This warm scene touched both of them very much.When I was young, my parents were busy, and there was only a nanny and a huge house at home.The two of them grew up together, and spent their lonely time together with each other, with many good times in their hearts.Looking at each other, he smiled involuntarily.

At that time, the two had a dog together.It is a big golden retriever, and every day the two of them rush to walk the dog.

Ever since Xiao Huang entered the family, Mo Shangqian's status at home has plummeted.After all, Zhou Liluo didn't feel sorry for telling him to squat down and probe under the bed to find it.The big golden retriever is a stray dog. Logically speaking, their family would not raise a dog.

The dirty big golden retriever was wandering outside, very pitiful, under the begging of the two children.Both parents agreed to accept this big golden retriever, thinking that it is feasible to let the dog accompany the children because of their busy work.

In this way, Xiao Huang's status rose all the way.The food it eats has to be stewed specially for it. People are usually used to being delicate, and dogs are also used to picky eaters.They don't eat anything other than meat, and what's worse, they don't even eat fat meat and meatballs.

Originally, Mo Shangqian wanted to give it a very foreign name, such as Amy and Maddie.But at that time, Zhou Liluo liked to watch an anime, Barbie doll.So I gave the big golden retriever a very girly name, Barbie.

When they were walking the dog, they found that it was really too fat. When it walked, its buttocks twisted and twisted, but it had a smell. The name "Fatty" is very good.

Every time the two came home from school, not only they, but also the silly dog ​​Barbie were full of joy.As soon as he entered the door, he began to hop on Mo Shangqian. When he bent down a little, he would raise his head and touch his lips and cheeks with the tip of his nose.In fact, he didn't know whether this was his first kiss to a dog.

In fact, this is not the first time they have raised a dog.

The dog in memory, there is a big yellow dog, it is very loyal.Later, he was beaten and resisted by elementary school students, and the animal's resistance is now scratching and biting.

The son of a high-ranking official came to play at Mo Shangqian's house. He has a bully personality and bullies the dog enough.Suppressing him firmly, the dog fought back and bit him.The fate of the big yellow dog has since been rewritten.

At that time, the two children didn't know what would happen if the dog was taken away.Mo Shangqian only remembered that a car came that day, and the dog catchers forced it into the warehouse downstairs. Mo Shangqian and Zhou Liluo stood outside the whole time, not wanting to watch the scene.Cries of pain tugged at their hearts, Zhou Li's tears flowed down, and Mo Shangqian tightly clenched his fists.

When the big yellow dog got into the car, his ears and mouth were covered with blood, and he whimpered pitifully.He kept looking in Mo Shangqian's direction, and he still remembered the look in his eyes, which was desperate and pleading.In an instant, Zhou Liluo was crying too.

After all, Rhubarb left them.That day, Mo Shangqian and Zhou Liluo didn't eat and just sat and looked at each other.Recalling this, Zhou Liluo finished her cup of tea and asked, "Shang Qian, is Barbie still at home?"

"En." After listening to Zhou Liluo's memories, he was also affected by emotions. The big yellow dog was his lost partner when he was very young.

At that time, I was young and couldn't protect the things and playmates I wanted to protect very well.He looked at Zhou Liluo beside him, and sighed inwardly.Forget it, after all, she was the woman she grew up with and loved.As a good friend, if there is help, you will help.As long as the bottom line is not touched, he will tolerate her.

Feeling his gaze, Zhou Liluo blushed slightly.

"Are you guys and girls?" Mo Feifei asked.

Mo Shangqian withdrew his emotions and said with a smile, "We are very good friends."

Mo Feifei gave the old woman a massage, and upon hearing this response, the smile on her face widened and she said, "Then I will be my brother's girlfriend when I grow up."

The old woman's wrinkled face smiled lovingly like a flower.Mo Shangqian's frozen face also melted like a child: "Feifei will meet a boy who treats you well, and I already have that girl."

Fang Feifei pretended to be sad, and turned the corner of her mouth to pretend to cry: "Sure enough, the age difference mentioned in the anime is all fake."

Made the three adults laugh, and the children's world is pure and full of fantasy.After saying goodbye to her grandfather and grandson, Zhou Liluo proposed to go to the night market, but Mo Shangqian had no objection.

The excitement of the night market is still extraordinary, and there are many people.Zhou Liluo took his hand, Mo Shangqian froze for a second, remembering the crowds around him.Afraid of squeezing Zhou Liluo, she didn't break free or speak.

The surrounding snack shops and food stalls are very popular, although Zhou Liluo despises them for being unclean.It was also infected by the smell of human smoke.Like any girl, she acted like a baby and wanted to eat this and that.Soon a street will be eaten up.

Mo Shangqian went from repelling to acquiescing that Zhou Liluo held his arm, probably brought back to his memory by what he once said.

Chen Xinyi was at the playground, happy like a little girl.Her family was not rich when she was a child, and she never went to the playground.By the time the family had financial strength, she had already grown up.

Now, with a boyfriend, he can act coquettishly, and be a child again.Even though the merry-go-round sat on her head, she was still very happy, and she also sat on the ferris wheel with a confused face and wanted to vomit.

She sat on the seat bored, looked at the photos of herself and Zhao Tezhu meanly, and sent them to Nie Qianqian after making them ugly.Soon there was a disdainful reply from Nie Qianqian.Zhao Tezhu was queuing up to buy ice cream at this time. Although the girl in his family was careless, she was purely like a song child.

As a foodie, I am not only lazy and unwilling to buy snacks.It had no choice but to wait in a long queue for my coolie boyfriend.When he turned around, he saw Chen Xinyi's bright smiling face, and he couldn't help but smile too.

With a live treasure by my side, it will never be monotonous again.Chen Xinyi happily took the ice cream, recently controlled her diet and refused all snacks that would make her fat.In front of Zhao Tezhu's gentle and considerate people, there are no rules. .

After eating the ice cream, Tezhu Zhao took her hand to the flower place and bought a bouquet of flowers.Chen Xinyi held it in her heart, a happy little woman.

From childhood to adulthood, Chen Xinyi slept with her grandma. Every night, her grandma would tell Chen Xinyi stories about her youth.

Grandma is a child bride-in-law who came to her husband's house when she was six years old.I often tease her now, have you ever fallen in love with grandpa, have you ever been in love, I have known how it feels to get along with someone who is grandpa since I was a child, have you ever fallen in love with other handsome men?Grandma smiled and never answered her questions, and she didn't know if she answered them.When my grandfather was eight years old, he accidentally limped. The reason is unknown.

And they also supported each other to grow, until now.With gray hair, the two were walking hand in hand on the street. Looking at their backs, Chen Xinyi thought, this must be love.

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