A smile floated on the corner of Luo Nian'an's lips, this maid looked a bit like Rou'er, she used to bluff, amused herself and Luo Tingmeng.It's just that things are different now, Luo Tingmeng has left her forever, and Rouer doesn't know where she went...

The efficiency of that maid was really top-notch. When Luo Nian'an walked slowly into the castle, the servants had already stood aside respectfully and said in unison: "Welcome young lady back!"

Luo Nian'an was made a little uncomfortable by them, and smiled slightly: "You all go about your business, I'll take a look by myself."

"Okay, young mistress, if you have anything to do, just ask." After the servants finished speaking, they dispersed.

The display inside the castle was still the same as three years ago, and Luo Nian'an had an illusion, as if he had always been here and never left.

She didn't stay anywhere else, but went to Luo Tingmeng's room.Maybe Luo Tingmeng will leave some clues.

While walking like this while thinking, she pushed open the door of Luo Tingmeng's room. At that moment, she felt that Luo Tingmeng was walking towards her gracefully as before.She is still beautiful and enchanting, full of charm... She seems to be calling her name softly in her ear...

Too bad it's all an illusion.Luo Tingmeng did not appear.

Facing everything familiar in the room, Luo Nian'an couldn't help but shed tears.

"Tingmeng..." Luo Nian'an's voice trembled a little, she still couldn't believe that Luo Tingmeng had left her forever.

Although she had the heart to leave everything behind and leave here, in her heart, Luo Tingmeng was truly alive.At least there is still a day of forgiveness, and a day of reconciliation, but now there will never be such a chance.

Her tears fell like broken threads, and wet~ her palms.

Opening the closet, Luo Tingmeng's clothes were gone.

Mu Yibai said that he drove Luo Tingmeng out of the castle in a fit of anger, Luo Tingmeng must have been very desperate at that time.

Opening the drawer also found nothing. It was a bit difficult to find some of Luo Tingmeng's relics here, as everything was empty and spotless.

When Luo Nian'an's almond eyes swept to the window, her eyes lit up.There is a delicate glass bottle by the window, and there are many folded little stars in the glass bottle.When they were in the orphanage, they often folded these. Luo Nian'an had an intuition that this bottle must belong to Luo Tingmeng.

She wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, almost ran to the window, and took down the glass bottle.

The moment Luo Nianan took out the little star from the glass bottle, Luo Nian'an's breathing almost stopped, and she was almost sure that it was Luo Tingmengzhang.When folding the little stars by myself, I would carefully cut off the extra edge, but when Luo Tingmeng folded the little stars, I would keep this edge.Because she said that she would hide her little secret in the little star, leaving a side, which is easy to take apart and fold back in the future.

Holding the glass bottle, Luo Nian'an burst into tears, she didn't come in vain today, she finally found Luo Tingmeng's things here, she must keep it well, she must...

Crying and crying, a flash of light flashed in her mind, wondering if Luo Tingmeng would still hide little secrets in little stars like she did when she was a child?She casually picked up a small star, and then carefully opened it, it really contained Luo Tingmeng's little secret...

"Today, Mu Yibai seems to be smiling at me. His smile is really charming. I have never seen a man as affectionate and charming as him... I am really impressed that Nian An can marry such a good man. I really envy her..."

Luo Nian'an's tears became more violent, and she couldn't wait to tear it apart again.

"It's terrible. I seem to like Mu Yibai. I think I have seen through men and no longer have any fantasies about men, but now I am like a girl who is full of spring. I dare not look him in the eye, talk to him Talking, my heartbeat will inexplicably speed up... But he is Luo Nian'an's husband, and she is my best sister, I can only pretend that nothing happened, and bury this feeling in my heart..."

"Nian'an said that Mu Yibai wanted to introduce someone to me. In fact, I really resisted it, but I couldn't waste their heart...I no longer expect happiness. When I did those things in the past, I didn't want I no longer expect extravagantly, I just want to be a happy bystander, watching Luo Nian'an happy, I feel satisfied..."

"Nian Anhuai~ I'm pregnant! I didn't expect my little friend to become a mother. I'm so happy! I probably won't have the chance to become a mother myself! Ha, it's not bad to be a godmother!"

Seeing this, Luo Nian'an's tears fell down.She blamed herself so much, it could be seen from the lines that Luo Tingmeng did not intend to destroy the relationship between herself and Mu Yibai, there must be some misunderstanding in the incident three years ago!
"Young Mistress, are you inside?" The maid's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Luo Nianan hurriedly hid the little Xingxing under the quilt, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, cleared her throat and said, "What's the matter?"

