I don't know whether it was because the food was too delicious, or because both of them were surrounded by a strong sense of happiness. Not long after dinner, both of them felt a huge drowsiness sweep over them.

"I'm... a little... sleepy..." Luo Nian'an mixed her eyes, and Mu Yibai had doubled in her eyes.

Mu Yibai felt a little dizzy in his temples, he was a little dazed and couldn't lift his head.In the past, even if he was drunk, he would not have such a big reaction.Combined with Luo Nian'an's staggering appearance, he instinctively became alert, and a kind of uneasiness surged from his heart.

"Today...in the end...who...cooked the meal?" Mu Yibai tried his best to gather his composure, and asked with the little bit of consciousness left.

"I... so... sleepy..." Luo Nian'an's breath was weak like a gossamer, Mu Yibai's words reached her ears, but it was just a buzzing.

"Wife... you first... don't sleep... answer me..." Mu Yibai said with a strong will.

"I... can't... I can't... I must... go to sleep." After finishing speaking, Luo Nian'an lay down on the table and fell into a deep sleep.

Mu Yibai wanted to take out his cell phone, but just as his hand was in his pocket, he also fell into a drowsy sleep.

Luo Tingmeng had already removed the bodyguards and servants on the pretext of not disturbing their sweet time...


When Luo Nian'an woke up, it was already late at night.She rubbed her stinging temples and found herself sleeping on the sofa in the living room.She looked around, but Mu Yibai was not by her side.

what happened?Luo Nian'an's memory was a little fuzzy, he only knew that he had a delicious dinner with Mu Yibai.

Luo Nian'an stood up from the sofa, she slowly climbed up the stairs while holding on to the railing, the big devil was probably in the study.Regardless of him, let's go back to the bedroom and sleep.Luo Nian'an's head was still dizzy.

The door of the bedroom was ajar, she pushed it lightly, and it opened.

In an instant, her whole body seemed to be poured with cold water from top to bottom, and she suddenly woke up.

Starting from the door, men's ties, trousers, shirts, women's suspenders, underwear, and silk stockings were all thrown on the carpet randomly...

Every time Luo Nian'an took a step, her heart beat violently.She knew the tie and trousers, they all belonged to Mu Yibai... In their bedroom, who else could there be besides him!
Although she was fantasizing about other men going to the wrong room or something.Luo Nian'an's legs seemed to be filled with lead and weighed a thousand catties. For the first time, she felt that the distance from the door to the bed was so far... She wished that she would never be able to walk...

Her little hands were tightly clenched into fists, and her heart was already beating in her throat.

When she walked to the window, she was still startled, her whole face was pale and pale.Tears welled up in an instant ~ out of the eyes.

Lying on the bed~ was none other than her husband Mu Yibai and her best friend Luo Tingmeng!The things she denied time and time again, the things she found absurd time and time again, turned out to be true!This time, she could no longer find any reason to prove their innocence!Because both of them have the same ~ silk ~ no ~ hang!One ~ wire ~ no ~ hang!
Luo Tingmeng was lying in his arms, so happy and sweet, exactly the same as her expression when talking about her boyfriend!I'm such a fucking stupid~ melon!
Luo Nian'an couldn't bear to take another look, so she turned around immediately.The heart has been wounded to pieces!
The man I love the most and my best friend betrayed me at the same time!


Three years later.

"Mommy, I don't want to go to kindergarten today."

"Guoguo, Mommy has to go to work. If you are alone at home, Mommy will be worried." Luo Nian'an looked at her baby with love overflowing in her eyes.

"But I can take care of myself, Mommy, don't forget, you are afraid of sleeping alone at night, so I will accompany you." Guoguo raised her head and said solemnly, even though he was only three years old. I am old, but I already know a lot.

Luo Nian'an looked at him looking like a little adult, and couldn't help feeling lost, Guoguo was becoming more and more like a person...

"Mummy, what are you thinking! You don't listen to what others say." Guoguo waved his small lotus root-like hands in front of Luo Nianan's eyes.

Luo Nian'an looked at his watch and urged: "Okay, okay, it's too late, get dressed quickly, Mommy will take you to kindergarten."

"Mommy, you girls are really annoying. You didn't listen to what I said just now." Guoguo pursed her lips.

"What Guoguo said makes sense, of course Mommy listens. But you are only three years old now, how can you take care of yourself!"

"I can read all the books I bought. You know, kindergarten is really boring. The teacher is still teaching nursery rhymes, but I can already recite 300 ancient poems." Guoguo pouted round Face, said solemnly.

Genes are really a strange thing, and Guoguo has shown extraordinary talent since she was a child, which also surprised her.

"Then Mommy will put these books in your schoolbag. You can read them at school." Luo Nian'an compromised.

Guoguo chuckled, "Then the next time the teacher sues you, you are not allowed to help her, but to help me."

"Okay, okay." Luo Nian'an smiled and agreed again and again.

