The subordinates in suits and leather shoes rushed to the stage one after another.

"Hurry up, take this shrew down with me!" Xiang Fenghua said while grabbing Chen Shanshan's curly hair.

Chen Shanshan's hair was pulled out a lot, she was half kneeling on the ground, looking around, it seemed that all the rich ladies were laughing at her.Laugh at her for playing badly with a good hand!How could she have the face to face people after laughing at her!There was a tingle in her temple, and the whole stage began to spin.

In order to get rid of her, Xiang Fenghua kicked her hard with his leather shoes, not treating her as a human being at all.

"Ah!" Chen Shanshan screamed, and fell heavily to the ground and passed out.

Xiang Fenghua still didn't let go of his hatred, he spit on her angrily: "Bah, I thought I was something!" Then he raised his big hand and asked his subordinates to drag Chen Shanshan out.

The scene behind was so cruel that Luo Nian'an closed his eyes and dared not look at it.Without saying a word, Mu Yibai took Luo Nian'an's hand and walked outside.Luo Nian'an's heart began to overwhelm, feeling uncomfortable for a while.

Seeing Chen Shanshan make a fool of himself, Luo Nian'an should have been very happy, but it was nothing, she felt a little sympathetic to Chen Shanshan.

"You should be very happy, why are you frowning." Mu Yibai looked at her sideways.

"I'm in a very complicated mood now. Chen Shanshan did a lot of things that hurt me before, such as poisoning my bird's nest. I really want to teach her a good lesson, but seeing how badly she was beaten by Xiang Fenghua just now, I don't know what to do. I can't bear it..." Luo Nian'an said with her eyebrows locked.

Mu Yibai was slightly taken aback: "She poisoned your bird's nest?"


There was a flash of sharpness in Mu Yibai's clear and moist eyes. Now that I think about it, Chen Shanshan and Zhang Xuelin must have lied to him in the first place!Unexpectedly, he also betrayed himself!He must be repaired and repaired some other day!
Luo Nian'an didn't notice the change in Mu Yibai's eyes at all.She looked up at the stars all over the sky, and sighed: "If everyone could be as pure as the stars, that would be great!"

Mu Yibai's sharp eyes gradually became gentle again, and his eyes were fixed on Luo Nian'an. At this moment, she is the brightest star in his heart, always so pure and kind.

Back in the castle, Luo Tingmeng greeted him: "Why are you back so early, I prepared ginseng soup for you."

Seeing Luo Tingmeng was there, Mu Yibai exchanged some pleasantries, and then went straight to the study to deal with matters.Luo Nian'an was also a little surprised, Luo Tingmeng never waited for them in the past.

"What's the matter, are you unhappy? Did Chen Shanshan bully you?" Seeing that Luo Nian'an was silent, Luo Tingmeng came around again.

Since Luo Nian'an told her that day that she was going to attend Chen Shanshan's wedding, she had always taken this matter to heart.

"No." Luo Nian'an shook his head, hugged a pillow and sat down on the sofa.

"What's the matter? You're so listless." Luo Nian'an's attitude made Luo Tingmeng more and more curious.

Luo Nian'an pursed her lips, frowned and said to Luo Tingmeng: "Did you know that the wedding is cancelled!"

"Ah!" Luo Tingmeng asked in astonishment, but there was a casual smile on her lips.

"You are also very surprised, and Xiang Fenghua beat Chen Shanshan severely in order to get rid of her..." Luo Nian'an recalled the scene just now, and was a little bit speechless.

"Really? So ruthless?" Luo Tingmeng looked surprised, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Luo Nian'an nodded: "Really, it's really miserable. Xiang Fenghua is like a crazy beast. He put Chen Shanshan..."

"Stop!" Luo Tingmeng made a gesture of stopping, "Stop talking. It's better that I don't know."

There seemed to be a trace of pain on Luo Tingmeng's face, she paused, and continued: "Let's have a better chat. Chen Shanshan will definitely calm down now, no one will bully you again."

"That's true, but I don't know why I just can't be happy..." Luo Nian'an sighed after finishing speaking.

"Why, you should be happy. Isn't she the person you hate the most all the time? Think about how she destroyed your relationship with Mr. Ling time and time again..."

"I haven't forgotten all of this." Luo Nian'an pursed her lips, "Anyway, it feels weird, different from what I imagined..."

"Really?" Luo Tingmeng felt a little disappointed.

Seeing the change in her eyes, Luo Nian'an stretched out her hand to hold hers: "I'm really useless, and I'm still worrying you."

Luo Tingmeng's hands were cold and sticky with sweat, Luo Nian'an said worriedly: "Why are your hands so cold?"

Luo Tingmeng quickly withdrew her hand and said absently, "It's probably too cold at night."

