Xia Nuanxin rested her chin on Lin Lin's shoulder, tears fell silently, and soon, Lin Lin's skirt was wet.

In the room, the related Korean dramas that Lin Lin hadn't come to were still being played, and the heroine's hysterical cries were in stark contrast to the male protagonist's begging.

"Nuanxin, what happened, you tell me." Seeing Xia Nuanxin crying continuously but not saying a word, Lin Lin was a little anxious. She patted Xia Nuanxin's back lightly, a little unsure. Overwhelmed.

"It's okay." Xia Nuanxin seemed to calm down a little.

She slowly left Lin Lin's embrace, but, just now, she cried too violently, her eyes were already full of red circles.A little swollen, it looks like a little edema.

Lin Lin held her shoulders. At this moment, Lin Lin couldn't help but shed tears, "Nuan Xin, you're telling me, what happened?"

She lowered her head and took a tissue from the table next to her, and wiped away her eye stains that hadn't dried up.

Her mood also seems to have stabilized a lot, "It's okay, I just feel homesick all of a sudden."

It's just that I suddenly feel homesick and can cry so heartbroken?Lin Lin shook her head, "Wu Xin, don't lie to me. During these days in F University, I have already regarded you as my own sister. Didn't we agree to talk about everything? Why do you always keep it from me? ?”

"I..." She was at a loss for words immediately, "I..."

"Nuanxin, I'm willing to listen. Tell me what's on your mind, okay?" Lin Lin's sincere gaze moved Xia Nuanxin a little.

Immediately thinking of the little things that happened with Lin Lin after school started, she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart. After thinking twice, she decided to tell Lin Lin all her thoughts.

"Lin Lin," she yelled, then bit her lips again, "Actually..."

She really didn't know what to say about her and Huo Beixiao.

Lin Lin saw that she was hesitant to speak, so she couldn't help but patted her on the shoulder, "Wu Xin, you still have a grudge against me, and you don't want to tell me the truth about yourself."

"No," she immediately denied, "Lin Lin, don't think too much, I just don't know how to tell you."

"Forget it, Nuan Xin, I won't force you, but you must treat yourself well, you know?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lin was no longer in the mood to watch Korean dramas anymore, so she walked over and turned off the screen that was still jumping.Going to bed.

Seeing Lin Lin wanting to lie down, she decided to express her suppressed emotions. For Lin Lin, she really wanted to make this friend.

"Lin Lin," she called softly, "I..."

Lin Lin originally planned to lie down, but now she sat up quickly, "What's wrong?"

She moved her throat, but still said what she planned to bury in her heart, "I want to tell you something."

After hearing what she said, Lin Lin hooked her feet, put on the shoes she had taken off and put aside, and walked towards her bed.

She moved inside to make room for Lin Lin, "Lin Lin, actually..."

"If you keep spitting out like this, I will become endocrine disordered by you." Lin Lin sat beside her bed, "Wu Xin, just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Huo Beixiao is not my uncle." She really didn't know how to start this topic. After all, Huo Beixiao is a man of influence in Ruancheng, and every meal he eats can be reported by Ruancheng's media all day long. Afraid that if she said something, Lin Lin would not be able to control her inner excitement, so she yelled out.

However, to her surprise, Lin Lin acted extremely calmly, "I know."

"You know?" Now, Xia Nuanxin was surprised, she actually knew?
Lin Lin tucked in the quilt for her, "Your surname is Xia, and Huo Beixiao's surname is Huo. How could you be uncle and nephew?"

It seems that this is indeed the case.

The original surprised emotion was put back like this, "Then, what if I say that I am Huo Beixiao's wife?"

She asked very carefully, and carefully observed the expression on Lin Lin's face every time she said a word. Sure enough, after hearing the news, Lin Lin was not calm anymore. Her face was a little ups and downs. She covered her mouth, " What did you say?"

She bit her lip and emphasized again, "I said, I'm Huo Beixiao's wife..."

"Nuanxin, don't make trouble, Huo Beixiao, so legendary, so..." Lin Lin couldn't help but gestured in the air with her hands, but seeing that Xia Nuanxin didn't fluctuate, she couldn't help being stunned again. "You... what you said can't be true."

She nodded, but every nod of her head touched Lin Lin's nerves.

After a long while, Lin Lin seemed to try hard to make herself accept this fact. She stood up, walked around the room a few times, and then returned to Xia Nuanxin's side, "Then why do you still come to F University to study?"

