Guoguo shook his head, and he said calmly, "Put me down, and I still want to tell everyone!"

Storytelling is Guoguo's forte, and he needs to tell a good story about this adventure.

The corners of Mu Yibai's lips twitched slightly, and he put Guoguo off his body, this little one was really his own, so young but so assertive, and so courageous, he will definitely be better than himself in the future.

"Guoguo, please tell me." The housekeeper asked impatiently.

"Those uncles didn't find me, I came back by myself." Guoguo said solemnly, "I met many such uncles along the way, but I didn't know if they were good or bad, so I hid them secretly. Let them find out!"

"You escaped by yourself?" Mu Yibai couldn't believe it, no matter what, Guoguo was still a child.

"Of course!" Guoguo said firmly.

Then, with everyone's expectant eyes and anxious tone, Guoguo explained in detail how she escaped from the warehouse.Everyone was shocked after hearing this!
"Guoguo, you mean that uncle is the one you met in the hospital?" Mu Yibai's expression became ugly again.

"Yes! I will never admit my mistake!" Guoguo nodded and said affirmatively.

It turned out that Fan Gaohan did everything!Mu Yibai's eyes ignited raging anger!This kid has always liked Luo Nian'an, but gradually it turned into jealousy!
"Uncle Yin, bring me Fan Gaohan! Now that the evidence is solid, let's see how he can deny it!" Mu Yibai ordered.

"Okay, master!" The butler agreed.

After he finished speaking, he walked to Guoguo's side, patted Guoguo's head, and said with emotion: "Guoguo, you are braver and smarter than your daddy when you were young. You really are better than blue!"

Guoguo smiled "hehe", and his heart was full of joy.

He suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked, "how is Uncle Wen? I want to tell Mommy that something happened to Uncle Wen and ask Mommy to save him! But Mommy is not at home, so I came here."

"Guoguo, your Uncle Wen is fine, and Daddy has sent him the best doctor." Mu Yibai said infinitely and gently.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about these things anymore! The rest is Daddy's business!" Mu Yibai hugged Guoguo.

"You guarantee that Uncle Wen will be fine?" Guoguo said with some worry.

Mu Yibai frowned slightly, he also wanted to make sure, but he couldn't.

Seeing that Mu Yibai didn't answer, Guoguo said again: "Uncle Wen saved me, if Uncle Wen didn't protect me firmly, I'm afraid I would not be in this world by now."

Mu Yibai looked at him sideways, and he said firmly: "Guoguo, don't worry, Daddy will definitely not let you down. If something happens to him, you~ Mommy will never forgive Daddy."

"Where's Mommy?" Guoguo remembered that he came to find Mommy.

Mu Yibai smiled slightly: "You~ Mommy is very sad now, she is worried about you. So your task now is to take a good bath, eat a meal, sleep, and then go to see you with full energy~ Mommy."

"I want to go now." Guoguo said.

"No, if you go like this now, you~ Mommy won't be able to bear it. Daddy should really let you look in the mirror to see what you look like now."

While talking, Mu Yibai scraped off a piece of mud from Guoguo's face to show him.

Guoguo showed his white teeth and smiled "hehe". He said proudly, "I saw a mouse. Although I didn't see a frog, I heard its cry!"

In Guoguo's eyes, the world is full of novelty.

Mu Yibai also felt a little cheerful when he was with Guoguo, he seemed to have no tension at all, and he firmly believed that the problem would be resolved in the end.

"Guoguo, it's enough to just tell Daddy about these fun things, don't tell your mommy. If you~ Mommy asks, just say that I was taken away by daddy to school." Mu Yibai instructed.

"But it's obviously not like this." Guoguo said innocently but seriously, "It's wrong to lie."

"Guoguo, you have to know that this is a white lie, as long as you~ Mommy can get better soon, Daddy is willing to do anything." Mu Yibai said solemnly.

He paused, and then said: "Guoguo, you don't understand these things, you will understand when you grow up. Let's go take a shower."

Guoguo blinked her big black and bright eyes, and nodded with a vague understanding.


Luo Nian'an sat on the bed blankly, her face was bloodless, even her thin lips were pale.Her heart was tightly entangled, and she was so weak that she wanted to see Guoguo, and she even wanted to go to the hospital to see Wen Shaoting. She blamed herself deeply, because she caused all this.

"Mommy..." Guoguo called softly.

Luo Nian'an thought it was a hallucination, and didn't believe that everything in front of her was real.She rubbed her eyes violently.

Guoguo walked to the bed, held Luo Nian'an's hand with her small hand, and said with concern: "Mommy, what's wrong with you, your face is so pale."