"It's almost time for lunch. Did you eat here?" the maid asked timidly.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll leave after a while." Luo Nian'an tried to say calmly.

"Okay, young mistress, if you need anything, just ask."

When Luo Nian'an heard the maid walking away, she took out the little stars, and carefully folded up the ones she had just opened.He was really too careless, although Mu Yibai did not admit it, but Luo Tingmeng's death must have something to do with him.Looking here by myself, crying here is simply stupid, there are Mu Yibai's eyeliner everywhere.Fortunately, the glass bottle is not big. She put the glass bottle in her bag, which is not conspicuous at all.

Having obtained such a little secret about Duoluo Tingmeng, Luo Nian'an didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurried out of the castle.

She grabbed a taxi casually: "Go to Xingguang Apartment."

Luo Nian'an said casually that it is safest to go to her own apartment.

"Okay." The driver agreed.

At first, Luo Nian'an kept reminiscing about Luo Tingmeng's words, and didn't pay attention to the driver's driving route.By the time she noticed, the taxi had already driven to the suburbs.

Luo Nian'an began to get nervous, her heart rose to her throat: "Driver, where are you taking me, the place I'm going to has already passed."

"Take you where you should go!" The driver's voice was gloomy and terrifying, as if it came from hell.

"Who the hell are you and what are you going to do!" Luo Nian'an yelled, her hands tightly protecting her bag, even if she had something to do, she would never let Luo Tingmeng's bottle of Little Star be anything to do with it.She felt that she was too careless. It used to be very difficult to get a taxi at the gate of the castle, but today she has one as soon as she walks out. This in itself shows that there is a problem.Look at this person, he was definitely not sent by Mu Yibai, if Mu Yibai wants to deal with him, it is simply too easy, why bother.

Luo Nian'an tensed her face, and quickly searched for a way to deal with it in her mind.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who you are!" the driver said gloomily.

"I am Mu Yibai's wife! You know who Mu Yibai is! If you dare to do anything to me, he will definitely kill you!"

At a critical moment, Luo Nian'an moved Mu Yibai out again, the word "Mu Yibai" is enough to make ordinary punks terrified!
"Hahaha, I'm looking for Mu Yibai's wife!" The driver laughed arrogantly.

The car he was driving wobbled on the road like a snake swimming.Luo Nian'an's whole body fell to and fro, his stomach began to churn, and he wanted to jump out of the car to escape, but he had no strength left.She trembled her long eyelashes, and a look of despair flashed in her eyes.

At the critical moment, two cars chased up from behind.

Luo Nian'an had actually noticed those two cars a long time ago. At first she thought they were thumping passing cars, but later she thought they were accomplices. Now...

While she was thinking this way, the car had already stopped the taxi.

Several people got out of the car, one of them was the housekeeper.Luo Nian'an felt relieved all of a sudden, she knew that she was saved.

The vicious driver suddenly put a knife on Luo Nian'an's neck, and then dragged her out of the taxi.

Luo Nian'an's neck was strangled by the driver, and soon there was a red mark, and her throat suddenly became so uncomfortable that she couldn't breathe out.

"Put down the knife quickly!" The housekeeper ordered righteously, "Otherwise, you will be killed with one shot!"

Luo Nian'an had never seen the butler's face so serious, exuding a chilling aura.

"If you dare to break me, you will kill her with one knife!" The driver said viciously.

As he spoke, he brought the knife closer to Luo Nian'an's neck, as long as he got a little closer, blood would come out immediately.

The butler made a comforting gesture, and he said, "Tell me, what conditions do you have, everything is negotiable."

The driver was silent for a while, and said: "I want 500 million cash, and then send me abroad!"

"Is it just these conditions?" The housekeeper tried to hold the driver steady.

"That's all, you are not allowed to play any tricks, or I will let her see Lord Yan every minute!" the driver threatened.

The butler said: "Don't worry, I won't play any tricks. I will inform you and send the money here."

While talking, the housekeeper took out his mobile phone.

The moment he took out his mobile phone, the driver was subdued by a bodyguard behind him.

It turned out that when the housekeeper was talking to the driver, a bodyguard was quietly sneaking up behind them, and his movements were so quick that even Luo Nian'an didn't notice.

Luo Nian'an broke free from the driver, and she began to cough non-stop.

The butler quickly took out a thermos from the car, and handed it to Luo Nian'an: "Young Mistress, drink some water to moisten your throat, it's my fault that surprised you."

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