At night, Luo Nian'an lay on the bed and tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.Everything is played over and over again in my mind like a movie.The most terrible thing is those photos, which have been haunting her, and a very uncomfortable feeling lingers in her heart.

Suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door.

Luo Nian'an hurriedly got out of bed, opened the door, it was Rou'er.There was a mysterious expression on her face, and she was about to say something.

Just as Luo Nian'an was about to ask, a figure flashed out from behind her, it was Fan Gaohan.

This really shocked Luo Nian'an, how could he appear here in the middle of the night.

As soon as Fan Gaohan appeared, his eyes were firmly locked on Luo Nian'an's face, the waves of light flowed, and she had a special charm when she was half asleep and half awake.

Luo Nian'an realized that she was still wearing pajamas and had seven flowers on her neck, she couldn't help blushing like a tomato.I hurried in and changed into a high-necked dress and a pair of jeans before I came out. Fortunately, it was a little cold at night, so it was not surprising to wear a high-necked one.

"Why are you here?" Luo Nian'an, who had changed her clothes, was much calmer than before, with suspicion in her eyes.

"I'm going to take you somewhere." Fan Gaohan raised the corners of his mouth and locked her with burning eyes.

"It's midnight, and there are many reporters outside, where are you taking me?" Luo Nian'an couldn't figure out Fan Gaohan's reason for coming, let alone where he was taking him.There are enough things in the past two days, and she doesn't want to make any more troubles.

"Just follow me." Fan Gaohan seemed to see Luo Nian'an's hesitation, and looked at her with determination.

Rou'er echoed from the side: "Young Mistress, you can go out with Mr. Fan." After finishing speaking, she winked at Luo Nian'an, meaning that she would keep it a secret for her.

"Let's go." Fan Gaohan looked at his watch and urged.

"Okay." Luo Nian'an agreed, although she only had a few contacts, she still believed in Fan Gaohan's character.And he must have something important to look for her so late.

I don't know what clever trick Fan Gaohan used, the reporters outside the castle didn't notice her leaving at all.The car was speeding all the way, the more it drove, the more remote and desolate it became.Luo Nian'an's heart tightened, and his brows furrowed slightly.

Fan Gaohan on the side seemed to have noticed the subtle change in her expression, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "Don't be afraid, the result will definitely satisfy you."

"Where are we going?" Luo Nian'an still couldn't let go of her hanging heart.

"When you arrive, you will know." Fan Gaohan raised his eyebrows, looking in high spirits.

The car finally stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse.Surrounded by overgrown grass, accompanied by the unique chirping of birds at night, Luo Nian'an folded her hands in front of her chest as soon as she got out of the car and shivered, her hair standing on end.

Seeing Fan Gaohan coming, several people who looked like bodyguards guarding the warehouse door came over.

"How is it?" Fan Gaohan asked.

"Everything is done," replied one of them.

Fan Gaohan gestured for him to go back.

Then he smiled and said to Luo Nian'an: "Miss Luo, go in and have a look. You will be satisfied."

Luo Nian'an didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, so he followed him and walked towards the warehouse step by step.

A woman was sitting on a chair, her hands and feet were tied up, her eyes were covered with a black cloth, and her mouth was taped.

Luo Nian'an stood at the door, not daring to come any closer.She looked at Fan Gaohan in horror, why did he let her watch this in the middle of the night in the wilderness.

"It's Chen Shanshan." Fan Gaohan said to the terrified Luo Nian'an.

Chen Shanshan, these three words came out of his mouth so lightly.

Luo Nian'an boldly approached her slowly, the attire, and her twisting posture because of the discomfort, it was really her!Luo Nian'an couldn't help but gasped.She had thought about countless situations where she would confront Chen Shanshan, but she never expected this to be the case.

"I brought Chen Shanshan here, you can do whatever you want with her now." Fan Gaohan's sonorous and forceful voice was behind him.

Luo Nian'an looked back at him, "But..."

Although Luo Nian'an cursed Chen Shanshan countless times in his heart, when she really appeared in front of him in this way, Luo Nian'an didn't feel any excitement in his heart.

"I told you about her, you leave it to me. Although there is no evidence that she poisoned the bird's nest, I can help you vent your anger."

Fan Gaohan looked at her deeply, his eyes were curved, his hands were casually placed in his trouser pockets, his upright figure was stretched out by the light.

Luo Nian'an bit her lip, a little in a dilemma.She didn't expect that he would take to heart what she told him many days ago, and he did it.

"During my business trip, you are not allowed to go out or meet other men. You belong to me!"

Mu Yibai's words suddenly burst out in his mind, and his heart was in a state of confusion.Fan Gaohan's kindness, will she accept it or not?
"Don't worry, she's listening to explosive rock and roll, and she doesn't even know who did it. Go up and vent your anger."

Fan Gaohan walked up to Luo Nian'an, stretched out his hands to put them on her shoulders, hesitated for a moment, and put them down again.

