"I want to take a bath!" Luo Nian'an pouted and announced solemnly, not wanting to mess with him anymore.

"Okay, then take a shower first, and then roll the bed sheets!" A cunning flashed across Mu Yibai's eyes.

It looked like he really had a fight with himself today. "Let's go, let's go!" Luo Nian'an pushed Mu Yibai out, wanting to take the opportunity to close the door immediately.

Just as the door was about to close, Mu Yibai's big hand was already on the door, he chuckled: "Didn't you agree to wash together, why are you in such a hurry!"

Luo Nian'an bit her lip, her face flushed red, she exerted all her strength, but compared with Mu Yibai's strength, it was nothing compared to Mu Yibai's.The door was easily opened by Mu Yibai.One wrist was grabbed by him, and it was clasped against her head, and Luo Nian'an was firmly pressed against the wall like this.She could see two little herself reflected in the obsidian eyes, little-blushing like a tomato.He ran a big hand through her hair and pressed the back of her head.Luo Nian'an's almond eyes widened, and he opened his mouth in astonishment: "Let me go!"

Mu Yibai's eyes shone brightly: "Don't be shy, I'll help you undress..."

Luo Nian'an's heart was seized all of a sudden, and her breath was tightly pressed into her throat: "Let me go, I will do it myself!"

Luo Nian'an's body twisted back and forth, struggling constantly, and accidentally, her pink lips just touched Mu Yibai's two thin lips.ah!I simply did not succeed enough to fail!

But completely different from what Luo Nian'an thought, Mu Yibai didn't take the opportunity to kiss her, he just reminded with a cheerful smile: "Be careful."

Mu Yibai's movements were really fast, the jeans had already been stepped on his ankles, and most of the T-shirt had been taken off.Mu Yibai admired every inch of Luo Nian'an's skin with greedy eyes, and his eyes were covered with a layer of bright illusion.

Luo Nian'an's body was stiff, and the rhythm of breathing began to become rapid, but Mu Yibai's body was firmly resisted, so he could only protest loudly: "Let me go, let me go, I'm almost being seen by you !" Mu Yibai, you big devil!No, it's just a big change-state!
The corners of Mu Yibai's mouth rose slightly, and he smiled evilly: "Look at the light? Well, I still remember that you have a mole on your right leg."

ah!Luo Nian'an wished she could find a hole in the ground and get in: "How do you know?"

Mu Yibai raised an evil smile, put his finger to his lips and "shh": "This is a secret!"

Haha, this woman will probably never know that the night before she had a fever, he not only "lighted" her, but also helped her take a bath.

Mu Yibai let go of Luo Nian'an, leaving her still thinking about when he saw "her", or was he simply playing tricks?Or the matter of the mole was just his guesswork. Don't have too many people with moles on their legs!

When Luo Nian'an came back to his senses, Mu Yibai had quickly taken off his clothes, he was really naked!Not one left!Anyway, he also wears a pair of underwear!God, why is this man so shameless!
Luo Nian'an was overly frightened, and immediately covered her face with her hands, this time her eyes must be going blind! 100% going blind!

Mu Yibai didn't care, stretched out his hand and dragged the woman into the bathtub together.What a romantic thing to take a bath together!
After taking a shower, Luo Nian'an was carried onto the big bed.

The ambiguous atmosphere is still spreading.

"Call me husband." A cunning flashed in Mu Yibai's eyes.

"Uh..." What's going on with this man today, he sang and sang!Luo Nian'an's mouth opened into an O shape, why did he think of this.But how is this called the exit, or in this atmosphere.And until now, he was still sleepwalking at all.I can't accept that I am already married.For being Mu Yibai's wife, she has not gotten used to it at all.The last time I called her husband in front of Chen Shanshan, it was to anger her.

Seeing that Luo Nian'an didn't respond for a long time, Mu Yibai frowned, and threatened again: "Call me husband." He put his big palm on Luo Nian'an's leg and rubbed it lightly. Tell this woman to surrender.

Luo Nian'an turned over and turned to the right: "Don't bark!"

"Shout or not!" Mu Yibai pulled Luo Nian'an over again, and his tone became tough.

"I'll do whatever you want me to do, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me..." Luo Nian'an pursed her lips and protested.

This woman actually considers calling her husband a shameful thing!It's unreasonable, there are still people who think it's shameful to call me Mu Yibai's husband!She didn't know how many women wanted to marry him!See how I clean her up!
Luo Nian'an looked at the evil smile on Mu Yibai's face in astonishment, wondering what the hell he was thinking.

Suddenly Mu Yibai breathed with both hands around his mouth, and he jumped down, both hands began to invade Luo Nian'an, scratching it non-stop, and he still threatened: "Shout or not, call not called!"

