Mu Yibai put a bunch of invitations in front of Luo Nian'an.

"Why?" Luo Nian'an put down the spoon in his hand.In the past few days, the kitchen has been cooking red dates, lotus seed soup, and bird's nest soup for her every day, making up for her in different ways.

"Invitation, don't you want a grand wedding? Invite all the friends you want to invite." Mu Yibai's cool eyes flashed a hint of doting.

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "I still have an important meeting today, so don't have any worries, just invite everyone you want. Of course, there can't be that person."

Looking at Mu Yibai's slender back as he left, Luo Nianan certainly knew that the person he was talking about was Bian Mofan.

But Luo Nian'an really wanted to ask him to get married in front of him, so that he could take revenge on him severely!Just thinking about it makes me feel relieved!
Facing the invitation in front of her, Luo Nian'an had a difficult time, because she had never been a sociable person.After much deliberation, she found that there were only two people to invite.

One is Mother Chen from the orphanage. Luo Nian'an grew up in the orphanage, and Mother Chen is the director there.Although there are many children there, they still take good care of her.

The other one is Luo Tingmeng. She is an orphan like Luo Nian'an, and was sent to the orphanage at about the same time. Because the two are very close, Mother Chen even gave them similar names. Luo Nian'an was a child. There are more boys in An, so they are called Luo Nian'an, and Luo Tingmeng is very delicate, so they are named Luo Tingmeng.It sounds like two sisters, but they don't even have a last name.

The others are really just casual acquaintances. If you specially invited others here, you would think they were asking for red envelopes.

When Mu Yibai came back, he saw that Luo Nian'an had only written two invitations, a smile rose from the corner of his lips.

"Why on earth did you marry me? You should marry someone of the right family! I am a person who has been abandoned by everyone, and you clearly know why you still marry me!" Luo Nian'an said angrily and a little angrily.

Mu Yibai spread his hands, with an innocent face: "You are the one who wants to hold a grand wedding!"

"Then why did you marry me! You should marry someone of the right family!" Luo Nian'an refused to listen.

"The right family! Is there anyone in this world who can match our Mu family! No one is richer than me, so in my eyes, everyone is similar!" Mu Yibai said confidently.

So is this why he married her!
"So what preparations do I have to make!" Now that she has decided to get married, there is no turning back, but Luo Nian'an has no experience.

Mu Yibai handed a check to Luo Nianan's hand: "This is a check, you can fill in as much as you want! When I come back, I will take you out to buy and buy to your heart's content! I bought all the things that may be needed for marriage !"

Shopping is indeed the only way to relieve stress.

It's just that wherever they go, there will be screams from women, the inner three floors and the outer three floors are blocked, of course they are all here for Mu Yibai.

"This dress is so beautiful, should I buy cream yellow or light green?" "Buy both!" "..."

"These ornaments are so cute, should I buy this pair or that pair?" "Buy everything in the whole cabinet!" "..."

"Wow, the pattern of this blanket is so warm, do you want to buy it? I have already bought a lot." "Buy, buy a series of this pattern!" "..."

Luo Nian'an was almost dizzy, just now the leader of the mall told them that the things they bought would be sent to the castle by car!

Well, you must know that it took her a long time to buy things online...

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