Luo Nian'an didn't pay attention to his subtle movements at all, her fingers were intertwined, and she was engaged in a great mental struggle.

Thinking of Chen Shanshan's usual domineering appearance, the incident of framing her, and those photos.Luo Nian'an's eyes were burning with raging anger.She can't do it at all with a smile.Well, go all out.

Luo Nian'an walked to Chen Shanshan's side in stride, slapped her with a raised palm, and slapped her backhand again.

Chen Shanshan was stunned by the sudden slap, ten finger prints were hot on her face, and her body struggled even harder.

Unexpectedly, Chen Shanshan, who is usually domineering, will have today!
The corners of Luo Nian'an's mouth rose slightly, finally venting his anger for himself.

Fan Gaohan saw that she stopped after hitting her twice, and asked puzzledly, "Why don't you continue?"

"Forget it, beating her makes my hands dirty!" Luo Nian'an smiled.

In fact, another important reason is that the effect of force is reciprocal, and her palm also burned, because she was too forceful just now.

On the way back, Fan Gaohan looked at Luo Nian'an who was sitting in the co-pilot: "How is it? Have you relieved your hatred?"

"It seems to be really much more comfortable. The long-standing anger has finally come out." Luo Nian'an pursed her lips, "What will you do to her?"

"They will let her go soon, this time just to teach her a lesson." Fan Gaohan shrugged his hand on the steering wheel.

Luo Nian'an let out a long sigh of relief, she didn't want Fan Gaohan to get all over the place because of herself.She still believes that the bitch has her own day!
"Mu Yibai is not this kind of person." Fan Gaohan paused, then continued, "I guess it's all Chen Shanshan's fault."

Luo Nian'an looked sideways, aren't they at odds?Why did Fan Gaohan still speak for him?

"You know him well?" Luo Nian'an's little face was full of doubts.

Fan Gaohan glanced at Luo Nian'an sleepily: "I don't know much about it, I just know that he has always been picky about women. If it's a female star, he would find it troublesome even to look at it."

"Really..." Luo Nian'an looked out of the car window, his pupils gradually lost focus.That big devil, he's picky about women?Then why did he marry himself in a muddleheaded way!

"Generally, the women he likes are excellent, for example, Miss Luo." Fan Gaohan glanced sideways again. He always felt that the woman in front of him couldn't get enough of him, and couldn't help but want to praise her.

"Uh..." Luo Nian'an was thinking about his own thoughts, but couldn't hear clearly, "Then do you know Er Youwei?"

When Luo Nian'an mentioned these three words, a feeling of discomfort flashed in his heart, but he couldn't help but want to know about her.Why does Mu Yibai's expression change drastically every time she is mentioned.What kind of shocking stories have there been between them?
Hearing this name, Fan Gaohan was slightly taken aback, and he said as lightly as possible: "I know, she looks beautiful."

"Really. Then she..." Luo Nian'an wanted to ask but didn't want to, and was so entangled in her heart that she was dying.I know, I don't know, I feel very sad.This feeling has never been felt before.

Fan Gaohan seemed to understand Luo Nian'an's thoughts, and said pointedly: "It's better that you don't know some things, it's rare to be confused."

After a pause, he changed the subject, "Those photos are definitely not real, and Chen Shanshan has taught her a lesson. Miss Luo, you can sleep well tonight."

Luo Nian'an let out an "oh".Her mind was occupied by the name Er Youwei, and she felt that she couldn't sleep well at night.Luo Nian'an, Luo Nian'an, you are asking for abuse!What are you asking about in the past!But women seem to be more sensitive to these things by nature.


Chen Shanshan sat on the chair in a daze.Pressing the face, there was a pain in the body, touching the corner of the mouth, it was sticky and bleeding.She didn't know where these people came from, and she didn't dare to call the police.

And these days because of the scandal with Mu Yibai, his reputation is constantly rising.I don't want to ruin my bright future because of this incident.

Staggering to the door, a crow whizzed past her head, her face turned pale with fright, and she trembled all over.Those people were kind enough to leave her car with her.

In the middle of the night, on the winding road, a black car was galloping.Chen Shanshan couldn't figure out who those people were!In the past two days, she has become surprisingly popular, the TV station's invitations have skyrocketed, and the TV series' film appointments have also continued.She had just been interviewed before being brought to this shit-shit place.

There must be many people who are not used to the good luck.In this line of business, that's it!It would be great if I could replace that silly girl as Mu Yibai's wife as soon as possible.

Suddenly, her eyes were stung by a bright light.In this wilderness, there are still such strong high beams!Chen Shanshan knocked on the steering wheel and was about to curse!
Unexpectedly, the car was facing her car and crashed into it as if courting death.There was no time to dodge.

A piercing sound of brakes pierced the sky, Chen Shanshan's head hit the steering wheel heavily, and she lost consciousness all of a sudden.

The white car on the opposite side did not stop, but drove past quickly.

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