Mu Yibai came in from the outside, his handsome face was covered with clouds, his eyes were filled with storms.The air pressure in the room becomes even lower.

Chen Shanshan trembled in fright, and dropped her phone to the ground.

Chen Shanshan is used to seeing big scenes, she collected herself, cleared her throat, and pointed at the package she put down just now with the orchid flower, "I heard that Luo Nian'an was ill, so I specially cooked bird's nest and brought it to her .”

Seeing Mu Yibai, he seemed to have a halo, and he was even more handsome than before. Chen Shanshan's tone became extremely gentle, and she looked at him with a pair of winking eyes.

Mu Yibai got closer and closer, he didn't speak, his face was still gloomy.There seemed to be a gloomy cold wind passing by.

Luo Nian'an, without raising her eyes, knew that Mu Yibai had already arrived at the bed.

Usually when Chen Shanshan came to the castle, she would never see Mu Yibai, but today she managed to see him, of course she would not let go of this opportunity.Chen Shanshan brushed her big-wavy curly hair, her eyes kept firing, and said in a coquettish voice: "Mr. Mu, it's been a long time since I went for a ride. Let's go together," openly hooking her in front of Luo Nian'an. It caused Mu Yibai.

"I'm not interested." Mu Yibai spit out a few words coldly, with strong anger.

Mu Yibai leaned down and looked at Luo Nian'an's little face flushed with fever, with his slender hands close to her forehead.So hot!It seems that I was careless yesterday!

Luo Nian'an was feverish all over, and her head was burning to the point of confusion. After Chen Shanshan's stimulation just now, she seemed to be in a dream like a whirlpool. Mu Yibai's handsome and gloomy face kept spinning in front of her eyes.

Chen Shanshan felt overwhelmed immediately, but she still tried her best to smile, twisted her slender waist, and approached Mu Yibai: "Mr. Mu, let the servants take care of Luo Nian'an. I'll accompany you to have a drink to soothe." Relief from fatigue."

Mu Yibai gently grasped Luo Nian'an's hand outside the quilt, and measured his body temperature with his palm.Then carefully helped her cover the quilt.

Luo Nian'an turned her face away, bit her lip, and didn't appreciate it.

Chen Shanshan looked at everything in front of her, pouted her red lips, feeling hotter and hotter, wishing she could turn around immediately and go outside for some air.She couldn't figure out what kind of ability this yellow-haired girl had that made Mu Yibai fall in love with her so much... She was just an ordinary girl who couldn't be more ordinary!

Chen Shanshan was still not reconciled, she tried her best, and rubbed her hands on Mu Yibai's back ambiguously: "Mr. Mu, I think you must be tired. Come, let me massage your shoulders to relax."

Mu Yibai straightened his back, shook off her hand in disgust, and growled angrily: "Get out!"

"Mr. Mu..." Chen Shanshan bit her red lips, her voice trembling.

Mu Yibai pointed to the door, his eyes seemed to ignore Chen Shanshan directly: "Don't make me say it a second time!"

If this is in normal times, it is also a normal thing to be sleepy.Mu Yibai never gave him a good look.But today Mu Yibai told her to go away in front of Luo Nian'an, Chen Shanshan really couldn't get off the stage.Mu Yibai treated her badly, she admitted it!But he was so kind to this girl, she couldn't swallow it no matter what!
Chen Shanshan's face had changed ferociously. She turned around and gave Luo Nian'an a hard look, and said through gritted teeth, "You little vixen, let's wait and see." Because she was afraid that Mu Yibai would hear the voice Light ones can only be lip-sync.

After finishing speaking, he picked up the phone from the ground and walked out resentfully, like a rooster who has lost a fight.

Looking at Chen Shanshan's leaving back, Luo Nian'an's heart was bleeding.Their marriage is so fragile. There was a noble "wife" before, and a female star like Chen Shanshan who was so charming.What do you take, compare with them.

Even if Mu Yibai drives away Chen Shanshan today, after that, let alone countless Zhang Shanshan, Wang Shanshan's... and of course the most important Er Youwei!

Mu Yibai was very nervous about Luo Nian'an's condition, so he gathered all the servants, chefs and bodyguards who were usually in charge of taking care of Luo Nian'an in the hall, leaving only a few family doctors to treat Luo Nian'an there.Mu Yibai frowned, his gloomy eyes looked down on them, and Luo Nian'an's weak face kept replaying in his mind.

Terribly low air pressure.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, lowered their heads, and no one dared to make a sound.

"From today on 24-hour standby, if she doesn't recover, none of you are allowed to sleep!" There was a sense of oppression in Mu Yibai's voice.

The servants breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the boss would let them go!After all, it was their dereliction of duty if they didn't take good care of Luo Nian'an.The most handsome and richest man in the world is also a rare good boss for them, and his salary is much higher than working outside.Such a good job they don't want to lose.

At this moment, one of the family doctors ran down the spiral staircase inlaid with tulips in a panic: "Master, young lady..."

"What happened to her?" Mu Yibai's heart was suddenly pulled.

"She is vomiting and diarrhea now..." Because of nervousness, the family doctor became incoherent.

