Strong pet marriage: President Mensao take it easy

Chapter 78 Some functions are still the same!

Sitting in front of the hospital bed, Mu Yibai had an unconcealable sadness on his beautiful face.Ever since Luo Nian'an's lips twitched that day, she never responded.As strong as him, I also feel a little lost.For so many days, he put aside all his affairs for her and stayed by her side all the time.

"Honey, do you smell the fragrance of roses?" Mu Yibai said in a low voice, rubbing Luo Nian'an's with his warm palm.The voice is like weeping and complaining like a tune played by a violin.

"I still remember your expression when I saw the rose garden for the first time. It was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I also made this a rose garden, and I think you should like it."

Mu Yibai raised his eyes and looked at the roses. He asked people to change these flowers every day. He hoped that when Luo Nian'an woke up, he could see the most delicate and fresh roses.

Luo Nian'an's eyes were tightly closed, as if she was listening to him quietly.

Mu Yibai didn't know if Luo Nian'an could hear her, he looked at her sleepily: "Honey, that time you left without saying goodbye, I was like crazy, I sent people everywhere to look for you, and later I found out that you were going back to the castle soon , I'm really happy."

"I asked someone to clean more than 200 rooms in the castle, and I arranged 82 of them as our bedrooms, decorated in different styles. August 8nd is your birthday, and the day we signed the agreement I just wrote it down."

"I originally wanted to give you a big surprise on your birthday. Now I leaked it to you in advance."

"And that rose garden, I also asked someone to plant it again, you must not have seen it."

As Mu Yibai spoke, his tone suddenly became gentle.This is the first time I have communicated with her heart to heart.

When she was awake before, he always didn't say so much, just wanted her all the time.

"Rou'er and Xiaobai came to see you today. I didn't go out. Xiaobai walked around by my side. It's really amazing that I don't have any allergies. When you wake up, Xiaobai can be with us One bedroom, my wife, do you want this very much?"

As Mu Yibai spoke, he was a little choked up.His slender fingers slid across Luo Nian'an's fair, pink-tender face like a baby, and then stopped on Luo Nian'an's thin pink lips.

His lips couldn't help but stick to them.

He still remembered her shy face, clumsy response, and biting his lip when he kissed her for the first time.From then on, he could never leave this woman again.

"Honey, you gave me the letter that night, and I only read it a few times before throwing it away. You must have been heartbroken at the time... Actually, that baby wasn't my baby at all, and Shu Muqiu and I didn't have each other at all." Had a relationship, how could there be a child! But I didn't say it at the time, maybe because I didn't want to explain, maybe because I like to see you nervous and jealous... I wanted you again and again that night , I thought I had expressed my heart to you..."

Luo Nian'an seemed to have heard Mu Yibai's confession, a line of tears flowed down from her eyes silently.Along her cheeks, it landed on Mu Yibai's fingertips.

A light flashed in Mu Yibai's black eyes, and he was so excited that he was about to jump up.

He tightly held Luo Nian'an's little hand: "Honey! Did you hear what I said! Wife!"

He leaned close to her ear and called softly.But Luo Nian'an was still unmoved, her eyes were still tightly closed.

"Honey, I know you've been listening to me, I know it." Mu Yibai murmured, his eyes were unusually firm.

He lowered his head, pressed his thin lips against her little face, and kissed away the tears.

"Master!" The butler suddenly opened the door and came in.Seeing Mu Yibai's intimate behavior towards Luo Nian'an, he unconsciously took a step back.

"What's the matter?" Mu Yibai calmed down his emotions and asked with raised eyes.

"Guess who I brought you here?" The butler's eyes sparkled brightly.

"Who is it?" Mu Yibai asked anxiously.

"It's me." Luo Tingmeng appeared behind the housekeeper.Her lips were pale, and she still looked very haggard and weak.

A gleam appeared in Mu Yibai's eyes, as if the dawn of hope was waving to him.

"Ms. Luo just heard about the young mistress when she woke up. I wanted her to raise her and come to see the young mistress, but she insisted on coming here now." The housekeeper said excitedly.

"Thank you. I really don't know how to thank you." Mu Yibai looked at Luo Tingmeng gratefully, and thousands of words were condensed in the two words "thank you".

If it weren't for Luo Tingmeng, maybe he would have lost sight of Luo Nian'an.

He has already firmly kept this kindness in his heart, and from now on, Luo Tingmeng's affairs are Mu Yibai's affairs.He will definitely repay her well!
Luo Tingmeng was really too weak, and it was very difficult to send a smile: "You are welcome, Nian'an is my good sister..."

If it happened again, she would still do it!

Luo Tingmeng took a look at Luo Nian'an who was lying on the hospital bed upright, and tears welled up in her eyes: "Nian' she still not responding at all?"

