"Lu Zeyao, do you know what you are doing now!" Lu Zhenwei was so angry that his face turned blue. Compared with any other woman, he valued Lu Zeyao's position as president more than any other woman!

"I know, I understand. I have her in my heart for more than five years. We fell in love five years ago. If my mother gets in the way, maybe my son can also go to soy sauce! If you really want me to live well, don't Stop me from being with her again! Otherwise, I will choose to stay away from everything here!" Lu Zeyao's eyes were moist, his character has always been strong, and he never shed tears because of anyone, but for her, his heart ached Woke up.

Without him, he felt that life was meaningless.

"Son, I'm doing it for your own good. She is not worthy of you. With our family's conditions, we can have a better candidate. You are the president of the Lu family. How can you want a woman who can't be on the stage? This is a loss to us Lu For the face of the family, through the ages, our Lu family's standard for choosing a daughter-in-law has been to be of the same family." Mrs. Lu couldn't cry, she couldn't think of her painstaking efforts, and her son didn't appreciate it at all.

"Mom, cover your chest and ask yourself, have you really been happy all these years? Are you really happy? How many times has Dad accompanied you besides his busy career? You are looking for a wife just to find someone who can accompany you. Your shopping partner is not my happy partner! If this custom continues, it will be nothing but a disaster for the Lu family in the future, living a life of self-deception, superficially glamorous, but in fact they don’t understand the real happiness at all! "

From childhood to adulthood, although Lu Zeyao kept silent, he saw all this in his eyes. He understood his mother's loneliness, and his father's heart was not with her. What she got was just the name of Mrs. Lu.

"Presumptuous!" Lu Zhenwei didn't expect that Lu Zeyao would say this, and he was furious, but what he said was true. The people in charge of the Lu family are like this. The red flag at home is not down, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside. They all think that women are just passing on the family line As long as the conditions are right, it doesn't matter which one you marry, but you can keep the one you like outside, this is an open secret.

Mrs. Lu was speechless for a moment, so what her son said made sense?Over the years, she has indeed lived a superficially glamorous life. In fact, she only understands the bitterness in it. She can only ignore how many women her husband has raised outside. She can only keep her position as the president's wife.

As the son said, what about happiness?My husband has never tried to go shopping with me, and he has never ignored her. The way they get along is like a formula. No matter how beautiful she is dressed, he will not look at him directly. It can be said directly that she does not exist in his eyes at all.

"Dad! This is my first and last request to you. If you don't agree, I will hold a press conference to announce my dismissal!" Lu Zeyao said again.

"Are you threatening me!" Lu Zhenwei's veins burst out, his fists were clenched, and he was very angry, his anger was already bursting out.

"I'm asking!" Lu Zeyao said.

"You can marry if you like, but I won't attend your wedding. I can't afford to lose this person, a woman who is full of negativity. Only you dare to marry, and you are not afraid of losing face." Lu Zhenwei finally had to compromise. Lu's position as the master of the family, he has exhausted his whole life's efforts!I don't want to lose the big because of a small one, and then leave angrily.

Since Lu Zhenwei also agreed, Mrs. Lu had nothing to say, she just felt embarrassed that outsiders could see her own sorrow!Are you sad?She sighed softly, but shed tears silently. She herself is not happy, so she has no right to take care of her son's happiness. Besides, for the past five years, she couldn't stop them from being together. , then she has nothing.

Lu Zeyao secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Today, he came here with the attitude of breaking up with his family. Unexpectedly, his father agreed in the end. Although he said he would not come to their wedding, what does it matter?

As long as he can marry her in, it will be fine. There will be a long time to come, and there will be more opportunities for them to accept it slowly. Moreover, at present, his biggest problem is how to get that little woman to agree to marry him.

She seemed completely insecure about him.

He couldn't wait to go back.


Yun Qianchen woke up and saw that Lu Zeyao was not by her side when she saw the bed. Immediately, she got up, changed clothes, washed clothes, and ran out the door.

Unfortunately, as soon as she went downstairs, she saw a certain man and walked in.

She was startled, looked at him, and immediately gave him a bad look.

Lu Zeyao raised his brows, and kept telling himself that he should not argue with her, because her heart has not been opened, and there are some things that need to be opened with her slowly.

Yun Qianchen knew that he couldn't escape, so he simply went back, as long as she didn't give him a good look, I don't believe he would be able to bear it.

Looking at the angry little woman, Lu Zeyao couldn't help but find it funny!
At this time, the bodyguard had already carried the little white one over. He took it, handed it in front of her, and said, "No, our little matchmaker is back."

He deliberately emphasized the words "little matchmaker".

