Xiang Bochao immediately went forward and blocked Luo Nian'an behind him. He seemed to be nearly 20 centimeters taller than that man.

"What are you doing, swearing at people for no reason!"

Luo Nian'an grabbed Xiang Bochao's arm: "Don't talk to him!"

The man looked them up and down, then looked at Xiang Bochao wretchedly and said, "Boy, I advise you, don't go with this woman! The woman just now is very poor, I guess this one is not much better. Really I lost 500 yuan for nothing!"

Before he could finish speaking, Xiang Bochao raised his fist and slammed the man's face hard.The man was knocked down to the ground, blood oozed from the corner of his lips.

"You are not allowed to say that about Miss Luo." Anger was burning in Xiang Bochao's eyes.

The man got up and fled in a panic.

Xiang Bochao turned to look at the frightened Luo Nian'an: "Miss Luo, this place is really not suitable for a weak woman like you, it's really too complicated."

Luo Nianan glanced at her gratefully: "Thank you."

Xiang Bochao smiled, and his tone suddenly became gentle: "Miss Luo, you have said a few thank you all night."

Luo Nian'an lowered her eyes and entangled her fingers: "You go back first, I'm going back too."

"Do you want me to take you up?" Xiang Bochao was still worried about Luo Nian'an's safety.

Luo Nian'an quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, I'm familiar with this place."

Seeing Luo Nian'an's resoluteness, Xiang Bochao had no choice but to give up.

"Then you go back first, I'll stand here and watch you. When you go upstairs, I'll go."

Luo Nian'an didn't speak, she didn't expect this shy big boy to be so warm.She walked forward with her head down, her steps heavy.She didn't know how to face Luo Tingmeng.

Pushing open the door, Luo Tingmeng was just like yesterday, puffing away.

Seeing Luo Nian'an coming back, she stood up and put out the cigarette, and looked at her tenderly: "Does it hurt when I hit you just now?"

Luo Nian'an lowered her head, held her hand, and begged in a low voice: "Stop doing this, okay? Those people are not good people!"

The muscles on Luo Tingmeng's face twitched, and she broke free from her hand, her tone was still gentle: "This, just leave it alone."

"But..." Luo Nian'an's tears welled up again.

"I understand what you want to say. When I have enough money, I will stop doing this business." Luo Tingmeng lit another cigarette and said leisurely.

"What money, how much do you need?" Luo Nian'an seemed a little excited.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs!" Luo Tingmeng's tone rose a few decibels, "I don't know your affairs either."

"Who was that man who sent you here just now?" Luo Tingmeng stared.


"Colleague?" Luo Tingmeng sneered, "Didn't you say that you only have 2000 a month, so your colleague drives an Audi A8! I haven't seen such a colleague before."

"It's really a colleague." Luo Nian'an said confidently.

"Forget it! Let's not bother with each other's affairs, shall we!" Luo Tingmeng seemed to issue an ultimatum, and his tone returned to blunt.

Luo Nian'an didn't speak any more, and it was useless to continue arguing like this.Everyone has their own difficulties, she should understand and tolerate Luo Tingmeng instead of blaming her.Maybe it's really too tiring.Luo Nianan lay on the bed and fell asleep again.Although on this bed, Luo Tingmeng had transactions with many men, which disgusted her.But she fell asleep anyway.

In the dream, she returned to the castle again.

When she saw Rou'er and Xiaobai were locked up, Mu Yibai ordered to kill them.

With a terrified expression on her face, Luo Nian'an knelt on the ground and begged bitterly: "Please, let them go..."

Er Youwei walked over from the side: "Husband, don't listen to her. This woman knows that we are in love and still breaks us up, so why not kill her too!"

Mu Yibai embraced Er Youwei into his arms, and said with a smile: "Everything is up to you, my wife."

Luo Nian'an begged for mercy: "Don't...don't..."

But they ignored her, the housekeeper had already put the gun on her head...

Luo Nian'an sat up from the bed in fright.I would dream about Mu Yibai almost every night, and the him in the dream made her daunting.She made up her mind that she must not let Mu Yibai find him.She doesn't want dreams to become reality.She must not see Mu Yibai and Er Youwei loving each other together!
As soon as Luo Nian'an arrived at the company, Lian Bingqiu called her into the office.Lian Bingqiu handed her an envelope without saying a word.

Luo Nian'an was dumbfounded, not knowing what she meant, she opened the envelope and saw that there was a stack of money inside.

Luo Nian'an's face was full of doubts: "Sister Bing, what are you doing?"

Lian Bingqiu said with an expression: "This is 2000 yuan, you take it. You will not come to work here from tomorrow on."

She said it neatly.

When Luo Nian'an heard this, it was like a bolt from the blue, her mind went blank: "Sister Bing, I-I did a good job, why don't you let me continue?" Although the salary of this job is not high, at least she can support herself.More importantly, clean.Make money with your own labor.