Mu Yibai's eyes moved to Luo Nian'an's face again: "Honey, look who is here to see you, you will be very happy to see her! Your good sister, she is standing right now In front of you, you must wake up!"

The butler supported Luo Tingmeng and walked forward.

Luo Tingmeng opened her thin lips slightly, and said tremblingly: "Nian'an, it's me. Can you hear my voice? I'm Tingmeng, and I'm here to see you. They took good care of me, and I Now you have become very healthy again, so you have to hurry up and wake up. We both grew up in an orphanage since we were young, and we are very strong-willed. Now that I have done it, you have to work hard!"

A line of tears fell silently from Luo Nian'an's eyes again.

"Young Mistress, she is crying! She must have heard it!"

"Master, young mistress will definitely wake up!"


All three of them were a little excited.

"Nian'an, I saw your tears. I think you must have heard it. The housekeeper and I, as well as Mr. Mu, are very happy. Mr. Mu really loves you very much. For so many days, he has been I'll be with you without sleep."

"Nian'an, you must wake up early, you said that you will have a very, very cute baby in the future, and I am still waiting to be her godmother!"

After talking too much in one breath, Luo Tingmeng's already weak body couldn't hold on, and she fell crookedly on Mu Yibai's body.

"Miss Luo!" The housekeeper helped her up, "Young master, I'll take her back to the ward first, and when she gets better, I'll come see you young mistress!"

"Go!" A trace of worry flashed in Mu Yibai's eyes.

Luo Nian'an seemed to hear it too, tears welled up in both eyes.

"Wife, wife!" Mu Yibai held Luo Nian'an's weak and cold little hand, his eyes were firmly locked on her bloodless face.

Luo Nian'an's eyelids trembled, as if a beam of white light had shot into her dim world.In a daze, she heard Mu Yibai calling her.As if the seedlings were about to break through the ground, Luo Nian'an was also working hard with all his might.

"Honey! Wake up and look at me!" Mu Yibai's voice trembled.

He lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. He could feel her lips moving in a very small range.His lips also trembled slightly, and his long eyelashes covered his eyelids, flashing a flash of crystal.Her little hand that was held by him also moved, and the tip of the little finger wrapped around his fingertip.

Mu Yibai raised his eyes, and his thin lips trembled away from hers.An incomparably great sense of happiness hit his heart.

"Wife!" he called softly.

Luo Nian'an's eyeballs rolled, she felt the light in front of her eyes getting stronger and stronger, and vaguely saw a man's handsome face.Then it became clearer and clearer.Mu Yibai's face looked so tired and haggard.

And those big-big-pieces of roses that filled the room.Tears filled her eyes again in an instant.

Mu Yibai couldn't believe everything in front of him, he was so excited that he couldn't say anything, he just held her hand firmly.

"Tingmeng... Is Tingmeng okay?" Luo Nian'an's voice was very low.

Mu Yibai nodded desperately, trying to restrain the excitement in his voice: "She's fine, Uncle Yin is taking care of her, don't worry, she just came to see you."

"I... want to see her..." Luo Nian'an wanted to raise her head, but she was weak and had no strength at all.Her memory was still stuck in the scene of Luo Tingmeng saving her, Luo Tingmeng had shed so much blood.

"Don't worry, when you get better, I'll take you to see her." Mu Yibai looked at her dotingly, with an unprecedented gentle tone.

"You are too weak now, what do you want to eat, I will ask someone to prepare it." Mu Yibai's eyes sparkled, and he locked on her affectionately.

Luo Nian'an lowered her eyes, and her little hand pressed hard against his fingers, although the strength was almost negligible.

"You've lost weight...I like these roses so much..." Seeing him busy for himself, Luo Nian'an's eyes flashed with distress.

Mu Yibai pursed his lips, it doesn't matter if he is thinner, even if he looks a few years older, that's fine!As long as she can do well, everything he has paid is worth it!

"But some functions are still the same as before." Mu Yibai looked at her with burning eyes, and smiled evilly.

A blush floated on Luo Nian'an's pale face, this big devil hadn't changed at all.Whenever, I always think about that.

Still her familiar shy look, Mu Yibai raised the corners of his lips, approached her ear, and whispered: "Honey, you need to get better soon, I can't wait."

It's really bad!Luo Nian'an's little face was crooked in the socket of his shoulder.

Fan Gaohan, who came to visit Luo Nian'an, just witnessed all this. On the one hand, he was happy for Luo Nian'an's waking up.But at the same time his heart was aching.

He didn't say anything, and silently closed the door.

Mu Yibai and Luo Nian'an, who were immersed in happiness, didn't notice it at all.

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