Yun Qianchen turned his head, with joy in his eyes and sadness at the same time, didn't Xiaolan take Xiao Baibai away?Why is it in Lu Zeyao's hands?Could it be that something happened to Ming Yehen?
"What's wrong with it?" Yun Qianchen immediately hugged it, stroking its back with his small hands, with pity in his eyes.

"It has been abandoned by its owner. Now Ming Yehen should take care of it. Maybe he was angry with this puppy. It was abandoned outside the door of the villa. My people picked it up." Lu Zeyao explained. road.

Yun Qianchen felt even more guilty when he heard the words, Ming Yehen must be very angry, otherwise he wouldn't have abandoned it!

This puppy became a doormat, but when Lu Zeyao said it was their little matchmaker, she blushed slightly.

Indeed, if it wasn't for it, she and Lu Zeyao wouldn't meet again, but her eyes dimmed again, what's the use of it?They will not be happy together.

She was sitting in the garden petting the puppy, and when she thought of these things, she was always involuntarily upset.

I don't know what's the point of this?He tied her here.

Lu Zeyao sat beside her, talking to it on his own. Xiao Baibai saw his master again, very well-behaved, nestled in Yun Qianchen's arms all the time, very obedient, those innocent eyes looked like a very Yun Qianchen's eyes were equally clear and pure.

He couldn't help liking this puppy, he stroked it gently and said: "Puppy, I want to give birth to you well in the future, are you Xiaoyuelao sent by God, I hope I will be with Qianchen, we Let me tell you, my parents have agreed that we are together, are you happy? If you are happy, please call twice."

Sure enough, the puppy really barked twice.

Of course Yun Qianchen heard it, and of course he didn't believe him, but it seems that Lu Zeyao never lied, what's going on?His family wanted her life before, how could it be so good now?It's really weird.

They are the Lu family. When she went all out to meet the reporter, she was already prepared and would not marry him. How could a high-ranking woman like Mrs. Lu agree with her being so negative/face/news-ridden? ...One question after another came to mind.

She couldn't help turning her face to look at him, and snorted: "Who is going to marry you?"

Now she really doesn't care about marrying him. Although she loves him, she doesn't want to live a life of being criticized every day.

"If you don't marry, you have to marry. If you don't marry me, who are you going to marry? Silly woman!" Lu Zeyao hugged her tightly and stopped her from moving. Er said, "If you don't believe it, forget it, you just need to be your bride well, and you don't have to worry about other things."

"Don't marry!" Yun Qianchen yelled at him, she thought that the chance of his family agreeing to their marriage was too low, it was impossible to realize it.

Lu Zeyao is not in a hurry, anyway, this is the truth, and he is not in a hurry to explain anything to her!They have plenty of time, as long as his family doesn't make trouble.

"Come on, let's give this puppy a bath. She is dirty, so she probably hasn't taken a bath." Lu Zeyao pulled her.

Yun Qianchen didn't want to, and hugged Xiao Baibai, her eyes became moist and red, she shook off his hand and said, "Lu Zeyao, I really don't understand why you won't let me go? How did I mess with you?" ?”

Tears kept dripping down, like pearls with broken strings, big ones, and the black eyelashes also had teardrops, she didn't want to repeat this, always hope, disappointment, hope again, disappointment again...

She is also a human being, and she also suffers, suffers, and suffers...

She stuffed Xiao Baibai into his hand, since he likes it, she just let him forget it, she can't play with feelings anymore.

This feeling is too hurtful, take it seriously, tears all over your face, don't take it seriously, you don't know what it means.

Maybe she was too serious, that's why she got hurt repeatedly!

Seeing her running away with tears all over her face, Lu Zeyao immediately chased after her, but she ran upstairs, closed the door firmly, and made a loud noise, indicating that she really didn't want to care about him anymore.

Lu Zeyao looked at the closed door and understood her feelings. A while ago, she had experienced too much for him, and she had been working hard to maintain her relationship, but he couldn't give up everything for him at that time, and repeatedly wronged her. It's normal to be angry now.

It wouldn't be like this if she wasn't angry.

"Qianchen, can you have a good talk with me? Why are you doing this?" Lu Zeyao knocked on the door, and felt very sad seeing her like this.

How would he make it up to her?
"I don't want to marry you, I won't be with you if I don't get married in this life!" Yun Qianchen's voice came.

Lu Zeyao listened, his complexion became serious, he was silent for a while, and walked away.

Maybe she really needs to calm down for a while.

He can't force her.

Give her some time, presumably, during the time she left him, she must have suffered a lot of inner torture, he understood those pains, wanted to forget but couldn't forget, and couldn't be together.

I thought they would be like this for the rest of their lives, and there would be no more intersections, but in the end, another turning point appeared
It really whetted his appetite.

Don't say that she couldn't turn the corner all at once, he was also unable to turn the corner.

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