In a daze, Luo Nian'an felt someone kissing her cheek.It was Mu Yibai, as soon as the sky dawned, he started to stop resting again.

Luo Nian'an muttered with a small mouth: "We flew more than half of the world to come to this castle by the sea, why don't you take me for a stroll?" Their honeymoon trip has already started for a few days, and Luo Nian'an is still there. Did not see the blue sea, white clouds, flying seagulls, and cruise ships...

Mu Yibai just locked her in the room and kept asking for her... He is a big devil who demands too much... She is already unbearable torment...

Mu Yibai moved his thin lips from his cheeks to Luo Nian'an's lips, sucking the beauty between his lips.He closed his eyes, looking very focused.Isn't that great!Finally no one will bother them!Can enjoy to the fullest...

But this is not the honeymoon that Luo Nian'an wants.

"Shouldn't the honeymoon be blowing the sea breeze, going to the beach to play or something?" Luo Nian'an finally got a chance to breathe.

"Aren't we just playing!" Mu Yibai still didn't want to let her go, he enjoyed the feeling of intimacy with her.

This woman!Why spoil the romantic atmosphere so early in the morning.

Unexpectedly, Luo Nian'an's lips were firmly sealed by him.Come again, you beast!Luo Nianan kept beating him with her fists.She is really tired already!She regretted marrying him a little now!

But it didn't work, he used more force than before.The wrists of both hands were quickly squeezed tightly by him, and the pain was about to break.

Mu Yibai is a successful hunter, he does not allow his prey to slip away from his mouth.

The soft breath from his lips made him kiss more domineeringly and obsessively, and his big hands with well-defined joints also began to feel restless.

Luo Nian'an wanted to resist desperately, but his body was disobedient, and his whole body was limp and weak.

In a beautiful room, someone is whispering and smiling...


At night, Mu Yibai couldn't stand Luo Nian'an's complaints, and finally created a little romance.

All the floor-to-ceiling glass windows are opened, the sea breeze is blowing gently, and the curtains as light as tulle are fluttering with the wind... The big and soft bed is covered with red rose petals.

Both of them had just drank some red wine and were slightly tipsy.Luo Nian'an put her arms around Mu Yibai's neck, let him hug her, and walked up the steps slowly.A lovely and bright smile curled up on her lips, as beautiful as a white cloud in the sky.

"Dinglingling... Dinglingling" the phone rang suddenly.

I didn't want to care about it at first, but the phone rang again and again.

"Hurry up and pick it up..." Luo Nian'an's voice was as sexy as a cat's language.

Even though he said that, his heart still felt a little bit. He told her that no one knew about this castle, so why did someone still call, and it was still at night...

Mu Yibai bowed his head, and kissed Luo Nian'an deeply: "My little baby, there is no one or anything more important than you at this moment..."

Luo Nian'an leaned his head on his broad shoulders, and observed Mu Yibai up close for the first time. His handsome profile was so beautiful that it made people forget to breathe, and all the adjectives were eclipsed.

Mu Yibai really couldn't bear to leave her lips, looking at her now, she is so sexy to death, cute as hell, and her voice is so provocative.

He rubbed the tip of her nose with his tall nose, and stared at her affectionately: "You little beast."

That face, coupled with such affectionate eyes, can make any woman fall for him in a matter of minutes.

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