"Honey, did you eat watermelon and spoil your stomach?" Mu Yibai asked with concern standing at the door of the bathroom.

Luo Nian'an had been in the bathroom for 10 minutes, which made him worry.

"It's okay, I'll be out right now." The disappointment could not be concealed in the voice.

Luo Nian'an curled up in a corner of the bathroom, her mood suddenly plummeted.She has come to be a big aunt.Although she didn't want a baby that much herself, she was still sad when her aunt came.Maybe he has already been brainwashed by Mu Yibai.

Luo Nian'an stood up, and smiled at herself in the mirror: "It's okay, the baby will be there!"

Opening the door, Mu Yibai rushed towards him with an anxious face, "Are you all right, do you want to call the family doctor?"

"It's okay." Luo Nian'an said in a low voice, not daring to meet his gaze, "I just want to disappoint you, the plan to have a baby this month is in vain..." Luo Nian'an bit her lip, her voice was very low.

"Little fool, don't think about it." Mu Yibai hugged her into his arms with his strong arms. He wanted a baby, and that was to possess her completely.

Luo Nian'an was in his warm arms, surrounded by an unprecedented sense of security, a smile curled up on her lips.

"It seems that I have to work harder in the future." Mu Yibai murmured in her ear.

Luo Nian'an was taken aback by his words, she raised her almond eyes and looked at him: "This is already the limit!" You know, she has been a little hurt when she walks recently.

Mu Yibai looked at her, his obsidian-like eyes sparkled, and his lips moved a little stupidly.

Luo Nian'an seemed to have seen his plot, and raised her voice: "I'm not happy, I want to give myself a dress to wear."

After saying this, Luo Nian'an was startled.She used to only like to wear jeans, and she didn't like to dress herself up.Could it be that my heart has become colorful now? !
Mu Yibai raised his eyebrows upwards: "This is a good suggestion."

He quickly took out a card from his LV wallet: "You keep this card, don't come back until you spend 100 million." In his opinion, the happiness that money can buy is the most cost-effective .

"No, there's still a lot of cards you gave me earlier." Luo Nian'an declined, she just wanted to buy a dress, why did she spend so much money.

"This one is different, this one is a gift." Mu Yibai's eyes flashed brightly, "I'll ask the driver to take you there."

Well, well, Luo Nian'an didn't refuse any more.But how to spend it is really a problem.Let's save it, she secretly thought, maybe it will be useful someday.As for the skirt, she just needs to be simple and comfortable.

The driver sent Luo Nian'an to the entrance of the mall.As a senior house girl, she really seldom visits shopping malls.It used to be fat and poor, but now it is unnecessary.

Luo Nian'an walked around, but didn't know what to buy. She knew that she should bring Rou'er, and she could give her an idea.Just thinking like this, a few burly men jumped out of nowhere, they quickly covered Luo Nian'an's mouth, and dragged her into the elevator.Because she happened to be standing at the elevator entrance, and no one noticed.

Luo Nian'an struggled, but to no avail.Looking at the ferocious expressions of those big men, Luo Nian'an's head went blank, and fear flashed in his eyes.No idea who they were, or where they were taking her!

The elevator stopped on the top floor.

Luo Nian'an was supported by two burly men and brought to the office on the top floor of the shopping mall.

In the distance, Luo Nian'an saw a middle-aged man sitting there.It's Fan Yingyan.Luo Nian'an was instinctively scared, her little face turned pale with fear.Ever since she saw him that day, she couldn't forget the sharp look he gave her.

The burly man took her to the sofa.

Fan Yingyan waved his hand, and they withdrew one after another.He came to Luo Nian'an with a smile on his face: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mrs. Mu, I surprised you."

Luo Nian'an unconsciously shrank back.Why is it that he is smiling even though it is still scary to her.Although they are father and son, he and Fan Gaohan give people completely different feelings.

"Mrs. Mu, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I came here today to discuss something with you." Fan Yingyan comforted.

Luo Nian'an's tense muscles gradually relaxed. She didn't know why he was looking for her.

"Mrs. Mu, I'll tell you the truth. This shopping mall was originally given to Mr. Mu, but he didn't want it." Fan Yingyan took a deep breath of his cigar, and his tone was a bit stiff.

"He doesn't accept our apology, which means he won't let us go." Three black lines hung on Fan Yingyan's forehead.

"I'm sorry, Uncle. I don't understand anything about shopping malls. You still have to negotiate with my husband." Luo Nian'an thought for a while, but she didn't know what to call him. Out of politeness, she still called him Uncle.

"No, Mrs. Mu, you're wrong. This matter is all because of you." Fan Yingyan's gloomy eyes shot a cold light.

Luo Nian'an is not stupid, she knew he was referring to the matter between herself and Fan Gaohan.

"Mrs. Mu, I don't know what kind of misunderstanding is there between my son and you, but please don't see him again." Fan Yingyan said sternly.