Vomiting and diarrhea!Mu Yibai's complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately directed: "Everyone divides it up and takes care of the young mistress! I'll come up later!"

With an order, everyone started to get busy.

"Doctor Zhang? Please arrive at my castle within 5 minutes!" Mu Yibai's firm tone did not allow any arguments.

The shorter the words, the bigger the thing.Zhang Xuelin on the other end of the phone could clearly feel Mu Yibai's emotions. 5 minutes to arrive at Mu Yibai's residence!Zhang Xuelin didn't dare to delay for a second, and hurriedly prepared to go out, Mu Yibai's words were imperial edicts to him.You must know that the hospitals run by their family have all received Mu Yibai's favor.Now that Mu Yibai is useful to him, it is an honor for him.

After Mu Yibai finished making the phone call, he hurried upstairs.This woman made him worry a lot!

As soon as Mu Yibai came in, everyone automatically moved out of the way.

Luo Nian'an was lying weakly on the bed, the germs in her body had completely defeated her, causing her to vomit out all the icteric fluid left in her stomach.

Several family doctors blamed themselves and stood aside with drooping heads.

Mu Yibai leaned over, and used the back of his palm to stick a sticker on Luo Nian'an's forehead, it became even hotter!At this moment, his star-like eyes dimmed.

"Let them all go to rest. I'll be fine after I sleep." Luo Nian'an looked up at him, struggling to squeeze out a few words from his teeth, his eyes full of prayers.She really can't afford to have so many people serving her.In the past, when I was sick, I always carried it alone, and I carried it every time.Sometimes, her vitality is as exuberant as a cactus in the desert.

What a silly girl, she's already like this, and she still thinks of others.

Mu Yibai's eyes shone with pity that he had never seen before, silently looking at Luo Nian'an's pale face, and suddenly kissed her lips lightly.This kiss is gentle and careful.

God!There are so many people present!Big devil!You will use this trick!Luo Nian'an's pale face was filled with anger.However, he was exhausted and unable to resist.

Zhang Xuelin, who had just rushed over, was stunned by this scene, and stood beside Mu Yibai in a daze, not daring to show his breath.

But as soon as Mu Yibai touched Luo Nian'an's lips, he was addicted to it, yearning for the beauty between his lips and teeth.He forgot that a room full of people was there now!Forget that Luo Nian'an needs treatment now!
All he knew was that Luo Nian'an's lips were as soft as cotton candy, sweet.Only then did he realize that he was so worried about her health!But, how could there be such a strange idea!

Luo Nianan wanted to break free in every way, but she was really weak.

Everyone blushed and lowered their heads, not daring to look at it, and no one dared to report it.

Helpless, Zhang Xuelin could only cough a few times, cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Mu, I'm here."

His words brought Mu Yibai back to reality, he reluctantly left Luo Nian'an's lips, watched her lips suck under his kiss, like blooming flowers, gradually becoming brighter, The corner of his mouth could not help but lift a smile.

What a big devil!I'm already like this, and I still don't forget to torture me, even in front of so many people!Luo Nian'an felt ashamed to see the people here, and wished she could dig a hole in the ground.

The smile on Mu Yibai's cheeks flashed by, he looked at his watch very calmly, turned around and said to Zhang Xuelin: "I'm two minutes late, if she doesn't get better after tonight, you are the only one to ask!"

Zhang Xuelinmeng was there, and he couldn't argue with it. Those two minutes were clearly here... It's just you... Well, you are the boss, and everything you said is correct.

Zhang Xuelin is worthy of being one of the best doctors in the world today, he just took Luo Nian'an's pulse, looked at her tongue coating, and already understood her condition pretty well.

"This lady has food poisoning, because she has a cold and fever, so the reaction is particularly severe." He said confidently.

"Food poisoning!" Mu Yibai couldn't believe his ears. You must know that he personally asked and arranged all the people in the castle.What to eat every day is carefully matched according to the nutritionist's requirements, how can food poisoning be possible!The handsome face was covered with shock.

This is the first time Zhang Xuelin saw Mu Yibai so nervous for a woman.

He didn't dare to be fooled anymore, and quickly explained: "She is indeed suffering from food poisoning, but don't worry too much, the poisoning is not deep, I will prescribe a prescription for her, and she will be cured after taking it for three days."

After hearing his words, Mu Yibai let go of the stone in his heart a little bit, but, food poisoning, what's going on?

The family doctor took the prescription in Zhang Xuelin's hand, glanced at it, and then said with relief: "Fortunately, we have prepared these medicines usually, and I will fry them right away."

One of them wiped his sweat.

"What did you feed her just now?" Mu Yibai questioned.

His face was covered with dark clouds, and there would be a violent storm at any moment.

"I was a little hungry just now, so they took the bird's nest from the cabinet." Luo Nian'an's voice was very low, and anxiety was written on his plain face.Thanks to these family doctors, Luo Nian'an didn't want to see them being blamed because of herself.

"Yes, I think this bird's nest is a good tonic, and it's still warm. It happened that Miss Yi was a little hungry, so..." one of the family doctors echoed.

bird's nest!Didn't Chen Shanshan bring this just now?Mu Yibai's hands were tightly clenched into fists, someone dared to poison his territory!
This woman has such a vicious mind!

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