A trace of uneasiness flashed across Lian Bingqiu's face: "Miss Luo, it's not suitable for you to work here. It is forbidden for male and female employees to fall in love here. You violated the taboo when you came here."

fall in love!Who to fall in love with!She only wants to make money now, so she has no time to fall in love!Luo Nian'an was stunned for a moment, she only talked to Xiang Bochao as a male colleague, could it be Xiang Bochao?

"Sister Bing, you misunderstood. It's not what you imagined. In fact, I'm already married. It's impossible for what you said to happen." Luo Nian'an explained openly.

"There is no misunderstanding. In short, you will not use it for work starting tomorrow." Lian Bingqiu said coldly, without mercy at all, without any room for maneuver.

Having said that, there is no need for Luo Nian'an to continue struggling.

"Sister Bing, then this is too much money, I can't take it, all I need is my salary these days." Luo Nian'an returned the envelope to Lian Bingqiu.

Lian Bingqiu insisted not to.While the two of them were pushing back and forth, Xiang Bochao rushed in aggressively from the outside, with bits and pieces of anger flashing in his eyes.

"Why don't you let her work here?" He heard it when he passed the office.

"What are you doing here, get out quickly." Lian Bingqiu walked to Xiang Bochao's side and winked at him.

"I'm not going out, so why didn't Miss Luo do it here?" Xiang Bochao said loudly.

Luo Nian'an was a little embarrassed, she didn't want Xiang Bochao to lose his job because of herself.

"You go out. This is about me and the company." She persuaded.

Lian Bingqiu glanced at them, then suddenly raised her voice, and said to Luo Nian'an: "Look at the two of you, and you still don't say you're not in a relationship. It's not in a relationship, why is he talking for you!"

"You all get out, stop flirting in front of me!" Lian Bingqiu said, pushing them out.

"We are just in love! What do you want!" Xiang Bochao yelled at Lian Bingqiu, but his eyes were extremely firm.

For a moment, the room was completely silent.

"Xiang Bochao, you want to rebel!" Lian Bingqiu scolded.

Luo Nianan didn't expect the situation to be so uncontrollable, she put the envelope on the table, bit her lip and ran out.

This place is obviously no longer her place.Why is everything going so badly? Her head hurts so much.

In the office, Xiang Bochao asked Lian Bingqiu relentlessly: "Why don't you let Miss Luo work here?"

Lian Bingqiu gave him a blank look, sat down in front of the desk angrily, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and smoked: "How did you talk to me just now, and you actually contradicted me in front of outsiders! Look After I go back, will I sue my father or not?"

Xiang Bochao's tense face immediately relaxed, and he begged: "Sister, don't tell Dad, or he won't let me stay here again, and I finally got my freedom."

Lian Bingqiu exhaled a puff of smoke ring, the corners of her lips slightly raised: "It's good to know."

"Brat, I warn you. Don't provoke this girl!" Lian Bingqiu pulled her face down.

"Why?" Xiang Bochao asked casually.

"You are a child, don't ask too many questions, anyway, you must be right." Lian Bingqiu ordered.

"Sister, you are always so domineering, no wonder you are too old to get married." Xiang Bochao joked.

"Brat, don't interrupt me. Did you hear what I told you just now?" Lian Bingqiu looked at his half-brother fondly.

"Then you have to tell me the reason." Xiang Bochao said coquettishly.

"Anyway, sister, I'm doing it for your own good." Lian Bingqiu said solemnly.

Xiang Bochao raised his sword eyebrows slightly: "But if you don't tell me, I know it too. She is Mu Yibai's wife."

Lian Bingqiu lowered his upturned feet, stubbed out the cigarette, and asked in surprise, "You know?"

Xiang Bochao still had an indifferent expression on his face: "Of course I know, isn't there a lot of photos of them on the Internet? I'm a computer worker, and I stare at the computer all day, how could I not know?"

Lian Bingqiu poked him on the brain: "You brat, why didn't you tell me earlier, your old sister almost killed me!"

"Since you know it, you don't need to let me tell you why. It's fine if she's gone now, don't go looking for her anymore." Lian Bingqiu warned again with a flash of fear in his eyes.

"Then what's the matter, maybe there is something wrong with their marriage, otherwise why would she come to us to find a job. She found such a remote place, she just didn't want Mu Yibai to find her?"

"Don't talk, don't talk, I get a headache when I talk about it, and I almost got into a big trouble." Lian Bingqiu rubbed his temples and said.

Xiang Bochao took out the picture he drew for her yesterday from his pocket, and carefully admired it. I have to say that she looks really cute.

Lian Bingqiu snatched the words from his hand, and after a glance, she was shocked.

"Stinky boy, you don't really like her, do you?"

"I can't tell. It's just that every time I look at her, my heart beats faster. I want to see her but I dare not. Sister, do you think she likes her?"

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