Luo Nianan picked up the ginseng soup and handed it to Luo Tingmeng, and looked at her with concern: "You should drink more ginseng soup. Don't worry about me anymore, the most important thing for us now Just take care of your body."

She paused, then continued to ask: "By the way, how did you see the doctor a while ago?"

Luo Tingmeng said that a friend introduced her to a well-known doctor who is abstinence-du. She was very active and went to see her every day, and she didn't let Luo Nian'an accompany her.

Luo Tingmeng took a sip of the soup, with a smile on his lips: "It's okay, the number of seizures is getting less and less, almost negligible."

"Really!" Luo Nian'an's eyes sparkled, "That's great! That's great!"

Everything is going in a good direction, which makes Luo Nian'an very relieved.She excitedly began to think about the future again, when Luo Tingmeng recovered, the two of them would go to work together, and then together they would help Luo Tingmeng find a Prince Charming for her...

Luo Tingmeng didn't say much, but just smiled in agreement.

By the time Luo Nian'an returned to the room, it was already late.Mu Yibai did not sleep, but sat on the sofa and waited for her.

Luo Nian'an was startled when he saw him: "Why haven't you slept yet? I was so happy chatting with Ting Meng just now, I forgot the time." Luo Nian'an still had a smile on his face, as bright as a sun flower.

Without saying a word, Mu Yibai walked up to Luo Nian'an in three steps at a time, and immediately embraced her in his arms. He hugged her so tightly, as if he wanted to embed her into his body .Luo Nianan's almond eyes widened, and the faint smell of cologne hit him, giving him an inexplicable warmth.

"What's wrong?" she asked with a smile.

Under the desk lamp, Mu Yibai smiled gracefully on his sharp-edged face, and said in a deep voice, "I just want to hug you all of a sudden."

The sound is like the D major of the violin, low and magnetic, as if to melt people.He had been waiting for a whole night, and he just wanted to spend time with her alone, but this woman was always foolishly puzzled, and he never had the chance until now.

Luo Nian'an put her face against Mu Yibai's thick and warm embrace, and pursed her lips into a smile.When did this big devil turn into a warm man?

"Next time, don't make me wait so long..." There was a trace of jealousy in Mu Yibai's voice.He hugged her tighter, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

"You hurt me..." Luo Nian'an said shyly, she felt as if her whole body was about to be crushed.

Only then did Mu Yibai let her go, his eyes deeply locked on her innocent little face: "Call me husband."

One night, because Luo Nian'an called Fan Gaohan's husband in front of him, he was bathed in deep happiness.When Luo Nian'an met his fiery gaze, her face instantly flushed red.

"Tell me, are you responsible for what happened to Chen Shanshan?" Luo Nian'an deliberately changed the subject.Although she had been married for several months, she rarely called his husband, and she was still shy.

"Little fool~ melon, in your eyes, am I omnipotent?" Mu Yibai said softly, his eyes still warm.

Luo Nian'an was a little stunned by the question, she didn't know herself, she didn't know when, in her heart, he had already turned into a superb hero.In front of her, overcoming thorns and thorns for her, sheltering her from wind and rain.

"Actually, your husband and I are not omnipotent, there are many things he can't control." Mu Yibai looked at Luo Nian'an blankly, for example, he couldn't control her heart.How much he wished that he had a special ability to make her love him wholeheartedly and turn a blind eye to other men.

Mu Yibai paused, and continued: "A man like Xiang Fenghua, who is so romantic, will only do this for a woman! He must be fascinated by some woman now, just like he was fascinated by a woman before. Chen Shanshan is fascinated!"

"Really? Are you sure you didn't do it?" Luo Nian'an said doubtfully.

"You reminded me of what I'm really going to do now!" A cunning flashed in Mu Yibai's eyes.

"Ah! Let's forget it, she's pretty miserable now..." Luo Nian'an said anxiously.

Mu Yibai murmured: "Hey, unless you behave well at night."

ah!Why did this big devil think of that again?As soon as the words fell, his kisses came to her overwhelmingly, burning on her lips, beside her ears, and on her neck.


In the villa, the private detective handed a bunch of photos to Chen Shanshan.Chen Shanshan took the photos, frowning, flipping through one after another.In the photo, Xiang Fenghua is entangled with a voluptuous woman.

"This stinky and shameless vixen!" Chen Shanshan cursed, her nails deeply embedded in the face of the woman in the photo, and then tore the photo to pieces with a grim expression.No amount of powder could cover up the hatred on her face.

Since that woman ruined everything about her, made herself make a fool of herself in front of everyone, and let Xiang Fenghua beat her up, and her body is still aching, then I will definitely not make her feel better.

"Have you found out? What is her last name and where does she live?" Chen Shanshan slammed the photos she had seen on the table and asked resentfully.

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