Luo Nian'an packed everything up like a war, and hurried downstairs with Guo Guoxing.From a distance, she saw Wen Shaozhe waving to them with a smile.

"Mommy, why is he here again? I hate it." Guo Guo pouted and complained.

"Guoguo, don't talk nonsense, uncle will be upset when he hears this." Luo Nian'an urged.

When Wen Shaozhe saw Guoguo, a smile appeared on his lips. He pinched Guoguo's chubby face with his slender fingers, and said softly, "Guoguo, why are you so cute!"

"Don't call me cute!" Guoguo said with a tight face.

Wen Shaozhe and Luo Nian'an looked at each other and smiled.

Guoguo stood in front of Luo Nianan and swore sovereignty: "I am the little man who protects Mommy, no one is allowed to bully her!"

His words amused both of them at once.

Luo Nian'an's heart is sweeter than honey, and all her hardships in the past three years have not been in vain, and she is very pleased with everything.

After sending Guoguo to the kindergarten, only Luo Nian'an and Wen Shaozhe were left in the car.

"Next time you don't come to pick us up, it's too much trouble for you." Luo Nian'an pursed her lips and said.She didn't want to owe Wen Shaozhe too much favor.

"Luo Nian'an, what are you talking about? We know each other so well, so we'll be out of touch if we talk about it." Wen Shaozhe glanced sideways at Luo Nian'an.

"However, you have helped a lot in the past few years..."

"I didn't do anything to help you. Everything depends on your own efforts. Sometimes, at night, I often think about what happened to you in the past few years, and think that you are really incredible. Make me a big man They are all in admiration!"

"What's your admiration? It's been so long since I got my driver's license, but I still can't drive." Luo Nian'an mocked himself.When it comes to driving, the past still hangs over her.

"Mr. Luo."

"Mr. Luo."

Luo Nian'an walked into the office, and every employee greeted her.

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Wang from Guanghui Company said that some details of this agreement need to be re-negotiated."

"Mr. Luo, some people reported that one of the articles in the books we published infringed copyright."

"Mr. Luo, people from the property company came to see you and are waiting outside now.


One morning, Luo Nian'an was so busy that she didn't even have time to drink a cup of coffee.She rubbed her tingling temples, stood up and looked out the window.Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of her office, there is a blue sea in front of her.At the end of the sea, it must be her hometown...

Unknowingly, it has been three years since she came to this small island, and the people around her are almost all Caucasians. There are very few people like her with yellow skin and black eyes, and Wen Shaozhe is one of them.

"Are you tired?" Wen Shaozhe moved the glass door and walked in, holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand, and put it on Luo Nian'an's desk.

Luo Nian'an's heart skipped a beat, why did he come over just as soon as he thought of him.

"Aren't you busy today? Why are you here?" Luo Nian'an asked suspiciously.

"Have you had lunch yet?" Wen Shaozhe asked with concern.

"Ah, is it time to eat?" Luo Nian'an felt her stomach protesting.

"I knew you were busy with work again and forgot to eat. I just pinched some and brought it to you. I'll bring it right away." Wen Shaozhe, between the lines, showed deep concern.Just as he turned around, he turned around again: "You should drink your coffee first, to refresh yourself."

"En!" Luo Nian'an nodded.

Wen Shaozhe's place of work is a short distance away, and he even took time out during the day to see her!But the nicer he was to her, the more she resisted and feared.Three years ago, she had already been heartbroken, and she told herself that she would never open the door of her heart again.

After a while, Wen Shaozhe walked up with the food, watching Luo Nian'an finish the meal, he was considerate and thoughtful and said nothing.

Luo Nian'an had just finished eating when Wen Shaozhe rushed to clean up the dishes again.

"Leave it alone, I'll clean it up myself." Luo Nian'an tried to push him away.

"It's better for me to clean up. I have nothing to do in the company now, and many things have been handed over, but you are different. You need to rest more." Wen Shaozhe insisted on helping her clean up.

The two pushed each other, and one accidentally fell into Wen Shaozhe's arms.

In an instant, time seemed to have stopped.Luo Nian'an could hear her heart beating.But in her eyes, she was as bright as a bunny, at a loss, and also shy and affectionate.

She hurriedly tried to break free from his arms, but Wen Shaozhe's hot palm pressed firmly on her shoulder.The more intense masculine breath almost burned her skin.

"Don't be like this..." Luo Nian'an flickered her long and dense eyelashes a few times, and clenched her little hands unconsciously.

"Nian'an, you are too tired, you need to find a shoulder to lean on." The man's magnetic voice came in a low voice.

"I know you treat me very well, but I'm used to being alone. Besides, Guoguo is with me."

The broken hair hanging from Luo Nian'an's temples covered her flustered and bewildered little face.

She is not a wooden person. She can feel Wen Shaozhe's meticulous care for her all the time, and she is also very grateful.

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