Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 116 Mother and Daughter Talking Hearts

"Mom, I don't think I can take care of you. I hope there is someone better to take care of you. I think Dad must think so too." Nie Qianqian leaned in her mother's arms and said in a light tone, full of worry .

Mother Nie patted Nie Qianqian on the back lightly, just like she did when she was a child, "Qianqian, mother's biggest wish now is to see you find a man who really cares for you and loves you, that's enough. Mother's business Be yourself, you have just entered society, and you still have a lot to learn, mom hopes you can do well."

Nie Qianqian nodded vigorously. What parent in the world does not want their children to be good? Now Nie Qianqian is the only blood relationship with Nie’s mother in this world. When she grows up, she no longer needs her protection. She can face many things in this world alone. What she can do now is not to hold her daughter back, that's enough.

"Mom, don't worry, I will be good and filial to you. I don't want to get married yet. I want to stay by your side and accompany you for a few years." Nie Qianqian said stubbornly.

Mother Nie looked at her daughter's stubbornness, nodded with a smile, and didn't say much, because she believed that her daughter would soon find the man who really cared for her and loved her.

"Okay, okay, I'm not a child anymore. You must take good care of yourself during the short time when mom is going to your aunt's house. Go to bed quickly, and you have to go to work tomorrow." Mother Nie looked at her daughter and looked like she was about to cry. The appearance of the nose, hurriedly stopped.

But Nie Qianqian coquettishly said to Nie's mother: "I don't want it, I want to sleep with you tonight."

In the end, Mother Nie couldn't hold back her daughter, so she nodded in agreement. The desk lamp beside the bed was shining with a yellowish light, and Nie Qianqian was staring straight at the ceiling. Mother Nie didn't know if she fell asleep with her back turned to her.

Just when Nie Qianqian thought her mother had fallen asleep, she heard her mother slowly say: "Qianqian, mother didn't want to ask too much about your relationship, but today mother wants to ask you something, I hope you can answer it truthfully. "

Fortunately, it was the first time for Nie Qianqian to see her mother discuss her relationship with her so seriously, she couldn't help but nodded, and said, "Okay, Mom, you can ask."

Nie's mother turned around slowly, looked at Nie Qianqian, and said, "Qianqian, Mo Shangqian, Xu Hexi still wants that Gu Nian, who do you really like?" The reason why Nie's mother didn't mention Zheng Yu's name was because Because, she knew that Zheng Yu and Nie Qianqian were impossible.Nie Qianqian had clearly rejected Zheng Yu, and she knew about it.

"Mom, I don't know. Gu Nian was someone I used to like, but we separated because of some misunderstandings back then. Although the misunderstandings have been resolved now, we can't go back to the beginning. Xu Hexi is my friend, maybe because of him I had the same experience as me, so I couldn't help but walked in with him, but I only had friendship with him, and I didn't have that kind of heart-wrenching feeling. As for Mo Shangqian, I admit that I might like him a little bit, but I think There seems to be an unbridgeable gap between me and him. I don’t know what it is? The three of them may not become my other half, the boyfriend I want to find, I hope he can be as filial to my parents as I am , work, family background, etc., I haven't thought about it that much." Nie Qianqian said frankly to her mother.

Mother Nie looked at her daughter. She did not expect that her daughter, who seemed to know nothing about feelings, would analyze the relationship between her and the three of them so thoroughly. Whether it was Mo Shangqian, Xu Hexi or Gu Nian, they all He is a good boy, and he is sincere to Nie Qianqian.

But Nie Qianqian and them are indeed not on the same level. Their family is too different from Nie Qianqian's family. Such a difference will make them have different views on love, friendship or family relationship.Disagreement, friction, and sometimes love may all be wiped out.

"Qianqian, no matter what decision you make, mother will support you." Mother Nie reached out and held her daughter's hand, always feeling that time passed too fast, Nie Qianqian seemed to have grown up all of a sudden, and now she can still remember clearly, Nie Qianqian always liked being clingy to herself when she was young, but now her daughter has reached the age of marriage in a blink of an eye.

"Mom, thank you. You don't have to worry about me. I am capable of protecting you now." Nie Qianqian looked at the crow's feet in the corners of her mother's eyes. Wrinkles had already climbed onto her beautiful face.

Mother always lamented that time passed so quickly and her daughter had grown up, but why didn't Nie Qianqian lament that time passed too quickly and her mother was getting old.

It is rare for the mother and daughter to have time to talk to each other in the dead of night. It has been a long time since Nie Qianqian slept with her mother, nor did she chat with her like this for a long time.

After a good night's sleep, Nie Qianqian got up and started preparing breakfast when it was dawn. Zheng Yu was already up in the kitchen. When he saw Nie Qianqian, Zheng Yu was also surprised. Nie Qianqian, who always sleeps late, would wake up so early.

"Morning." Zheng Yu greeted Nie Qianqian who was yawning and still wearing pajamas.

"Morning." Nie Qianqian replied politely.

Nie Qianqian originally thought that Zheng Yu was leaving today, and she was too embarrassed to ask him to get up to make breakfast for them, so she woke up early on purpose, but she didn't expect Zheng Yu to be earlier than him.

"Qianqian, go to sleep for a while, it's still early." Zheng Yu looked at the watch in his hand, the hour hand was pointing to six, the minute was pointing to five, and the seconds were still ticking.

"No, I'll help you." Nie Qianqian said as she rolled up her sleeves to help.

Zheng Yu stopped Nie Qianqian with a smile, and said, "It's almost done, go and clean up and prepare for dinner."

Zheng Yu looked at you, Nie Qianqian, who didn't wake up, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but he also felt a little lost in his heart. He would never see such Nie Qianqian again tomorrow.

Nie Qianqian couldn't be more stubborn than Zheng Yu, so she walked out of the kitchen resentfully.

After a while, Zheng Yu brought the prepared breakfast to the table. Nie Qianqian took out a few packages from the room and said to Zheng Yu: "These are some special products I bought for my aunt and uncle. This is a gift from me to you." Nie Qianqian handed the bag to Zheng Yu while speaking.

Zheng Yu looked at the gift Nie Qianqian handed over, and there was a beautiful box in the bag...

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