Luo Nian'an really felt Guoguo's warm little hands, and then she realized that everything was not a dream, everything was real.She hugged Guoguo into her arms, tightly, tightly...

"Mommy, I can't breathe..." Guoguo said in a low voice.

Only then did Luo Nian'an let go of her hand, she stroked Guoguo's small face with both hands, and asked, "Are you good at school?"

Guoguo frowned, and then said plausibly: "Mummy, I don't think I should lie to you, you are already an adult, you should be able to bear all this."

"What do you mean?"

Luo Nian'an was confused by Guoguo's words, and had no idea what he meant.

There was even more suspicion and anxiety on her pale face.

Guoguo looked unhurried. He looked at the hot porridge and various side dishes on the dining car and said, "Mum, you taught me to eat well since childhood. People are iron rice is steel, and the body is iron." The capital of the revolution. Why are you disobedient and not eating?"

Luo Nian'an was a little ashamed by Guoguo's words, she said: "Guoguo, Mommy didn't stop eating on purpose, Mommy just doesn't have much appetite."

"Mummy, I know you are worried about me and Uncle Wen, but I am standing in front of you now! And Uncle Wen, the doctor will cure her, and we can't help. Instead, you don't take care of yourself body, if Uncle Wen wakes up, he will still worry about you. "

Luo Nian'an was speechless when Guoguo said the truth, this little guy was much more powerful than her and that big devil.

She frowned, and changed the subject: "Guoguo, Mommy is in a hurry. What did you mean by not wanting to lie to Mommy?"

Guo Guo took Luo Nian'an's hand and said sleepily: "Mum, if you want to know this, you must eat first."

Luo Nian'an smiled slightly, she really had nothing to do with this son, she murmured: "Okay, Mommy will eat now."

She poked the tip of his little nose with her finger, and joked, "Guoguo, you're so good at nagging, let's see which girl is willing to marry you in the future!"

"Mommy, I assure you, when I grow up, there will be a lot of girls who want to marry me!" Guoguo patted his chest and said, at such a young age, he has already shown contempt for everything.

"Why? Guoguo, you're bragging again!" Luo Nian'an said with a smile.

The appearance of Guoguo brightened her mood instantly, and she seemed to have more strength.

"Because I'm smart!" Guoguo said.

Just kidding, but Guoguo still didn't forget the business, he urged: "Mommy, don't interrupt, you can eat now. Anyway, even if I grow up, the person I love the most will always be you, Mommy."

"is it?"

Luo Nian'an asked suspiciously, this little guy, who said he likes Mommy the most now, when he grows up and meets a girl he likes, he might be lost for a long time.

As Luo Nian'an thought about it, he even laughed to himself, Guoguo is so young, he has already started to get jealous of his future girlfriend.

She got off the bed with both hands, Guoguo was afraid that she would fall, so she carefully supported her.

Luo Nian'an waved her hand and said, "Guoguo, open the curtains, Mommy wants to eat in the sun."

I always feel that the sun can also give her strength.

There was a pair of eagle eyes outside the door that kept observing everything in the house. When he saw Luo Nian'an got off the bed~ and was about to eat, a captivating smile appeared on his haughty face.

Uncle Yin is right, this Guoguo is indeed stronger than himself!

When seeing Luo Nian'an take a sip of the porridge he personally made for her, Mu Yibai's heart was sweeter than drinking honey.

"Guoguo, we can talk about it now." Luo Nian'an couldn't wait any longer.

After eating a few spoonfuls of porridge, she found that her hand holding the spoon seemed to have increased strength.

Sitting opposite Luo Nian'an, Guoguo murmured, "Not yet, Mommy, you have to finish the whole bowl of porridge."

Luo Nian'an smiled slightly, Guoguo had learned to negotiate terms, and it was indeed the birth of the big devil.

Maybe it was because she was hungry for too long, and soon she finished a bowl of porridge.

Guoguo clapped her hands: "Mommy is awesome! Mommy is awesome!"

Luo Nian'an pursed her lips with a tissue, and said with a smile: "Guoguo, you can finally talk now."

"Mum, there's still a bowl of sweet soup in the dining car, I'll bring it for you." Guoguo said while running to the side of the dining car, because it was too hot, he simply pushed the whole dining car over.Walking to Luo Nian'an, he followed the example of a waiter and bowed, "Mommy, please take it easy."

Guoguo's cute appearance made Luo Nian'an giggle, and all the troubles seemed to disappear.It is said that the son is Mommy's little lover, it seems true.

Although Luo Nian'an was already full, she still obediently brought out dessert from the dining car and began to drink.

Mu Yibai who was outside the door was also amused by Guoguo, thinking, this child will be a big deal in the future, and he will be very good at coaxing his wife when he grows up, it seems that he has to learn from him.

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