In the silent room, on the snow-white hospital bed~.

The slightly closed eyes opened a weak gap.

Luo Nian'an woke up faintly.

The moment her eyes were concentrated, Mu Yibai's gentle face was imprinted in her clear eyes like a spring.

The corners of the plump mouth were drawn into a weak arc, and the voice was pleasant and gentle: "My husband..."

"Honey, you're awake."

"En!" Luo Nian'an twisted her limbs, trying to sit up, but was stopped by Mu Yibai.

"Don't move."

"Hmm...? What's wrong?"

"Yes, I want to drink some fish soup, so..." Mu Yibai remembered something, picked up the pillow and put it on Luo Nian'an's back, so that she could snuggle comfortably against the soft pillow, and then said: " That'll be all right."

"What's the matter?" Luo Nian'an didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this Mu Yibai was too fussy.

"Come on, drink this fish soup, and I'll tell you again." Mu Yibai picked up the fish soup and brought it to Luo Nian'an.

Luo Nian'an obediently drank a few sips, not to mention, Mu Yibai's cooking skills are actually pretty good.

"Is it delicious?" Mu Yibai took the bowl, and wiped the soup from Luo Nian'an's mouth with a tissue in a gentle and gentle manner.

"Hmm." The curved corner of Luo Nian'an's mouth made her delicate little face look even sweeter. "Now can you tell me what happened?"

Mu Yibai smiled without saying a word, just gently covered her flat belly with his big hand, and stroked gently back and forth, letting the warm palm touch the skin of her abdomen.

Luo Nian'an's expression changed from initial suspicion to gradual understanding, and then to uncertainty...

" mean...?"

From the corners of Mu Yibai's eyes and brows, with gentle love, he nodded lightly.

"Ah...hehe...Oh my God, is it true...I...I can't believe it..." Luo Nian'an was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes, and she stroked her abdomen with her small hand, and the tears flowed down the white ~ Xi's face slid down.

"Does the baby really exist... But, I... I'm too careless, I don't even know... Welcome, this cute little guy..."

Mu Yibai grabbed Luo Nian'an's little hand with his backhand, clasped her fingers together, and covered her lower abdomen together.

"I'm too careless... He appeared quietly... I took you around... I went to eat seafood at night... I don't know if this little guy is angry?"

"Husband... oh my god, I'm so excited... what should I do... I... I'm so happy..."

At this moment, besides being excited, Luo Nian'an was still excited.

This joy was indeed beyond her expectation.

The sudden joy made Luo Nian'an and Mu Yibai feel a sense of happiness that they had never had before.

When she was pregnant with Guoguo, Luo Nian'an knew about it unintentionally, and Mu Yibai was not by her side at that time, this time it was different.

When Mu Yibai was with her, he felt sad, happy, and moved.

He had never experienced the strange and subtle feeling before knowing that he was going to be a father.

What can make a man more mature, stable, and caring for his family?

The answer was that her woman was pregnant with his child.

As for Luo Nian'an, this was also the first experience, no.It is not so much an experience as an enjoyment.

When I had Guoguo back then, it wasn't that I was unhappy, it was just that the feeling of happiness was impure.

At this moment, the child's father is by her side, accompanying her, comforting her, caring for her, and her child.What else can make a woman feel more happy and at ease than this thing?

"Is the baby good? Did you kick you? I heard people say that when the baby is in the mother's womb, it will be so mischievous that it kicks. Does it hurt? Let me hear." Mu Yibai said, really Leaning down~ body, put your ear against Luo Nian'an's abdomen, and put it down gently.

"Honey, she's still so young, how could she kick me." Luo Nian'an smiled, this man was too impatient.

"Then when will he kick you?" Mu Yibai stroked Luo Nian'an's belly with attachment, and looked at her belly full of curiosity.

Everything in the world is really miraculous. In this world, there are his flesh and blood, which are quietly growing.

"At least in the fifth month, the baby will touch the mother's belly when stretching its hands, feet, and stretching in the womb..." Luo Nian'an told her about the prenatal education knowledge she learned when she fruited it. Explain it to your husband.

" that's the case." Mu Yibai suddenly realized, and once again felt the greatness and wonder of life.He switched his ear to Luo Nian'an's stomach, and after a while, switched to the other side... Like a studious child, he was studying something.

"What are you doing?" Looking at Mu Yibai's weird behavior, Luo Nian'an couldn't help asking gently.

"Hmm...? Hmm!" Mu Yibai raised his head, then put his ear to it again, and said, "I want to hear if he talked inside."

