The next day, Luo Nian'an repeated Mu Yibai's words to Luo Tingmeng completely.Then she added: "He said so, but you don't have to go to him, he may not give you any good advice."

"No, I'm going to find him." Luo Tingmeng's attitude was unusually firm.In fact, it was within her expectation that Mu Yibai asked her to meet.This was the last chance she had won for herself to be alone with Mu Yibai.For perhaps, after this self-imposed exile, she would never return to this castle.During the recent days in the castle, she has suffered a lot. On the one hand, her feeling for Mu Yibai has become stronger and stronger, so strong that she can no longer turn a blind eye to it.On the other hand, Luo Nian'an took care of her meticulously, making her conscience tortured all the time.After the last farewell, she must say goodbye to this deformed feeling completely.

"Why?" The carefree Luo Nian'an was still in the dark, she just felt that she answered too quickly and her tone was too sure.

Luo Tingmeng smiled, she lowered her eyes and stroked the jadeite pendant with her slender hands, her beautiful eyes shone brightly: "Nian'an, I will never forget the expression on Mrs. Mu's face when he gave me this piece of jadeite." During the days here, because I am your good friend, he really took care of me a lot. I am going to travel now, and I don’t ask his opinion. How can I be worthy of him! And I am so ruthless If you don't, it will make your good friend lose face."

Luo Nian'an pursed her lips, and her delicate eyebrows twitched together: "Listen to Meng, what are you talking about, it seems to be saying goodbye to life and death, it's not like you won't come back, and you will have a chance to thank him in the future! "

After finishing speaking, she winked mischievously at Luo Tingmeng: "But I don't think you need to thank him, because he is under my 'baby' now, so you should thank me..."

"Hmph!" Luo Tingmeng glanced at her unconvinced, "My friend, I specialize in surgery, do you have any friends abroad!"

She was dumbfounded now, for Luo Nian'an, a 100% house girl, she had very few friends, let alone foreign friends.That's why she values ​​her relationship with Luo Tingmeng so much.

"Okay, okay, my aunt, you can go and ask him for advice." Luo Nian'an said that she couldn't defeat Luo Tingmeng, so she could only raise her hands in surrender.

"But if you want to go, go now, the big devil hasn't gone to the company today." Luo Nian'an kindly reminded.

"I'm not going now." Luo Tingmeng almost blurted out.Parting needs atmosphere.Apparently this feeling is always lacking in the morning.It always feels like a crime to do something like this on a morning full of energy.So she had already planned to go to him one night after dinner.

Luo Nian'an was slightly taken aback by her reaction: "Why don't you go?"

A look of embarrassment flashed across Luo Tingmeng's face, and his eyes dodged a little: "Oh, I don't know what to say now, you know, Young Master Mu has that daunting aura, every time I see him I’m a little scared, if I’m not prepared, I’m afraid I won’t be able to say a word.”

Luo Tingmeng tried her best to justify her words.

After hearing this, Luo Nian'an believed it to be true. Mu Yibai's aura was indeed inherent in him, so almost everyone's first reaction when seeing him was to be afraid.In Luo Nian'an's eyes, Luo Tingmeng is no exception.


"Dong dong dong" Luo Tingmeng gently knocked on the door of the study.

It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, and when everything was silent, her knock on the door was particularly harsh.Not long after, Mu Yibai opened the door.Seeing that it was Luo Tingmeng, he was slightly startled at first, and then became very calm, as if everything was within his expectations.

"It's so late, I saw that the light in the study room was still on, so I came over to have a look." Luo Tingmeng pursed her lips and said very gently.While speaking, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly under the light, as if she could speak.

Mu Yibai didn't say anything, but just invited her into the study.

"Young Master Mu, I've never seen someone as hardworking as you. You are already the richest and most powerful man in the world, but you can still maintain a pure heart. It's really rare." Luo Tingmeng called Mu Yibai praised him a lot.

Serious work, this is also an important reason why Mu Yibai attracted her.Because Luo Tingmeng knew that the rich man she knew, as long as he became a little bit prosperous, he would be infected with many problems, and he had already forgotten to work hard.

"I heard from Nian'an that you want to go outside alone to relax?" Mu Yibai doesn't have much time to waste on her. For him, the time when everything is quiet is a good time for him to work. The brain also remains abnormally awake during this time period.

"No, Young Master Mu, before I talk about this, I have something more important to tell you." Luo Tingmeng's eyes were locked on Mu Yibai's chiseled face without any hesitation. .

