Luo Nian'an helped Mu Yibai go downstairs to get the medicine, and in the long corridor, he ran into Chen Shanshan who was walking towards him.

She was always so well-informed, and with a bag of things in her hand, and flowers in her hands, she came again to offer her courtesies.

Some women go to great lengths to marry into a wealthy family, and Chen Shanshan is one of them.

"I heard that you suspect that I poisoned the bird's nest that day, and you want to sue me?" When passing by, Chen Shanshan gave Luo Nian'an a white look.

Luo Nian'an didn't want to argue with her today, everything was focused on Mu Yibai's health, if there is anything to do, wait until his health improves.However, the villain Chen Shanshan filed a complaint first, and her attitude is still so arrogant, it seems that she can't hide.

"You know what you have done yourself!" Luo Nian'an also glared at her and shot back.

"Joke, what have I done?" Chen Shanshan had a disdainful expression on her face.

Her face is like an iron wall, she can tell nonsense with her eyes open.

"Didn't you admit it to yourself just now? You poisoned my bird's nest! You thought that if you poisoned me to death, you would become Mrs. Mu! You're so beautiful, it's not your turn!" Luo Nian'an said nothing. Said angrily, even without her, Mu Yibai would not have married Chen Shanshan, Er Youwei and the fairy girl at the party were much prettier than her.

Chen Shanshan's eyes were wide open, and she was so angry that she almost jumped up: "Then go and sue! Can you sue me!"

Luo Nian'an was not to be outdone: "When my husband recovers, I will ask him to take care of you!"

husband!Luo Nian'an called that in front of her on purpose.

"Haha!" Chen Shanshan laughed tremblingly, "Go ahead and sue, and see if he will believe you or me? I advise you to save yourself! What are you going to sue me for? Do you have evidence! You Which eye saw that I was poisoned! But I have evidence, evidence that you framed me! I am not afraid to tell you that I did something in the bird's nest! But what can you do with me! Now it is the evidence In the age of [-], there is no evidence for what you say. God is blind, I gave such a medicine, but it didn't poison you to death!"

Chen Shanshan's heavily made-up face showed an extremely ferocious expression.

She actually did this! A second ago, Luo Nian'an was wondering if she had misunderstood her!She is ruthless and ruthless, comparable to a woman in a Gongdou drama!And fabricated evidence!It's really unreasonable!

Luo Nian'an couldn't bear it, she raised her hand to slap her to death.But Chen Shanshan grabbed her hand in mid-air, her hand was so strong that Luo Nian'an couldn't handle her.This is the result of poor physical education, when Luo Nian'an was studying, he often threw shot puts at his feet.Sports, this is the pain of her life!You can't even fight now!

Xiao Bai seemed to know that his master was being bullied, and ran over angrily, hugging Chen Shanshan's ankle with a bite.Chen Shanshan screamed in pain, but Xiaobai just wouldn't let go, even if Chen Shanshan hit him, he wouldn't let go!

Luo Nian'an squatted down, snatched Xiaobai over, looked at its watery eyes distressedly, stroked its pure white down, and thanked it for rushing forward for her.But I was even more worried about its situation.

Chen Shanshan was completely defeated. She hugged her legs in embarrassment and shouted: "Stinky girl, let's wait and see."

Luo Nian'an watched as Chen Shanshan staggered into the bedroom carrying things.Needless to say, she didn't know how to discredit herself in front of Mu Yibai.

Mu Yibai thought it was Luo Nian'an who came back, but he didn't expect it to be Chen Shanshan.A look of disappointment.Relying on her popularity in several plays, this woman began to keep coming and going in and out of his castle.And the bodyguards played back every time she came in.

As Luo Nian'an expected, Chen Shanshan burst into tears when she saw Mu Yibai, and described for a while how Luo Nian'an ordered Xiao Bai to bite her.She is an actress, so the performance is more realistic.

Mu Yibai's head hurts from hearing this, these two troublesome women!The bird's nest incident has just passed, and now it's happening again!He was a little disappointed with Luo Nian'an, why did Chen Shanshan always target her and not others!If she was really that kind, why would there be such messy things, she must have something wrong with her.

When Luo Nian'an came back from downstairs to get the medicine, she was mentally prepared.Before opening the door, she still took a deep breath.She went in with the medicine on her own, completely ignoring Chen Shanshan's existence.

"It's time to take the medicine!" Luo Nian'an tried her best to calm down her emotions, and said gently.

"Put it aside." Mu Yibai didn't even look at her, his attitude changed 180 degrees from before, and his tone seemed very cold.

"It's not what you think, don't listen to her..." Luo Nian'an tried to explain.

"Don't annoy me so much, okay?" Mu Yibai couldn't handle the complicated relationship between women, which made him feel upset.

Too annoying!Well, you really want to believe Chen Shanshan, and you don't want to believe me!My explanation has become so annoying in your eyes!
"Since you think I'm annoying, I'll go out first. The medicine is left for you, you can drink it yourself later."

Luo Nian'an said, and left the room angrily.