"Pfft...haha!" Luo Nian'an couldn't help it anymore, and laughed out loud.The charming woman, her charming face blushed with joy, said coquettishly: "Silly melon, I said that he is still young and has not yet formed. He can neither speak nor move."

"Oh...hehe..." Mu Yibai smiled foolishly.The big hand was gentle again, and slowed down, stroking Luo Nian'an's flat abdomen.

After a while, I suddenly remembered something, and asked with an extremely serious expression: "By the way, are you hungry?"

"I just drank fish soup and I'm not hungry at all."

"Oh, um! It's fine if you're not hungry, it's fine if you're not hungry." Mu Yibai nodded earnestly, and then continued to switch ears from left to right to listen.

Mu Yibai's focused and serious attitude at this time is no less than his concentration and seriousness when he was working.No, it should be said that he was more serious and focused than when he was working.

Luo Nian'an knew the excitement and joy in his heart, and didn't stop him from changing things up and down.She just kept smiling happily and contentedly, staring at her husband with a silly and cute look because of joy.

After a while, Mu Yibai raised his head again, and asked with concern: "Then are you thirsty? I'll go get you some water!"

"Not thirsty." Luo Nian'an smiled again and shook his head.

"Well, it's fine if you're not thirsty, it's fine if you're not thirsty." The man nodded and said, then continued to bend his ear to his abdomen, studying and thinking about something.

At this moment, Mu Yibai doesn't look like a president.He gently opened Luo Nian'an's clothes, and gently tapped Luo Nian'an's abdomen with his slender fingers.

"Is he here...?"

Luo Nian'an shook her head with a smile, but a trace of shyness still flashed in her eyes.

"Then... is it here?"

"Not at all."


Before Mu Yibai finished asking, Luo Nian'an took his big hand with his gentle little hand, placed it gently on a certain part of his abdomen, and said: "He is still very young, and he will live here for the time being. When he grows up Once it’s done, it’s going to take place here, here, and here.”

Mu Yibai frowned, staring closely at Luo Nian'an's restless waist and limbs, and that flat belly.Surprised, he said, "Your stomach is so small, how can you hold him?"

"Silly melon, I've already pretended to be Guoguo." Luo Nian'an's voice was as gentle as a stream, explaining to his husband, Mu Yibai, some knowledge about pregnant women giving birth to babies.

Although Mu Yibai is extremely shrewd in the mall, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people.However, when it comes to childbearing... a big man, how could he understand this.

He thought again, nodded and said: "As the baby grows up slowly, my wife, your belly will also gradually grow bigger, wrap the baby in it, is that so?"

"Well, yes. After the baby is born, it will take a long time for the stomach to recover slowly."

Luo Nian'an talked about the hardships and difficulties when she was pregnant with Guoguo in an understatement.

She didn't want to tell Mu Yibai about those misfortunes and difficulties in the past, she knew that in fact, he had always been very guilty in his heart.She loves him, how can she bear his guilt?

Some things, if you don't deliberately conceal them, the other party will not know.

Mu Yibai withdrew his stroking, came to Luo Nian'an's side, held up her little hand, and placed it in his palm.The voice is neither high nor low.The tone is warm and delicate.

"Wife, I don't know how to tell you, the feeling in my heart. Thousands of words can only be turned into one sentence... I love you! For this family, for our love, you have paid too much. You When you were pregnant, when you needed my company the most, I couldn’t accompany you, take care of you, care for you, and care about you. I have been repenting in my heart, pious repentance. It’s just a pity that God may not give it to you again. I have a chance to make up for it. But I didn't expect that the arrival of this little guy once again ignited the joy in my heart. Wife, I'm so happy... The words are a bit... inconsistent, don't mind... I..."

Tears welled up in Luo Nian'an's eyes, but she still chose to remain silent, just shaking her head gently with a gentle smile.She knew that at this moment, the man she loved deeply, her husband, Mu Yibai, had a thousand words in his heart to tell her.She doesn't need to say anything, just being a quiet listener is enough.

"I thank God for giving me this opportunity. I will be by your side when you are pregnant. They say that a pregnant woman can't eat anything. It's hot or cold, meat or whatever Yes, it has a lot to do with it. Don’t worry, it was my husband’s fault that I couldn’t take good care of you. This time, let me cook for you, and I’m going to study recipes for pregnant women. I’ve heard others say, pregnant~yun It’s also inconvenient for a woman to walk. It’s okay, my husband will hold you, wherever you want to go, my husband will carry you wherever you want. Oh yes, there is also. I heard that women who are pregnant ~yun sometimes have a special desire to eat doesn't matter. Whenever you want to eat something, just tell your husband, and he will buy it for you no matter what..."

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