"To escape." After she finished speaking, her eyes couldn't help but darken, as if thinking of what happened to Murong An in his room that night. What she heard from outside the door was already a lingering wave to her. Not going to the nightmare anymore.

"Escape?" Lin Lin repeated, seemingly unable to understand what she just said, "The first day I saw him, he cared for you in every possible way. Could it be that he abused you? Why did you To escape?"

At this time, the tears she had originally hung on her glasses had already dried up, and similarly, the emotion of excitement and sadness in her heart had also been healed.

"No, he is very good to me." There was another throbbing pain in her heart.

Huo Beixiao's kindness to her is unquestionable, but, if Murong An hadn't appeared, would everything have been quiet and the world would have been stable?

She immediately denied her own thoughts. The most loyal thing in his heart must be the beautiful memory that happened when he was a child. After all, he regarded her as Murong An, so he helped her without hesitation.

"Lin Lin, if one day you find that you have borrowed someone else's identity to tie the heart of the person you love, will you continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb by his side?"

"Of course not." Lin Lin shook her head without hesitation, "If you know that you are pretending to be someone else's memory, and you are with the person you love, then these two people will not be happy."

She was startled, without any warning, as if her soul had been hollowed out, "Lin Lin, what would you do if you encountered such a situation?"

She asked cautiously, she was afraid that Lin Lin's answer would hurt her all over again.

"If it were me, I think, I would definitely leave without hesitation. At least, I would give myself peace of mind and defend my love. Similarly, I would not destroy other people's memories."

Lin Lin didn't take her expression into consideration, and after she finished speaking, she realized that Xia Nuanxin's face was pale, and beads of sweat had dripped from her forehead.

"Wu Xin, what's wrong?" Lin Lin shook her shoulder.

"Lin Lin, if the person you love is chasing you after all, and at the same time, has an affair with the girl he once had memories of, what should you do?"

"Is there any need to think about it?" Lin Lin stood up from the bed, "That means that man is in two boats. If you still love such a man, what's the point?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lin came over and touched her cheek, "Lin Lin, what you just said couldn't be..."

She was dumbfounded, her eyes were dull, her lips were about to ooze blood, "Yes, the person I just mentioned is myself..."

Lin Lin was startled, tears were already falling from her eyes, Lin Lin stretched out her arms to embrace her distressedly, "Wu Xin, how can you be so stupid?"

She leaned on Lin Lin's shoulder, so cute that it made people feel distressed.

"Warm heart, how can Huo Beixiao be so simple? Although you don't know him well, you should know that he will never dedicate one thing so simply based on the methods he has used in the past few years in Ruancheng. .”

She has always simply believed in his feelings for her, and even, for quite a period of time, she regarded him as the whole of her life. However, it seems that she really has nothing for him to deceive.The orphan of the Xia family, what else does she have that is worth deceiving by him, who is in charge of the wind and rain in Ruan Cheng?
She stared blankly at Lin Lin, Lin Lin seemed to be able to see through his inner thoughts, Lin Lin smiled, "Wu Xin, why are you so stupid, what he cheated was your youth."

Is it really?

Immediately, she couldn't restrain the emotions suppressed deep in her heart, and burst into tears. It was the first time that she was so undisguised, releasing her emotions in front of others.

Lin Lin hugged her, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

The night outside the window is still so dark, the darkness makes people feel lonely, and the black people feel fear.

Ever since she left the movie theater, she had never felt that the night in Ruan City could be so long.

The next morning, when she got up, the sun was already high. She spent a whole year falling in love with him, a month leaving him, and a night commemorating the past between her and him.

Her love for him is rotten to the bone, and giving up on him is tantamount to suffering from the classics.

She slowly propped herself up, sat up leaning on the pillow, opened her eyes, the sun outside the window was still bright, the room was already empty, she didn't know when Lin Lin got up and went out.

She couldn't help but smiled wryly. It turns out that I can still sleep well without you.

Just as she shook her head, trying to shake Huo Beixiao's shadow out of her mind, the door was slowly pushed open.

Lin Lin was bringing breakfast, and she was standing at the door with a sunny smile. Lin Lin looked at her who was tired but not as weak as yesterday, and called softly, "Warm heart, are you awake?"

She nodded, forced out a seemingly warm smile in response, "Yeah."

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