Luo Nian'an pursed her lips: "Uncle, I think you misunderstood, there is really nothing between me and him." This kind of explanation is really pale.

"Whether it's a misunderstanding or not, I ask you not to meet again!" Fan Yingyan lowered his face.

"This is directly related to the safety of our Fan Group! The foundation I have worked so hard to create cannot be destroyed overnight! Please, Mrs. Mu, don't be as willful as my son!"

With the word willful, he raised his volume.After he finished speaking, there was another gaze as cold as a pool of stagnant water.Luo Nian'an's heart trembled, as if he had read the meaning behind his words.

"Uncle, please don't worry. I have already promised my husband that I will never see Mr. Fan again." Luo Nian'an said every word with force.

"That's good. I will arrange a marriage for my son as soon as possible. Boys always have rebellious moments, so what he said and did, Mrs. Mu, don't take it seriously." Fan Yingyan said slowly Slowly exhaling smoke rings, he looked at Luo Nian'an schemingly.

Luo Nian'an was expressionless. This parent made her feel genuinely uncomfortable, "Uncle, this is your family matter, and I have no right to intervene. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Fan Yingyan nodded, and said with deep meaning: "Mrs. Mu, I don't think you will tell others what happened today."

This other person, of course, refers to Mu Yibai.

"No." Luo Nian'an stopped talking nonsense and left directly.Even if he didn't tell, Luo Nian'an wouldn't tell anyone else.She just wanted to let the turmoil caused by her fade away slowly.

When Luo Nian'an returned home, she was still a little anxious, with lingering fears in her heart, and she was absent-minded about everything she did.Fan Yingyan's sharp eyes can wake her up from a nightmare.She hugged a cushion, leaned on the sofa half lying down, flipped the remote control panel casually.

Suddenly, a pair of hands encircled her from behind.Luo Nian'an jumped up all of a sudden, reacting greatly.

She looked back, it was Mu Yibai, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Yibai looked at her with astonishment: "What's wrong, I was taken aback by you."

"Oh, I watched a horror movie just now, so I was very scared..." Sweat dripped from Luo Nian'an's smooth face, but luckily he was smart enough.

Mu Yibai kissed her on the face lightly: "If you're timid, don't watch these. If you want to watch it, watch it together when I'm here."

"Yeah." Luo Nian'an nodded.

"What about the skirt, let me see the skirt you bought." Mu Yibai's smile suddenly deepened, and his side face was so beautiful that it made people forget to breathe.

oops!It was only then that Luo Nian'an remembered that she was going to the mall to buy a skirt.After being taken away by Fan Yingyan, she was stunned and completely forgot about it.Thinking about why this time, Luo Nian'an anxiously looked like ants on a hot pan.

"I...didn't...buy..." Luo Nian'an faltered, and his eyes were a little dodgy.

"Don't you like it? Or think the money you brought is too little..."

"No, no..." Luo Nian'an waved his hands again and again, "I came back because... my stomach hurts." Finally, he came up with a good reason, and a charming smile appeared on Luo Nian'an's face.She really wanted to praise her IQ.

Mu Yibai's big palm rested on Luo Nian'an's stomach, his amber eyes shone with pity: "Is it here?"

"It's still here..." His big palm moved down slowly.

Luo Nian'an's heart was beating wildly, her eyelashes trembling slightly: "Don't do this, the servant will see later..."

Mu Yibai's big warm palm slowly rubbed and rubbed her belly, his movements were extremely gentle.

"What are you afraid of, I'm just rubbing my wife's belly." Mu Yibai's eyes deepened a bit.


The next morning, Luo Nian'an was still soundly asleep, but Mu Yibai pushed her awake: "Get up quickly."

"Why..." Luo Nian'an muttered, turned over and continued to sleep.

Mu Yibai - looked at her bewilderedly, this woman, he really wanted to call her a god of sleep, why can't she wake up every day.

Mu Yibai hugged Luo Nian'an from the bed, trying to take off her pajamas with two big hands.

Luo Nian'an was completely frightened awake, she covered her chest, her little face wrinkled nervously: "What are you going to do?"

"Help you undress." A misty broken light flashed in Mu Yibai's eyes.

"No, I'll do it myself." Luo Nian'an refused, his face flushed a little.I really don't know what this big devil is going to do to wake her up early in the morning.

"I'll take you to buy a dress." Mu Yibai said with a sleepy look as if he could read the voice in her heart.

"No, actually, I don't really want it..." Luo Nian'an still had lingering fears about what happened yesterday.

"Why not, if my wife doesn't buy a dress that suits her wishes today, it will be a denial of my Mu Yibai's ability." Mu Yibai said firmly.

Instead, he smiled again, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly: "I like to dress up my wife beautifully."

This smile is simply mesmerizing.

Luo Nian'an lowered her eyes, her face turned red immediately, didn't he always say she was ugly, why did she say she was beautiful today.

But his words were really sweet, Luo Nian'an felt like drinking honey in his heart.

I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient.

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