"What!" Mu Yibai asked lightly, subconsciously keeping a distance from Luo Tingmeng.

Luo Tingmeng took a deep breath, and began to talk: "Once upon a time there was a girl, she seemed to be a cursed child, and she couldn't do anything well, every time she was about to be close to happiness, happiness always It is to leave her. She has been living at the bottom of the society and has seen the most shameless people and the most filthy humanity in the world."

"Because of this, this girl's heart has been stagnant since she was very young, and she has never been moved by anyone. When she was in prison and encountered the lowest point of her life, a hero suddenly appeared. He put The girl was rescued from that shady life and given her the most luxurious life in the world."

"The woman is very grateful to this hero, but when she gets along with him day and night, she discovers more advantages in this hero, almost all of which are not possessed by other men. The girl is very fascinated. I don’t know from which day, the girl finds that she always thinks about this hero before going to sleep, longing for his comfort when she is sad, and eager to share with him when she is happy. Every time he looks at her inadvertently, She's always blushing. And that's a miracle for a girl who doesn't believe in love."

"But at the same time, the girl is also very painful, because the hero already has a beloved wife by his side, and this wife takes good care of the girl, which makes the girl fall into a terrible self-blame. After listening to this story, Mu Shao, do you think the story What should the girl in the middle do?"

Luo Tingmeng finally bravely confides his heart to Mu Yibai by telling stories.After finishing speaking, she stood aside, waiting for Mu Yibai's answer.

"Miss Luo, I really didn't expect you to tell such a boring story." Mu Yibai's eyes flashed sharply, and he calmly and decisively answered the questions raised by Luo Tingmeng's long speech.

There was lingering disappointment in Luo Tingmeng's eyes, and she murmured, "Young Master Mu, does this story really seem absurd to you?"

"Yes." Mu Yibai said without thinking, "Because all heroes are people with extraordinary self-control, so it is absolutely impossible for him to do anything that hurts his love."

When Luo Tingmeng heard this, he felt sad.All the emotions flooded up like a tide, making her at a loss for what to say for a while.

"Miss Luo, I asked Nian'an to come to you to remind you about Xiang Fenghua." Mu Yibai said bluntly, not wanting to continue going around with her.

Upon hearing Xiang Fenghua's name, a trace of fear flashed in Luo Tingmeng's eyes.With so much going on lately, she'd almost forgotten about it.

"Miss Luo, I am very grateful for what you have done to Luo Nian'an, so when Xiang Fenghua was looking for you everywhere, I sent someone to protect you very well. But if you leave S City, I am afraid that the bodyguards will Protection is not 100% in place."

Mu Yibai said everything in one go.

"I talked to Fenghua, and he said he was looking for you everywhere because he was fascinated by you. But you know, he always says one thing and does another. Miss Luo, about whether you want to go out alone It's entirely up to you to play and let go. Of course, it would be better if you can give due consideration to my opinion."

Mu Yibai paused, and added: "It's very late now, if you have nothing to do, please go back and rest first."

Unexpectedly, Mu Yibai directly issued the order to chase away the guests, Luo Tingmeng's heart felt as if a knife had been twisted.

She bit her lip, her eyes misty: "There is one thing, I still want to know why you pushed me away when I was drinking that day?"

"Miss Luo, you still don't know that the truth is better, because the truth is often crueler." Mu Yibai said coldly.

"But I just want to know." Luo Tingmeng twisted her stubborn little emotions, and she slowly took a few steps forward, wanting to get closer to Mu Yibai.

Mu Yibai's eyes were as calm as water, and he said firmly: "Miss Luo, I think your story just now must have missed a few important plots and character relationships. You didn't say that the hero's wife is a girl A good friend, without his wife, it is impossible for a girl to know the hero. And it is not the girl that the hero saves, but his wife.”

Mu Yibai's words were almost the confession of a good man, which broke Luo Tingmengting's heart.A line of tears came silently from Luo Tingmeng's eyes, and she said with tears in her eyes, "But that day I clearly felt that you had feelings... I didn't want anything, I just wanted to know if there was a moment when you Have a feeling for me?"

As Luo Tingmeng said, tears "cracked" and fell down.

Mu Yibai gave her a meaningful look, and said solemnly: "Miss Luo, if Luo Nian'an hears this, she will be very disappointed in you. In fact, there are many important feelings in life, such as precious Friendship, I hope you can cherish it."

This kind of her made Mu Yibai very disappointed, and his heart ached for Luo Nian'an!

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