After speaking, the pair conveniently hung up the phone.

Xia Nuanxin repeated what the woman said just now - the Yang family has a girl who has just grown up. This was originally a long song written by Tang Xuanzong specially asked Bai Juyi to commemorate the passing of Concubine Yang Gui.

Does this sentence have any profound meaning?

After thinking about it several times, she really couldn't think of any hidden meaning of this sentence. She shook her head, and the drowsiness that had hit her was gone immediately, and she continued to do her work.

Huo Beixiao didn't go as usual, it took a whole half a day to go there.

She just made herself a cup of strong tea, and when she wanted to wake up, Huo Beixiao came back.

"What are you doing?" He smiled and greeted her. He didn't know if he was really thirsty. He picked up the cup she had just drank and was about to drink.

She was slightly taken aback, "Don't, if you want to drink water, I'll pour it for you."

After finishing speaking, she walked to the water dispenser, picked up the disposable paper cups placed there, and pulled out one to help him get water.

"I've kissed you so many times, do you still mind?" He joked, and her face turned red again.

She hurriedly explained, "It's not that I mind, it's just... there is my saliva on the quilt."

It's because I'm afraid you'll dislike me.

This is the other half of the sentence she didn't say.

"That's my honor." After he finished speaking, he lightened his red lips and took a sip.

Afterwards, his brows could not help but wrinkle bitterly.This was his only comment on that cup of tea. It was so bitter that it didn't have the fragrance of tea leaves. Even, because too much theophylline was dissolved in the water, when the tea passed through the tongue, it had an astringent taste.

Looking at her expression, she was a little nervous. Did he despise her like that?
A small sense of loss suddenly appeared in my heart.

He moved his throat, but still swallowed the tea in his mouth.Looking down, the tea in the cup has turned green.There were even a few unfiltered tea stalks glowing.

He asked, "Is this what you drank?"

His eyes were a little cold, and although she didn't know why he asked that question, she still nodded.

Seeing her nodding, a nameless fire suddenly rose in his heart, he went straight to the sink, and poured the tea in the cup into it.

After swirling a few times, the dark green juice disappeared, leaving only the tea stalks in the cup, which were messily placed on the drain.

He turned on the faucet, flushed the cup, washed away the tea stains on it, and also washed away the tea stems left at the mouth of the sewer.

His movements were done in one go, and she looked at him in a daze, "What are you doing, I just soaked this."

Ignoring her regret and anger, he walked straight past her, "Little guy, I won't allow you to drink such strong tea in the future, it's not good for your health."

If the first half of his sentence was domineering and made her angry, then the second half of his sentence was warm and sweet to her.

He put down his glass and rubbed her bangs habitually, "Did anyone call this morning? Did you say anything?"

After being reminded by him, she remembered, "There was an unfamiliar phone call. According to the voice, it should be a girl in her early twenties. She asked me to tell you something, saying——the Yang family has a girl who is just growing up. "

"Oh?" He looked at her suspiciously, and then looked at the phone again.

Regarding his series of actions, she raised her head curiously, "What happened?"

"It's okay," he frowned and said, "Did she say anything else besides this?"

She straightened her bangs that had been messed up by him just now, "She seems to call you—Xiao."

"It's okay, you can go to work." He sorted out the folders on the table and smiled, "You sorted all of these?"

She nodded embarrassingly, and at the same time, smiled sweetly, "Yeah."

"That's right, he looks more and more like a secretary." His smile is charming, but why didn't she notice it at the beginning?

After she lowered her head to do her own thing, he found out the strange mobile phone number and wrote it down.It's just that she didn't notice all of this.

Mo Yixuan's wedding is coming as scheduled, although he doesn't know why he is so anxious to get married, but she seems to be not as attached to him as before, and when it comes to him again, her heart doesn't hurt so much anymore.

She is not as scheming as other girls. When her ex-boyfriend got married, she deliberately dressed up in order to steal the limelight from the bride.

She simply took out a light blue dress from the closet, which was elegant and beautiful.

The wedding was tentatively scheduled to be at ten o'clock in the morning. Huo Beixiao answered the phone early in the morning and hurried out without leaving a word. Seeing that the clock on the wall was almost 09:30, he hadn't come back yet.

It's always bad to be late to someone else's wedding.

She dialed out the familiar and no longer familiar phone number, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, and put it in her ear, waiting for his familiar voice to ring in her ear.

In fact, it didn't seem to be what she expected, there were only two beeps on the other end of the phone, and then a standard Mandarin came, "Sorry, the user you dialed is currently on the phone..."

He hung up the phone.

the first time.

