Rumors spread everywhere, and all the spearheads began to point at Nie Qianqian. It was hard to argue, and Nie Qianqian had no choice but to remain silent.

Or maybe, silence is the best way to answer. For those who have never done something, the people who said it and those who talked about it are to a large extent people who don’t trust themselves, and these people who don’t People who trust themselves, why should they care too much?
Anyway, explanations are useless. Nie Qianqian feels that the most important thing in all things is to do her own job well. Regarding those rumors that are inexplicable due to the wind and cannot be verified after all, she only cares about her mood. However, After all, they are different from creatures without emotions, and Nie Qianqian will always care a little bit.

However, in many cases, when things and moods are not truly unified, using one thing to change a mood, for her, she may be able to stay in the company with a little peace of mind and a little more happiness, not happy. But at least, don't worry too much.

"Xinyi, please tidy up this file. I'll sort it out. Give it to me after you sort it out. I'll send it to Mr. Mo's office in a while." Nie Qianqian seemed to have nothing wrong with her. It always felt a little out of place.

No matter how powerful Nie Qianqian is, she is just a person, and everyone has feelings. How could Nie Qianqian remain indifferent to the rumors spread throughout the company?Chen Xinyi looked at Nie Qianqian's busy schedule, and she was in a complicated mood. She didn't know what to say or what to do to make Nie Qianqian feel better.

"Xinyi, why are you standing there? Is there too little to do? How about I give you a little more?" Nie Qianqian interrupted Chen Xinyi's thoughts, and handed a bunch of materials to Chen Xinyi's hands, of course, in her office More on the table.

"Are you okay?" It was the words that had been held back for a long time after finally saying it. Nie Qianqian like this is really worrying, and I don't know who it is. The evil heart is not dead, and I am afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Again, as if she would not stop until the world was in chaos, Chen Xinyi thought to herself, if she was finally found out who caused the disturbance, she would have to kill her, divide her body into five horses, and throw her into the river to feed the fish.

Nie Qianqian was silent for a while while sorting out the materials, and said with an unusually forced smile on her face: "Xinyi, thank you, I'm fine, it's just small things that are nothing to be afraid of, such things can't shake me Yes, don't you think I'm working hard?"

Yes, many things are always very easy to say, don’t care about anything, life will not change as usual, it’s easy to say, just let others listen, you can’t lie to yourself , good or bad, happy or unhappy, you still have to fight it alone.

Just like Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi's mental state when they said these words?My stomach is full of sour water, and I also hope that I can clear up all misunderstandings and come and go freely in the company in an upright manner, instead of countless accusations when I arrive at a random place. Although accusations are invisible, they must be discussed. The degree of harming people is probably the kind that hurts people invisible but deep into the bone marrow.

"Are you sure?" Chen Xinyi naturally asked worriedly. In her heart, how could such a thing be let go so easily?Besides, now that the limelight is in full swing, who knows what kind of sadness Nie Qianqian has become in her heart. People, sometimes being too strong doesn't seem like a good thing. You have to swallow and hide everything by yourself, and slowly put it in your stomach Rotting inside, but, who knows, how long this pain might last?
Nie Qianqian nodded, seeing how worried Chen Xinyi was about herself, at this moment, there are very few people who can believe in herself, and there are really very few people who can still stand by her side amidst the rumors Now, although Nie Qianqian was sad, she was somewhat relieved, Nie Qianqian smiled slightly, patted Chen Xinyi on the shoulder and said: "Xinyi, don't worry, I'm fine, life will continue as usual, the sun will still rise, work hard Bar"

Chen Xinyi nodded, and returned to her job with the documents in her arms. In the final analysis, although I have intentions, I still have nothing to do with you, except to help Nie Qianqian to share more , and then don't follow the trend, and always stand in the position of trusting her. For Nie Qianqian, it can be regarded as a great help.

Chen Xinyi turned and left. Nie Qianqian looked at the folders on the table. The former passion has now become a tool for her to vent her anger. Although the work is completed as usual, its nature has undergone earth-shaking changes. , Nie Qianqian really didn't know whether she should be happy or what.

"Boom..." Nie Qianqian finished sorting out the materials and knocked on the door of Mo Shangqian's office. She didn't know what his attitude was, but obviously, the relationship between them seemed to be more or less because of this incident Something has changed, good or bad, whether he believes her or not, she has no way of knowing.

"Please come in." Nie Qianqian walked in, and Mo Shangqian was busy with business, without even raising his head, he said: "Put the document there, I'll read it later" and then there was no more to say.

Nie Qianqian felt confused for a while, this incident was definitely not what she wanted, and she was full of grievances. As her boyfriend, Mo Shangqian not only did nothing, but also acted like this?Nie Qianqian felt a sense of loss in her heart, and it seemed that the incident affected not only the people in the company's opinion of her, but also the change of Mo Shangqian's feelings towards her.

"Why?" Nie Qianqian felt that no matter what the reason was for Mo Shangqian's sudden change of attitude toward him, or whether it was because of this matter, he had to give himself an explanation. , It's not something that can be decided by anyone alone. Of course, when he decides his attitude towards himself, he must at least give himself a reasonable explanation to explain the reason why all this happened.

"You go out if you have nothing to do. I still have a lot of work here, so I don't have time to explain." Mo Shang avoided answering modestly, saying that he was very busy seemed to explain everything.

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