Luo Nian'an laughed "giggle" when she was teased, and curled up her body.Since she was a child, she was most afraid of being tickled, and she couldn't stand it for a second.

Luo Nian'an was tortured so weak that she had no choice but to surrender: "Husband...husband..."

Hearing the word "husband" in Luo Nian'an's mouth, and the gentle tone of voice, Mu Yibai felt a little lighthearted.He likes this title very much.

He lowered his eyes, locked Luo Nian'an under his body, and murmured: "I like this name, call it again."

Luo Nian'an was worried that he would tickle her again, so she had to call out again: "Husband." Luo Nian'an couldn't bear the numbing force, as if an electric current passed through it, goose bumps all over his body.

Mu Yibai's eyes flashed brightly, his smile was slightly stagnant, his eyes full of instinct were firmly locked on her little face, the quiet and kind baby face seemed to be the youngest and brightest girl in the world. flowers.

His lips couldn't wait to cover Luo Nian'an's lips, and there was unknowing joy and little happiness in his eyes.He has wasted half of the night's good time, he can't waste another moment of his daughter's spring night!
This kiss is gentle and careful.Mu Yibai tried his best to control his breathing and strength, and kissed her lips, her chin, her forehead, her neck as softly as possible... Every time the passionate kiss fell on a place, he would murmur : "This is mine." Then reluctantly moved to the next inch of skin: "This is also mine..."

This man's desire for dominance has reached its peak.

In the afternoon, Luo Nian'an, who was reading a book, received a call from Mu Yibai: "Get ready, you're going to attend an important banquet tonight."

Important banquet?Luo Nian'an was surprised, Mu Yibai had never invited her to any banquet.In my impression, he himself rarely participates in such activities, and spends most of his time at home with her.

This is definitely beyond the imagination of many people.Especially married women, it is estimated that most of them will die of jealousy.But Mu Yibai did indeed do this.Many married men refuse to stay at home at night, saying they want to socialize!Those are all excuses, how can he be as busy as Mu Yibai!
"Can you not go?" Luo Nian'an blinked her sleepy colored contact lenses.

For such an occasion, she really has no confidence at all, she doesn't know what to say, she is really not good at communication at all!A house girl who belongs to the dead house and the dead house!
"No!" Mu Yibai's resolute voice came from over there, "I can't come to the castle to pick you up because of something, you prepare yourself."

"But I don't know what to wear!" Luo Nian'an suddenly thought of the most important question.

"I will send someone to bring you clothes, you just need to come with him." It turned out that Mu Yibai had already arranged everything.

"By the way, you can try it on at home to see if it fits you well. Then you don't need to put on any clothes, just put on casual clothes and go to the hotel room to rest, and then put them on when the time is almost up." Mu Yibai was afraid of Luo Nian'an I didn't know the process was a joke, and then added.

Luo Nian'an pouted and nodded one by one, this is really a headache!

As soon as Luo Nian'an hung up the phone, the maid Rou'er came to inform the colleague who delivered the clothes to come.

Luo Nian'an curled her lips, the efficiency of this big devil is really extraordinary.

The dress is in the style of a mermaid skirt, which wraps Luo Nian'an's figure exquisitely, and makes Luo Nian'an's skin even whiter. With a delicate little face, she looks like a mermaid from a distance Woolen cloth.

"Young mistress, you are so pretty, and the young master has such a good eye!" The maid Rou'er stood aside and praised excitedly.

"It's good, it's just that it shows a little too much..." The dress was tube top-style, and Luo Nian'an felt that when she bent down or something, her chest would suddenly shine.

"Young Mistress, you are so old-fashioned, other female stars want to attend naked!" The maid Rou'er couldn't stand it.

Well, since the dress was suitable, Luo Nian'an followed the colleague who delivered the clothes to the Howard Johnson Hotel.

This hotel is one of the few seven-star hotels in the world.

Walking inside, it really is extraordinary, the decoration is magnificent, of course it is not as good as Mu Yibai's castle.It's just that the decoration of the home is different from the decoration of the hotel. The home is restrained, but the hotel is bold and unrestrained.

Luo Nian'an came to the designated room, hung the clothes in the closet, and decided to go for a stroll in the hotel's park.

Stepping into the hotel's park and looking over from a distance, Luo Nian'an saw a familiar figure from the back. Judging by his figure and temperament, it should be Fan Gaohan.

Getting closer and closer, Luo Nian'an quickly confirmed his judgment.
"I didn't expect to meet you here." Luo Nianan greeted first.

Fan Gaohan was obviously very surprised to see Luo Nian'an, his eyes as dark as night flashed with sparkles: "Miss Luo, why are you also here to attend the banquet?"

Luo Nian'an nodded, expressing his acquiescence.

Fan Gaohan was obviously surprised and delighted: "It seems that I didn't come in vain today. I really didn't expect you to attend such an occasion!"

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