She was a little lost for a moment, put down her phone, and sat by the bed in a daze, feeling inexplicably nervous.

After less than a minute, her cell phone rang again, and it turned out that there was a text message.

It was he who sent it: Nuan Xin, I may not be able to make it to the wedding today, I have something to deal with here, you can ask Assistant Yang to accompany you first, I have already told him.

Subconsciously, she typed these words on the phone screen—what happened? However, in just a few seconds, she deleted it again and replaced it with "Well, it's okay, you go first." Send it over.

If he doesn't say it, he must have his reasons.

Mo Yixuan's wedding was very grand, but everyone in Ruan Cheng invited them one by one. From afar, she saw Mo Ting in a beige long dress with hips wrapped around her.

Also, like her brother's wedding, how could she be absent?
For Mo Ting, this is the best opportunity to meet celebrities.

Xia Nuanxin just took a look and wanted to take a detour.Not because of timidity, but because, with her, there is really nothing to argue with.

However, for some people, you can't avoid them deliberately.After seeing her, Mo Ting came over before she could put down the wine glass in her hand. How could she not be sarcastic?
Seeing Xia Nuanxin turn around, Mo Ting said in a soft voice behind her, "Sister Xin?"

Mo Ting's voice is not like this on weekdays, but it's because there are more noble sons and sons here today.

She subconsciously turned her head back, but it was her turning her head that gave Mo Ting another chance.

"Boss Huo didn't come with you today?" Mo Ting's tone was full of sarcasm.

However, she didn't care, she just smiled lightly, "He has something to do today."

"Huh," Mo Ting snorted coldly, and the red wine in the glass couldn't help shaking, "I'm afraid, it's not that there's something wrong, but..." She deliberately elongated her voice, looked at Xia Nuanxin, and then smiled contemptuously, "You are tired of playing."

Before she could speak, Assistant Yang frowned, "Miss Mo, please be careful."

The frequency of Assistant Yang's appearance is not low, so Mo Ting knows him, but today, no matter what, she has to embarrass Xia Nuanxin, otherwise, it will be difficult to understand her heart.

Mo Ting hooked the corners of her mouth, and squinted at Assistant Yang. Her eyes were very frivolous. At this moment, the whispering just now was gone, and her voice was very harsh, "I can't watch it anymore? I said Xia Nuanxin, This, won't be your new love?"

Before she could speak, Assistant Yang grabbed Mo Ting's hand behind with a backhand. Regardless of the half of the red wine in the glass in her hand, she drew a beautiful arc in the air and splashed it all. On Mo Ting's beige skirt.

Assistant Yang's eyes were a bit cold, "The misfortune comes from the mouth, I still hope Miss Mo understands this truth."

After doing this, Mo Ting couldn't hold back anymore, the red wine stains stained her body, she was in a panic.

As soon as this situation happened, Mo Ting immediately yelled, feeling a bit like a hooligan, attracting countless eyes, "Come here, someone has been beaten, someone has been beaten."

Since they were not afraid of losing face, then she, Mo Ting, was not afraid either.

The little chaos here quickly attracted the attention of the security guards who came to maintain order. When they saw that the person in Assistant Yang's hand was his own lady, his face was a little ugly, "Mister, please let go .”

Assistant Yang ignored the security guards, but said to Mo Ting in a low voice, "Miss Mo, what you said just now is a personal attack. According to the relevant laws and regulations of our country, you have broken the law, and what I just did is nothing but a personal attack." It's just self-defense."

After speaking, he let go of Mo Ting.

Mo Ting's face was a little ugly.

However, the security guard was still relentless, "Sir, please come with us."

Assistant Yang didn't speak, just looked at Mo Ting with a smile, and said after a few seconds, "Do you want to ask your lady first?"

Several security guards looked at each other, and after passing a few glances at each other, they looked at Mo Ting, as if asking her what she meant.

Mo Ting gave Assistant Yang a hard look, and then said, "It's nothing to do with you."

Seeing his young lady speaking, the security guard walked away sheepishly.

Looking at Mo Ting who was still standing there, Xia Nuanxin couldn't help but frowned, "Is there anything else, Ms. Mo?"

She called her Miss Mo, not Tingting who was close to her before, and she lost the last bit of affection she had for the Mo family.

Mo Ting stomped her feet, the wine stains on her skirt were particularly glaring, and she left angrily.

After being disturbed like this, Xia Nuanxin lost all interest.She turned to Assistant Yang and said, "The gift has been delivered, let's go back."

Seeing that she looked a little tired, Assistant Yang nodded, "Yeah."

Unexpectedly, coming to attend Mo Yixuan's wedding ended so hastily.

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