"I've been in the movie theater for so long, I want to go out for a walk." Xia Nuanxin looked at Huo Beixiao without any emotion.

The hickey marks on her neck have almost disappeared, but because her skin is too delicate, it still looks a little pink at this moment.

He smiled, "I didn't stop you, if you want to go out, just go out."

She couldn't help frowning, "You didn't stop me, but you sent more than a dozen people to stop me at the gate of the Shadow Garden."

"That's for your safety."


Just three sentences, there is a kind of momentum of the tip of the needle.

However, he was the one who compromised in the end. Even when she asked about it later, he just laughed it off and said - I am taller than you, so when we quarrel, I naturally have to bow my head first.

He took a step back, "Tell me first where you are going."

"I'm going to finish my studies." Her tone was firm.

For a moment, he couldn't help laughing.

The dignified Mrs. Huo actually told him that she wanted to go to school?It seems that there is no funnier joke in the world.

So defenseless, Huo Beixiao laughed out loud.

"Just be happy." This was his attitude, "but," he continued, "you have to accept my kindness, and as for the school arrangement, I will take care of it for you."

She smiled, and had expected that he would have conditions, so she had already prepared herself, "I'm going to F University."

Big F?
There are mostly boys there.Without even thinking about it, he justly refused, "Impossible."

Xia Nuanxin always revealed an elegant desire to protect, how could he send his wife to such a wolf-like place.

She bit her lip, turned her head stubbornly, her eyes were full of stubbornness.

He suddenly realized that his little one had grown up.However, in terms of school selection, he was still unable to make corresponding compromises.

"If you want to continue your studies, go to University A. You can choose your major at will. I won't stop you, but I will definitely not allow you to go to University F." He looked at her.

University A is Murong An's alma mater. Speaking of it, she seems to be younger than Murong An, but Murong An always has a lot of scheming to call her "Sister Xin Sister". Level, let her accommodate her as it should be.

However, she has always been rigorous and thoughtful in her work, but the simplicity of her heart made her defenseless against other people's framing, so she was so nakedly humiliated by others. Every time she thought of Manager Tang rushing over like a wolf at noon Kissing her, she felt sick inside.

"Okay." After she finished speaking, she took out a contract stating that Huo Beixiao had no right to interfere with Xia Nuanxin's private affairs during her enrollment, "If there is no problem, then sign it."

He didn't expect his little guy to be so well prepared. When he got the contract, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He taught her to make the contract with his own hands, but now, she came to him with the contract Talk about conditions.

What's more, she seemed to have expected his attitude a long time ago, and the word "A" was impressively written on the contract.

"My little guy has finally learned how to do business." He couldn't hear the emotions in his tone, as if what she was doing now was taught to her by him.

She didn't speak. She didn't know why. When she heard what he said just now, she felt that her heart was about to be torn.

It broke our hearts.

However, she still stubbornly waited for him to sign her name on the contract.

He misunderstood her, she could bear it, but, in front of her, how to explain the scene between him and Murong An?That night, when she was leaving his room, she clearly heard the conversation between him and Murong An. She was just a puppet raised by him.

In this case, then, she might as well go completely by herself.

His writing style is very powerful, and it is said that his writing is like a person, and it is not an exaggeration to put it on Huo Beixiao. His writing is rebellious and sharp. At first glance, it is indescribably comfortable and domineering.

After he finished signing, she took one copy and kept one, "I'll clean it up today, and go through the enrollment procedures tomorrow."

"what ever."

The moment she turned around, tears had already slid down her cheeks, turning around is the end of the world, even if there is no redemption, even if lovesickness is deep in my bones, the moment she turns around, you will not know the pain and reluctance in my heart.

It turned out that before she knew it, she had already loved him so deeply, and her love for him was so cautious. He told her to treat Murong An kindly, so she took Murong An to work in the company every day. It was Murong An's petty temper that made her very uncomfortable, but she still chose to accommodate.

It's just that I didn't expect that blindly accommodating would lead to such a result.

She doesn't want to live too ostentatiously, she just wants to grow up quietly by herself, and grow into the appearance she expected, but no one is willing to give her just this small wish.

