felt that Xu Hexi had been on her side for some reason, and this feeling of being in the same camp with her really moved her, because for some reason, she was always hated by people, and she didn't have many friends .So she especially cherishes people who treat her sincerely.

Thank you Xu Hexi for always showing up when I need you.

Thank you for being willing to believe me when others don't believe me and misunderstand me.

Thank you for not being mad at me when I was left alone in a foreign country.

Thank you for helping me buy the plane ticket back.

Thank you, thank you for everything you do for me.

"Qianqian, your coffee is about to be poured." Nie Qianqian, who was just lost in thought, was pulled back to her senses by the voice in her ear.Looking at the cup of coffee he was holding, he almost poured it out because of the tilt of the cup.

"Ah, thank you for the reminder." Nie Qianqian thankfully looked at the reminder who suddenly entered the lounge.Then he took a sip of coffee.

Well, it's so painful.

She forgot that she didn't add sugar or milk to the coffee just now, and the bitter taste of the coffee made her frown.But since the coffee had already become warm, she gave up the idea of ​​adding sugar and milk, and frowned like drinking traditional Chinese medicine.

Fortunately, that colleague had already gone out just now, and she was the only one left, otherwise people would definitely think that there was something wrong with her.

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