She knew that doing so was exactly what Chen Shanshan wanted.She should pretend that she didn't hear Mu Yibai's words, and then continue to serve him with incomparable tenderness, so that Chen Shanshan can retreat.She understands the truth, but she can't do it.

Luo Nian'an ran out of the castle, the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

With a "bang", the whole person hit another person's shoulder!What an unlucky day!This time it hurts even more!Luo Nian'an, Luo Nian'an, why don't you know that you will learn a lot from a pit?Like a fool!
"Miss Luo, we really don't know each other!" It was Fan Gaohan's voice.

Luo Nian'an raised her eyes, and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm so sorry, I bumped into you again."

Fan Gaohan showed a bag of ointment in his hand: "After I went back, I was worried about the bag on Miss Luo's forehead, so I brought it to you today. I was worried that it would not be needed, but I don't worry about it now."

His smile, under the sun, was surprisingly warm.

Luo Nian'an touched his forehead: "I'm really sorry for troubling you." There was some inexplicable soreness in his heart.Only he noticed the bag on his forehead.Mu Yibai didn't care at all.

Fan Gaohan seemed to see Luo Nian'an's displeasure, and suggested: "Let's go for a walk in the garden."

Without even thinking about it, Luo Nian'an agreed.

Seeing Luo Nian'an frowning, Fan Gaohan began to make Luo Nian'an happy: "A pair of corn fell in love, so they decided to get married. On the day of the wedding, one corn couldn't find the other, and it was very anxious. So I asked the popcorn beside me, have you seen our corn? The popcorn replied, dear, is he wearing a wedding dress..."

Luo Nian'an smiled "puchi", he is really a considerate man!

Seeing Luo Nian'an smiling, Fan Gaohan asked with concern: "Miss Luo, you seem to have something on your mind today! Who made you angry, tell me, and I will help you vent your anger."

Although he had only met twice, Luo Nian'an had a good impression of him.In addition, these things weighed on her heart so that he and she couldn't breathe, so she treated him like a tree hole and told all about Chen Shanshan's framed her.

Chen Shanshan and Fan Gaohan knew each other, and he was used to the intrigues in the entertainment industry.So I was not very surprised after hearing it, but I was a little regretful, "Miss Luo, a girl like you shouldn't be involved in such right and wrong, but now that you are Mrs. Mu, there must be many people who have bad intentions against you , who made this title so popular! But Chen Shanshan is right, now is the era of evidence. You don't have to worry about this matter, let me handle everything."

Fan Gaohan patted his chest and assured.

"You?" Luo Nian'an was a little silly.

"Yes, do you doubt my ability?" Fan Gaohan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Miss Luo, you don't have to pay too much attention to her, just ignore her."

"It seems that I'm really a mediocre person!" Luo Nian'an's unhappiness has been mostly resolved, "Mr. Fan, I'm very grateful that you can listen to me, how can I bother you."

Luo Nian'an looked at the large bag of ointment and liquid medicine in his hand, and tilted his head: "This is enough to bother you." In fact, Luo Nian'an never thought about fighting or fighting with anyone.

She didn't have any grand ideals, "The things in this world have nothing to do with me, what's the stock price plummeting, what's the economic crisis, I just want to be in a small city, have a simple job, a dress, ice cream , the biggest worry every day is to bathe the dog, that’s enough.”

Of course, there is also the profile of her sweetheart, but in front of Fan Gaohan, she omitted it.

Fan Gaohan's gaze never left Luo Nian'an's face, this girl was too beautiful to be insulted.

Upstairs, Chen Shanshan tried her best to give medicine to Mu Yibai, but Mu Yibai refused her and wouldn't let her approach.She had no choice but to sit by the window and drink coffee bored.Her psychological quality is really extraordinary, even though she was repeatedly rejected by Mu Yibai, she just refused to leave.

Glancing unintentionally from the window, I happened to see Luo Nian'an and Fan Gaohan talking and laughing in the rose garden, and they seemed to have a good relationship.This little vixen is really seductive!I really don't know what's so good about her, the best men in the world are all attracted to her!Hmph, today I want you to look good!
Chen Shanshan took out her mobile phone without showing any emotion, and then frantically photographed the angles of the two of them, with a smug smile on the corner of her mouth.

Then she twisted her back and walked to Mu Yibai's bed, pretending to say goodbye: "Mr. Mu, then you should have a good rest, I'll come see you tomorrow."

As soon as Mu Yibai raised his eyes, Chen Shanshan deliberately slipped the phone from his hand, and dropped it in front of Mu Yibai impartially.

Wherever Mu Yibai came into view, there were photos of Luo Nian'an and Fan Gaohan together.

"Where did you take this picture?" Unsurprisingly, Mu Yibai picked up the phone and flipped through the pictures one by one, his expression changed drastically, and he asked loudly.

"What photo?" Chen Shanshan pretended to be stupid.

Mu Yibai glared at her, and then she pretended to remember something, and pointed to the window sill: "I probably accidentally pressed it when I was drinking coffee just now."

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