She dug out the clothes that she might not have worn before, such as T-shirts, such as jeans, and packed the entire suitcase sparsely. After she finished packing, she looked back at the whole room, but she couldn't help feeling sad .

After marrying him, she has never been the protagonist in his life. He kept saying that she was the whole of his life, but she couldn't feel it at all.

She clenched her fists to cheer herself up, "Starting today, Xia Nuanxin, you must be strong and transform."

However, just as she sat on the bed, Murong An came in.

When Murong An entered her room, he seldom knocked on the door, as if all the places in this movie park belonged to her, Murong An.

She frowned, and said to Murong An who was still standing at the door and was about to come over, "Miss Murong, please learn a little etiquette in the future, don't you know that you have to knock on the door before entering someone else's room?"

Murong An's originally joking face suddenly changed, but the anger was fleeting. For a person who was about to leave the film studio, what reason would she have to be angry again?

Murong An's originally pretty face turned a little grim, and she walked towards her, "Xia Nuanxin, after waiting for so long, you are finally willing to move away, don't you know that you have been bothering our three Human world?"

After finishing speaking, Murong An rubbed her stomach, and she immediately understood the meaning of Murong An's three-person world.

Thinking about the carnal scene in his room that night, she couldn't help but want to vomit.

Seeing her expression, Murong An didn't stop his acrimonious words, "Why are you pretending to be noble and holy mother? Do you think I don't know your dirty heart? You know why Brother Xiao is trying to steal other people's men by any means. Don't want to touch you? Because you are dirty."

Because you are dirty.

She couldn't help frowning.

"You have lived in the Mo family for such a long time, you must have been played by Mo Yixuan more than once, and also, married people can come back with their lover's hickey, a woman like you is really... ..."

Murong An's words were like a sharp knife piercing her heart. So, is this the reason why he has been unwilling to touch her?

Because she is dirty.

There is not even such a little trust between him and her.

Murong An originally wanted to strike while the iron was hot, but unexpectedly, she smiled, the more Murong An wanted to tear open her wounds and sprinkle salt, the stronger she would be.

"It seems that you have always been the one who meddled in other people's marriages from the beginning to the end, and you were the one who used all means." She looked into Murong An's eyes, and unraveled the lies Murong An had woven, and presented them in front of her.

"Before you moved into the cinema, you directed and acted in the rape, right?"

Murong An was a little startled, how could Xia Nuanxin discover something that even Huo Beixiao didn't see, she couldn't help but blurt out, "How do you know?"

After finishing speaking, Murong An subconsciously realized that she had slipped up, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Seeing Murong An's appearance, she smiled ironically.

"You are really not a qualified actor. If the courier really wants to rape you, then why is the door of your room wide open? Also, since you have time to call Huo Beixiao , why didn't you go to the police? I checked carefully that day, and the bathroom door in your bedroom didn't show any signs of damage. Could it be that you came out and volunteered to be raped by others?" Because I have seen too much Mo Yixuan In the plays she directed and acted in, her ability to perceive these loopholes is not so strong.

What she said was not wrong at all, Murong An did direct and act in a play in order to be able to enter the film park.

However, Murong An's frightened expression soon calmed down, "Do you think brother Xiao will believe you?"

When Murong An said this, he actually had no idea in his heart, just like what Huo Beixiao said when he asked her who made the document - one mistake and everything will be lost.She was still afraid that Xia Nuanxin would really tell Huo Beixiao, then all her plans would be destroyed.

But she didn't want to, she gave Murong An a sarcastic look, "You overestimate yourself."

Huo Beixiao had just walked to the door of her room, perhaps because she heard footsteps in the corridor, Murong An suddenly said, "Sister Xin, it's all my fault, if you can vent your anger by beating me, it will be considered as if you beat me to death An An, An An won't say a single word."

What followed was Murong An's cry.

In the corridor, he heard all of this so clearly.

He frowned and stood there quietly listening.

I only heard a "pop" in the room, it seemed that someone was beaten, and then Murong An's crying, could it be...

He pushed open the door and asked, "What's going on?"

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