Looking at the amount transferred by Nie Qianqian on the phone, which said 520, Xu Hexi felt a sweetness in his heart. How much he thought this was what Nie Qianqian said to himself.

He really hopes that one day Nie Qianqian can walk in front of him, and then tell himself that I love you, such a scene should be very touching, Xu Hexi can't help but feel grateful every time he thinks of such a scene, but in fact, if he wants to see such a scene Appearing is simply a more difficult thing than anything else.

He didn't know when he would be able to change Nie Qianqian's mind and let her focus on him, but in order to get Nie Qianqian's love and attention, he would rather wait and do a lot of things.It's not that he hasn't thought about the final result of this kind of thing. The worst thing is that he can't get what he wants, but it doesn't matter, at least he has tried it.

He took a screenshot of the transfer page, and he wanted to save it in his photo album.When he saved it, he felt in a good mood. A breeze blew in from the car window, and he felt refreshed. The corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up, looking in a good mood, and the reason for all this was Nie Qianqian .

At this time, Nie Qianqian had already returned to her home. After a busy day, except seeing those beautiful scenery made her feel better, she was really tired from everything else, the kind of physical and mental exhaustion. When he arrived at his home, he slumped down on the sofa.

Thinking back to the scene she saw in the company today, Mo Shangqian and Zhou Liluo, she felt very sad and disappointed in her heart.The scene she saw in the company today, she was really afraid that she would not be able to control her emotions for a while and explode in front of them, but she thought about it carefully, what qualifications does she have?

The bento on the table must have been bought by Zhou Liluo for Mo Shangqian, they looked like a match made in heaven, she felt that the wall of her heart was crumbling a little bit.

After getting along for such a long time, she began to feel that Mo Shangqian was not as concerned with herself as before, and didn't pay much attention to herself. For example, she was sad here now, but Mo Shangqian didn't know it.

There seems to be a galaxy's distance between them.

She stared blankly out of the window, the corners of her eyes were a little wet, she touched them, and actually felt tears, wet feeling, she really felt tired, but she couldn't tell Mo Shangqian about this sense of loss.

Is it true that all relationships are like this, at the very beginning it is always the sweetest and the most caring, he always pays attention to your every move, even if you have a cold, he will greet you daily, but until now In the end, as time goes by, the original freshness has long since disappeared. From the sweetness at the beginning to the indifference at the end, and finally becoming strangers, this journey is really too hard, and I must be in the process. Are you full? Disappointed.

She quickly wiped away the tears on both sides of her cheeks, she didn't want them to appear, she didn't want to admit that she cried because of this incident, she didn't want to at all.She tried hard to convince herself that these were trivial matters, and she didn't have to worry about them.

That night, the dreams she had were naturally not sweet, and she even had a nightmare, dreaming that Mo Shangqian was extremely indifferent to her, and even forgot about herself, but when she woke up from the dream in the morning, she still couldn't forget the dream Inside Mo Shangqian's cold eyes, there is no emotion in them, it makes people feel chilling.

She patted her cheek, trying to stop thinking about these things, she looked at the time, and it was time to get up, she quickly got up from her bed, she was going to work hard to make money, the cruelty of life did not allow her She didn't have the slightest slack, and she didn't have the qualifications to spend recklessly, she didn't have the conditions.

Putting on exquisite makeup for herself, she is used to this kind of makeup, even if she wants to cry again, she will not cry easily, because the tears will flow on her face, and her face will be ruined by crying, How ugly that is.

After she packed up, she quickly put on her bag and went out. On the way to work, most of the passers-by on the road were the same people as Nie Qianqian. They all lived for life.More and more people have gathered at the subway station and bus station. They are all waiting for the bus. When the bus comes, they will scramble to get on the bus. Already satisfied, the most important thing for them is not to be late.

Living in this city is not easy for everyone.

Everyone who climbs on this road is in fear. Once he takes a wrong step, every next step will be wrong.

When she was about to arrive at the company, Nie Qianqian bumped into Wang Yue unexpectedly. It was really a coincidence. When Nie Qianqian wanted to raise her hand and greet Wang Yue, she clearly saw Wang Yue. After Yue stared at her for a second, she quickly avoided it, as if she was deliberately avoiding her. Her hands were frozen in midair, not knowing where to put them.

The moment Wang Yue saw her, it was as if she had seen a bad person, and she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Nie Qianqian, as if she had done something wrong.

This is really an embarrassing thing, she still wants to say hello to Wang Yue, but seeing Wang Yue's behavior, she knows that Wang Yue obviously doesn't want to say hello to herself, and she seems too self-indulgent Well, it's like walking on the road and suddenly bumping into someone you think you know, but you don't think that after seeing it clearly, you really don't know it, which is embarrassing.

Nie Qianqian felt very puzzled, thinking that Wang Yue was not like this before, why is she like this now, what happened to her, did something happen to her?As for what happened to Wang Yue, Nie Qianqian didn't know.

Countless doubts filled Nie Qianqian's brain, and they kept turning and turning in her mind, buzzing like a bee.But at that time, the situation didn't allow her to think so much, and she had to rush to work.So she shook her head and continued to rush to the company.

Thinking that there are still many troubles and trivial things waiting for her in the company, Nie Qianqian feels that she is so sad, everything is like pressing a big stone, dull and boring. sad.

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